Contoh Soal There Is There Are

Contoh Soal There Is There Are

contoh-contoh soal there is and there are

Daftar Isi

1. contoh-contoh soal there is and there are


-There is a pen in your bag

-there is a book on my table

-there are 4 apples on table

-there are 3 pencils in my bag

2. Contoh soal tentang there is dan there are dan benda benda yang ada di living room

there is: there is a table in my living room,there is a lamp in my living room

there are:there are some couches in my living room,there are some windows in my living room

3. Apa itu There is dan There are? Bagaimana cara penggunaannya?Berikan contoh soalnya!"Ngasal? Report!""Big Point!"​


There Is = Disana Ada,Jika Menggunakan There is Untuk Menunjuk Tunggal Seperti There Is A Cat

There Are = Disana Ada,Jika Menggunakan There Are Untuk Menunjuk Jamak Seperti There is a lot of People

There Is = Tunggal/ Satu

There Are = Jamak/Banyak

Maap Kalo Salah


Penggunaan There is/There are

1. There is

➡️ Digunakan untuk menyatakan keberadaan suatu benda atau kata benda (noun) itu tunggal. Contohnya:

There is a pen (ada sebuah pulpen)There is an apple (ada sebuah apel)


➡️ There is (ada) sebagai kata tunjuk yg menunjukkan keberadaan

A pen (sebuah pulpen) sebagai kata benda yg tunggalAn appel (sebuah apel) sebagai kata benda yg tunggal.

2. There are

➡️Digunakan untuk menyatakan keberadaan suatu benda atau kata benda (noun) itu lebih dari satu atau jamak. Contohnya:

There are two pencils in my bag (Ada dua domba di kebun binatang)


There are (ada) sebagai kata tunjuk yang menunjukkan keberadaan suatu kata benda.Two pencils (dua pensil) sebagai kata benda jamak yaitu ada lebih dari satu.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Penggunaan There is/There are:

Detail JawabanMapel: Bahasa InggrisMateri: There is/areLevel: JHSKode Soal: 5Kode Kategorisasi: 8.5

Kata Kunci:There is a penThere is an appleThere are two pencils

4. Contoh soal(1. Mother is talking to ..... near the gate. They are serious.(2 You must go ..... in town to buy this tool. There is a shopSelling this.(3. As students ..... will be ready to have a test next week. All ofyou must study well.the box is full with things, there is ... for camping in it.& The come here to buy ..... in the mall. They are just windowShopping.6 I'm here all the day I don't go out.... even from my room...... will come and help us here, so let's try to survive8.... is cheap here. I don't like Shopping here it is just forrich people.g Trees grass, land and ...... Look white because of snow10 is there in that house? I hope so let's come closer toI find a helpa l do not know here, exeept you I am new here.12. The presiden candidate is very popular, ..... tenows him wellfrom Tv.​


1. Mother is talking to someone near the gate. They are serious.

2. You must go somewhere in the town to buy this tool. There is a shop selling this.

3. As students should will be ready to have a test next week. All of you must study well.

4. The box is full with things, there is some tool for camping in it.

5. The come here to buy something in the mall. They are just window shopping.

6. I'm here all day i don't go out everywhere even from my room.

7. Somebody will come and help us here, So let's try to survive.

8. More than cheap here. I don't like shopping here it is just for rich people.

9. Tree, grass, land and twigs. Look white because of the snow.

12. The presiden candidate is very popular even people know him well from tv.

5. Fill in the blanks with “ There is, There are or are there to complete the sentences 1. .............. a bag on the table 2. .............. a calendar on the wall 3. .............. two posters in my room 4. .............. a banana in this basket 5. .............. six chairs in the diningroom 6. .............. no milk in the fridge 7. .............. a lot snows in the mountains 8. .............. any mistakes in this text ? 9. .............. no snails in the garden 10. .............. nothing to do ? Soal essay Contoh : ( + ) There is a book in my bag ( - ) There is not a book in my bag ( ? ) Is there a book in my bag 1. ( + ) There are two apples on the table ( - ) ...................................................... ( ? ) ...................................................... 2. ( + ) .................................................... ( - ) There is not noodle left in the plate ( ? ) .......................................................​


1. There is

2. There is

3. There are

4. There is

5. There are

6. There is

7. There are

8. Are there

9. There are

10. Are there


1. (-) There are not two apples on the table

(?) Are there two apples on the table?

2. (+) There is noodle left in the plate?

(?) Is there any noodle left in the plate?


Maaf jika salah. Semoga membantu!

6. ScotlandA lot of people think that Scotland is a part of England but this is untrue. Scotland is, in fact, a part of Great Britain.It is governed from London but in many ways it is a separate nation. It has its own capital city, Edinburgh, its own lawsand its own stamps. It even has its own language. Gaelic, spoken now by only a few people in the islands.There are only about five million Scots, and most of them live in the southern half of country called 'Lowlands', wherethe major cities are situated.But most holiday visitors to Scotland go to the Highlands because of the high mountains and deep volleys, cleanrivers and cold 'lochs'. The Highlands are home to many rare birds and animals, like the golden eagle and the wildcat.which are found nowhere else in Britain. It is a lonely, wild and empty land. Only two per cent of the British population livethere and the population is getting smaller all the time. There is very little work so most of the young people who are bornthere have to move south to find a job. Perhaps the Highlands of Scotland will become the last great wilderness of Europe.14. The text tells us about ....a. Scotland as a nationb. Highlanders in ScotlandC. Rare animals in Scotlandd. The population in Scotlandinc15. Why is the Highland going to be the last of the great wilderness of Europe?a. It's a favorite place in Scotland.6 Contoh Soal Ujian Nasional UN Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP/MTs -​


14. A. Scotland as a nation

15. Because in Scotland have too many rare birds and animals, like the golden eagle and the wildcat.

7. Hi...(your name), i'm so excited Guess what - it's my Dad's 40th birthday next month, and so he's taking us all to London for a weekend! Cool, eh? we're flying over on the Thursday evening. As soon as we arrive, we're going on a tour of the city. They say London is really beautiful by night, and i'm really looking forward to seeing all those famous places. On the Friday we're going to the Tate Modern (the art gallery near the riverThames), then to the Design Museum it's not far from our hotel, so we're planning to walk there. In the afternoon, we're going on the London Eye. Ican't wait to see the Houses of Parliament from up there! Saturday is shopping - there's no doubt about that! We're going to Portobello Road first. Then in afternoon, we're visiting Harrods - the most famous shop in London! Dad's not very happy about it, but I'm sure he'll enjoy it when we're there. On Sunday morning we're going to Hyde Park, and we're flying home in the afternoon. It's my dream trip - and it's happening! Hope everything's OK with you. Love, Cynthia CONTOH SOAL!! Write back cynthia. In your email,tell her about a trip you are going on. Include this information about the arrangement: - where and when you are going - who you are going with you are travelling - where you are staying - what you are doing there - how long you are staying

good morning yes kereji

8. Soalnya 1. Tulis 5 kata sifat n buat kalimat singkat dr kt sifat tersebutContoh .happy (i am happy to study english2. Tulis 5 kata benda dan buat kalimat dari kata benda tersebut.Contoh. book (this is my book)3. Buat 5 kalimat menggunakan kata HAVE dan HAScontoh . My uncle has twenty big house in the village4. Buat 5 kalimat menggunakan kata THERE ARE (ada)5.buat 5 kalimat menggunakan kata THERE IS(ada)​


Semoga membantu yaa :)



a) Kanaya is a diligent student

b) My mom feel disappointed because I got C on my exam

c) The moon is very beautifull

d) Jeno is very handsome

e) Wearing the black dress make Brisia look so fat


a) That pencil look so cute

b) She's Wearing a blue hat

c) The radio is broken

d) This is my pencil case

e) This is my computer

3 (Has)

a) My sister has black hair

b) My father has New handphone

c) She has two books

d) He has gone to the coffeeshop

e) Johnny has bought a New car

3 (Have)

a) I have a New bag

b) We have a good news

c) They have New classmate

d) I have bad feeling

e) I have an eraser


a) There are many students in the school

b) There are many vegetables in the market

c) There are many animals in the zoo

d) There are 5 smart students in the class

e) There are many books


a) There is a small near the park

b) There is a watermelon in the basket

c) There is a globe in my class

d) There is a pencil in the pencil case

e) There is a cat near your house

9. Tugas b ing buat kalimat dari kata there are sama there is itu untuk no 1-10 menggunakan barang/benda yang ada di tas,lalu kalau sudah sampai no 11 membuat kalimat diawali dengan my mother atau barang yang dimiliki oleh ibu bisa diliat dikamar nya ibu masing²Jangan lupa diberi has sama have ya soalnya itu benda yang kita miliki sama benda yang ibu masing² miliki jadi contoh nya seperti : i have (untuk no 1-10) & my mother has (untuk no 11-20)TOLONG TUGAS NYA DI KUMPUL KAN BESOK✌​


there are more than a pound of coke in my bag

I have a lot of pot here

I have a dog sh*t in my bag

I have lil nas x on my bag

there's a doujinshi inside my bag

I have lube and a fleshlight

I have a Colombian dr*uglord's picture

an Iraq lobster is lurking out of my bag

I have a puddle of water inside my bag

there's a giraffe inside my bag

there are armadillos inside my bag

my mother

has a bonsai tree on her bag

has a random dnd dices

there are some rocks inside her bag

has a golden zukkini inside her bag

has a sharingan inside her bag

has diavolo inside her bag

has a funny looking rocket

has a pregnancy tester inside her bag

has a luxurious cigar inside her bag

has a moai statue inside her bag






mohon maap kalo salah

ama brainlyny suruh gw nge sensor

10. Complete the sentences with the correct form, singular orplural, of the given nouns. When necessary, choose the correctword in parentheses in some of the sentences. (Ubahlah bendake bentuk jamak, seperti contoh soal 1 dan 2.1. Chair : I bought some___chairs___2. Potato : I bought some__potatoes______3. Apple : There are a lot of_______on the table4.Vegetable : there is a lot of______on the table5. Bus : I see a lot of______in bus station6. Dish : marry has a lot of______at home7. Baby : There are three______in a room8. Child : I teach many _______9. Woman : I meet four _________today10. Box : There are a lot of______in the street11. Car : there are a lot of______on the road12. Knife : I have some sharp ________13. Novel : I like to read good_______14. Teeth : I brush my ______in the morning15. Letter : Did you get any______today?​


3. Apples

4. Vegetable


6. Dish

7. Babies

8. Children

9. Womans

10. Boxes

11. Cars

12. Knifes

13. Novel

14. Theeth

15. Letter


Semoga membantu

11. ask questions for the answers below. number 1 is for you.contoh : 1. She is a secretary. : What does she do?Soal :2. she works for a multinational company.Jawaban : .......................................3. she lives not far from the office.Jawaban : .......................................4. Her husband is a driver.Jawaban : .......................................5. He drives a car to his office.Jawaban : .......................................6. Most students go to school by bus.Jawaban : .......................................7. There are twenty Boys and twenty eight girls in our class.Jawabannya : ................................8. I usually watch TV on the afternoon.Jawaban : .......................................9. Mr. Yanti is now in her office.Jawaban : .......................................10. He ia big and tall.Jawaban : .......................................Tolong Kak bantu aku , soalnya penting , dikumpulin besok pagi Terima kasih☺️​


2. Who does she work for?

3. Where does she live?

4. What is her husband?

5. What does he drive to the office?

6. What does most students go to school by?

7. How many people are in our class?

8. When do you usually watch TV?

9. Where is ms. Yanti now?

10. What is his characteristics?

maaf jika salah..

12. *SOAL ULANGAN 1 SEMESTER 2* Jawablah pertanyaan berikut ini 1. Apakah Adjective itu ?2. Sebutkan 5 contoh Adjective for people3. Sebutkan 5 contoh Adjective for Animals4. Sebutkan 5 contoh Adjective for things 5. Apakah *arti There is dan There are* ? 6. Apakah *kegunaan There is dan There are ?*7. Ada berapakah *Jenis Pertanyaan dan sebutkan 8. Sebutkan *WH Questions dan artinya ?*9. What is the functions of *Who* ? 10. *Buatlah 5 kalimat yg menggambarkan diri kalian sendiri*​


1. Kata sifat atau adjektiva adalah kelas kata yang mengubah kata benda atau kata ganti, biasanya dengan menjelaskannya atau membuatnya menjadi lebih spesifik. Kata sifat dapat menerangkan kuantitas, kecukupan, urutan, kualitas, maupun penekanan suatu kata. Contoh kata sifat antara lain adalah keras, jauh, dan kaya.

2. The list of the adjectives:

• Active => aktif.

• Afraid => Takut.

• Angry => Marah.

• Awesome => Mengagumkan.

• Beautiful => Cantik.

• Brave => Berani.

• Busy => Sibuk.

• Bored => Bosan.

3. Kata sifat dan artinya untuk mendeskripsikan hewan dalam bahasa Inggris antara lain:

• Cute: lucu.

• Small: kecil.

• Big: besar.

• Dangerous: berbahaya.

• Brave: berani.

• Smart: pintar.

• Large: besar.

• Enourmous: Sangat besar.

4. • other : lain.

• new : baru.

• good : bagus.

• only. : hanya.

• high : tinggi.

5. Ada dan Ada?.

maaf cuman segitu

yang penting pintar okey

semoga saat Ulangan bisa pintar ya


13. 1.) There is a dictionary in my table.2.) There are seven books in my bag.*Tolong bikin 5 tentang there is dan 5 there are seperti contoh di atas ..*Tolong dijawab soalnya dikumpulkan besok ...*Terima kasih ...

1. there is a pen under my pillow
2. there is a flower inside my pencil case
3. there is an apple
4. there is Tom
5. there is a rainbow

1. there are 5 little monkeys playing together
2. there are 3 frogs in the pond
3. there are 2 pen inside my bag
4. there are 5 piece of paper
5. there are 6 cup of green tea
There is a pen in my table
There is my bag on the chair
There is a book in my desk
There is an apple on my table
There is a task in my table

There are two books in my desk
There are three pens in my pencilcase
There are four balls in my classroom
There are twenty tasks in my teacher's desk
There are many books in the library

14. 1. Perhatikan gambar yang ada diatas meja2. Ada 8 jenis benda3. Buatlah dialog seperti pada gambar dibawahnya. Contohnya:1. ( 1 topi) a hat A: Are there two hats on the table?B: No, there aren' t. There is only a hat on the table. Soal↓2. 1kemeja ( a shirt)3. 3 rok ( three skirts)4. 2 baju kaos ( two t- shirts)5. 1 tas ( a bag)6. 5 celana pendek ( five pants)7. 2 pasang sepatu ( two pair of shoes)Jan asal² jawabnya_- soalnya ini pelajaran bukan buat main²pliss bantu kak ​

2. 1kemeja ( a shirt)= iya

3. 3 rok ( three skirts)= iya

4. 2 baju kaos ( two t- shirts)=iya

5. 1 tas ( a bag)=iya

6. 5 celana pendek ( five pants)=iya

7. 2 pasang sepatu ( two pair of shoes)=iya

15. quizzsoal latihan! 1.Nina is a doctor,...2.they are not studying,.... 3.she can play the guitar,....4.the students di dn't do the home wort,... 5.there is fruit in the refrigerator,... 6.I am the strongest,.... met tino last night,... 8.bring me some biscuits,..... •contoh ada di gambar! #no ngasal​


1.Nina is a doctor, isn't she?

2.They are not studying, are they?

3.She can play the guitar, can't she?

4.The students didn't do the home work, did they?

5.There is fruit in the refrigerator, isn't there?

6.I am the strongest, aren't I?

7.You met tino last night, didn't you?

8.Bring me some biscuits, will you?


Untuk membuat question tag:

- perhatikan tense kalimat, karena menentukan question tag yang bagaimana yang akan dipakai.

Kalau past tense misalnya soal nomor 7, maka question tag nya pastikan bentuk past tense juga, dst.

- perhatikan subjek kalimat utama, karena itu juga yang dipakai di question tag, dan kalau subjeknya berupa kata benda yang umum, dirubah menjadi pronoun/kata ganti orang (Contoh soal nomor 4, The students menjadi did they? (they adalah pronoun dari The Students)

Khusus kalimat dengan subjek I dan kalimatnya menggunakan to be am (Contoh soal 6, I am the strongest) maka untuk question tag nya tidak menggunakan am notI tapi aren't I.

-perhatikan apakah subjeknya singular atau plural, karena itu menentukan apakah menggunakan do/does/dis/was/were dst.

Semoga bermanfaat


1.) Nina is a doctor, isn't she?

2.) They are not studying, aren't they?

3.) He can play the guitar, can't he?

4.) The students didn't do the home work, did they?

5.) There is fruit in the refrigerator, isn't it?

6.) I am the strongest, aren't I?

7.) You met tino last night, is it true?

8.) Bring me some biscuits, will you?

16. Soal 1:Make a short dialog of three sentences using “how many" and "how much to ask theamount of the things below.Soal 2: Rearrange the following letters into a word.3) b-a-r-i-t-b4) e-h-S-O-rContoh soal 3:Make a short dialog to ask the names of animals below?a.rabbitb.elephantSoal 4:Make a short dialog of three sentences using there is or there are to ask the animalsbelow?Soal 5:Make a short dialog of three sentences using "how many" to ask the amountthe animals below.​


Jawaban:1. Ariana : Excusme sir,How much does one pen cost?

Jawaban:1. Ariana : Excusme sir,How much does one pen cost?Sellers: that's 2.000 rupiah. How many pens do you want?

Jawaban:1. Ariana : Excusme sir,How much does one pen cost?Sellers: that's 2.000 rupiah. How many pens do you want?Ariana: I want to buy three pens.

Jawaban:1. Ariana : Excusme sir,How much does one pen cost?Sellers: that's 2.000 rupiah. How many pens do you want?Ariana: I want to buy three pens.2. a. Rabbits

Jawaban:1. Ariana : Excusme sir,How much does one pen cost?Sellers: that's 2.000 rupiah. How many pens do you want?Ariana: I want to buy three pens.2. a. Rabbits b. Horse

Jawaban:1. Ariana : Excusme sir,How much does one pen cost?Sellers: that's 2.000 rupiah. How many pens do you want?Ariana: I want to buy three pens.2. a. Rabbits b. Horse3. Tiara: mom,I want to ask an animal that has long ears can jump and what animal do you like to eat carrots?

Jawaban:1. Ariana : Excusme sir,How much does one pen cost?Sellers: that's 2.000 rupiah. How many pens do you want?Ariana: I want to buy three pens.2. a. Rabbits b. Horse3. Tiara: mom,I want to ask an animal that has long ears can jump and what animal do you like to eat carrots?Tiara mother's: oh that animal name is RABBIT. and now tiara answers the puzzle of mother,what animal has a trunk,it's ears are wide and has white tusk,what animal is it called?

Jawaban:1. Ariana : Excusme sir,How much does one pen cost?Sellers: that's 2.000 rupiah. How many pens do you want?Ariana: I want to buy three pens.2. a. Rabbits b. Horse3. Tiara: mom,I want to ask an animal that has long ears can jump and what animal do you like to eat carrots?Tiara mother's: oh that animal name is RABBIT. and now tiara answers the puzzle of mother,what animal has a trunk,it's ears are wide and has white tusk,what animal is it called?Tiara: oh,I know,it's an elephant. am I right mam?

Jawaban:1. Ariana : Excusme sir,How much does one pen cost?Sellers: that's 2.000 rupiah. How many pens do you want?Ariana: I want to buy three pens.2. a. Rabbits b. Horse3. Tiara: mom,I want to ask an animal that has long ears can jump and what animal do you like to eat carrots?Tiara mother's: oh that animal name is RABBIT. and now tiara answers the puzzle of mother,what animal has a trunk,it's ears are wide and has white tusk,what animal is it called?Tiara: oh,I know,it's an elephant. am I right mam?Tiara mother's: yeah, that's right

Jawaban:1. Ariana : Excusme sir,How much does one pen cost?Sellers: that's 2.000 rupiah. How many pens do you want?Ariana: I want to buy three pens.2. a. Rabbits b. Horse3. Tiara: mom,I want to ask an animal that has long ears can jump and what animal do you like to eat carrots?Tiara mother's: oh that animal name is RABBIT. and now tiara answers the puzzle of mother,what animal has a trunk,it's ears are wide and has white tusk,what animal is it called?Tiara: oh,I know,it's an elephant. am I right mam?Tiara mother's: yeah, that's right 4.Anya: thomas, how many fish in your pond?

Jawaban:1. Ariana : Excusme sir,How much does one pen cost?Sellers: that's 2.000 rupiah. How many pens do you want?Ariana: I want to buy three pens.2. a. Rabbits b. Horse3. Tiara: mom,I want to ask an animal that has long ears can jump and what animal do you like to eat carrots?Tiara mother's: oh that animal name is RABBIT. and now tiara answers the puzzle of mother,what animal has a trunk,it's ears are wide and has white tusk,what animal is it called?Tiara: oh,I know,it's an elephant. am I right mam?Tiara mother's: yeah, that's right 4.Anya: thomas, how many fish in your pond?Thomas: There are 14 fish in my pond

Jawaban:1. Ariana : Excusme sir,How much does one pen cost?Sellers: that's 2.000 rupiah. How many pens do you want?Ariana: I want to buy three pens.2. a. Rabbits b. Horse3. Tiara: mom,I want to ask an animal that has long ears can jump and what animal do you like to eat carrots?Tiara mother's: oh that animal name is RABBIT. and now tiara answers the puzzle of mother,what animal has a trunk,it's ears are wide and has white tusk,what animal is it called?Tiara: oh,I know,it's an elephant. am I right mam?Tiara mother's: yeah, that's right 4.Anya: thomas, how many fish in your pond?Thomas: There are 14 fish in my pondAnya: wow so many

5.Kenny: hay, amel do you have any pets?

5.Kenny: hay, amel do you have any pets?amel: well, I have

5.Kenny: hay, amel do you have any pets?amel: well, I haveKenny: How many?

5.Kenny: hay, amel do you have any pets?amel: well, I haveKenny: How many?amel: I have 3 cats.

17. tolong jawab pertanyaan ini contohnya ada di gambarsoal : 1. I Have a small garden in front of my house 2. There is a star-fruit tree there. there are many files there3. 4. 5.6.7.di isi


3. The tree grows well because of the worm inside the soil.

4. There are so many animals living in the tree.

5. A cocoon is hanging on the twig ready to be a beautiful butterfly soon.

6. Some leaves become the cricket's lunch.

7. A happy ladybug flies and lands on the leaf.


1. Aku punya sebuah kebun kecil di depan rumahku.

2. Terdapat sebuah pohon belimbing di sana. Terdapat banyak lalat juga di sana.

3. Pohon itu tumbuh subur karena ada cacing di dalam tanah.

4. Terdapat banyak hewan hidup di sekitar pohon.

5. Seekor kepompong bergantungan di ranting siap untuk menjadi seekor kupu-kupu yang cantik segera.

6. Beberapa daun menjadi menu makan siang jangkrik.

7. Seekor kepik yang bahagia terbang dan mendarat pada sebuah daun.

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18. Friday, July 24th, 2020Lesson 1Present Continuous TenseA. PENGERTIAN/FUNGSI/KEGUNAAN Continuous sering juga di kenal dengan istilah Progressive.Fungsi present continuous tense adalah :1. Menyatakan sesuatu yang sedang terjadi/berlangsung saat pembicaraan.Contoh:> The man is counting the money> They are practicing Tai Chi right now> I am writing a letter right now2. Untuk menyatakan suatu rencana di masa yang akan datang.Contoh:> We are going camping tomorrow> she is starting piano lessons soon> We are visiting our teacher next weekUntuk membentuk kalimat present Continuous Tense kita menggunakan am, is, dan are sebagai kata kerja bantu (helping verbs/auxiliary verbs). Ingat..... Am digunakan untuk subjek I Is digunakan untuk subjek she, he, it Are digunakan untuk subjek you, we, they. Am, is, are (to be bentuk present) . V+ing (present participle) B. RUMUS- ```Positive``` ```form``` *Subject* + *am* / *is* / *are* + *Verb* 1+ *ing* + *Object* *Complement* - ```Negative``` ```form``` *Subject* + *am* / *is* / *are* + *not* + *Verb* 1+ *ing* + *object* *Complement* - ```Interrogative``` ```form``` *Am* , *is* , *are* + *Subject* + *Verb* 1+ *ing* + *object* *Complement* ? Ingat: (Ada 2 bentuk pertanyaan) 1. Yes/no question 2. WH Question . What (apa) . Who (siapa) . Where (dimana) . When (kapan) . Why (mengapa) . How (bagaimana)Perhatikan ketika membuat pertanyaan untuk:1. Yes/no questionMaka letakkan to be (am, is, are) di awal kalimat lalu di ikuti subjek dan kata kerja. Contoh:. Are they watching television? . Yes, they are . No, they are not. Is he going to the bank? . Yes, he is . No, he is not2. WH QuestionMaka letakkan WH didepan lalu di ikuti oleh to be (am, is, are) kemudian di akhiri oleh subjek dan kata kerja. Contoh:. What are they doing there? . They are playing football. Who are you talking to? . I am talking to my brotherTime signals yang digunakan:. at the moment. just now. now. right now, dll. Soal.Ubahlah kalimat di bawah ini(+) My mother is cooking right now.(-) ...........................…....................(?) ...........................…....................?(+) ...........................…....................(-) ...........................…....................(?) Where are they swimming now ?​


(+)my mother is cooking right now

(-)my mother is not cooking right now

(?)Is my mother cooking right now?

(+)they are swimming in pool now

(-)they are not swimming in pool now

(?)where are they swimming now?


untuk jawaban nomor 1 menggunakan question yes/no dan untuk jawaban nomor 2 menggunakan wh question

dan untuk setiap signal now,just now,right now dll berarti kalimat nya menunjukkan kejadian yg sedang terjadi(continuous tense)

maap salah:(

19. Lihat soal no 1 sebagai contoh cara menjawab1. Dinda gets 100 in MathematicsHow..... jadi how smart she is!What .... jadi what a smart student she is !2.Anton often gives money to some beggars on the way going home from his schoolHow .......What ......3. There are two big houses near the parkHow .....What .........4. The student always come at school on timeHow ....What .........5. Mother wears a nice ring on her left ring fingerHow .......What..SS​


2. how generous he is

what a generous person he is

3. how big the house is

what a big park it is

4. how dilligent they are

what a dilligent student they are

5. how pretty it is

what a pretty ring it is


2. How kind he is, What a very humble person he is

3. How big those houses that are near the park, What a big houses those are near the park

4. How discipline the student is, What a diligent student

5. How beautiful ring on mother's finger, What a nice ring on her left finger

20. 1. Menuliskan perbedaan There is dan there are, soal no. 12. Membuat kalimat menggunakan there is atau there are. Soal no. 23. Memahami simple present tense. Soal no. 34. Membuat contoh simple present tense sesuai ilustrasi gambar. Soal no. 45. Menyusun kalimat dengan present continuous tense. Soal no. 56. Membuat kalimat perbandingan sesuai ilustrasi gambar. Soal no. 67. Menyebutkan structure teks recount. Soal no. 78. Mengidentifikasi tujuan teks recount. Soal. No. 89. Memahami teks recount. Soal no. 910. Memahami struktur Bahasa. Soal no. 10tolong yg bisa jawab yaaa​



1.Is berarti hanya satu benda

 Are berarti lebih dari satu

2.There is / There's a milk in the fridge

   There are a few things you need to know

3.Simple Present Tense adalah bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan sesuatu yang terjadi saat ini (present) pada suatu spesifik waktu. Karena terjadi pada waktu sekarang, maka pasti menggunakan kata kerja pertama (verb 1) dalam susunan kalimatnya.

4.I always come on time.

  I will go swimming if I have free time.

5.They are spending their holiday at Bali now.

  My brother is playing a game now

6. ??

7.Orientation (Pembuka)

  Event (Isi)

  Reorientation (Penutup/ kesimpulan)

8.Tujuan dari Recount Text adalah untuk memberikan informasi atau untuk menghibur pembaca sehingga tidak terdapat konflik.

9. ??

10. ??

Terima kasih.Semoga membantu

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