Contoh Kalimat Past Future Continuous Tense Positif Negatif Interogatif

Contoh Kalimat Past Future Continuous Tense Positif Negatif Interogatif

5 contoh kalimat past future continuous tense positif negatif interogatif​

Daftar Isi

1. 5 contoh kalimat past future continuous tense positif negatif interogatif​


1. I would be attendinng the conference if I was in yogyakarta but now I'm not in yogyakarta

2. I would be doing my homework all day long tomorrow

3. I would be singing in Indonesian anthem last sunday

4. sinta would be meeting in the school tomorrow

5. kiki would be standing up in front of school yard after tomorrow


S+would+Be+Present Participle

2. Contoh kalimat future perfect continuous tense positif negatif dan interogatif

Contoh kalimat future perfect continous tense:


You will have been running tomorrow.


She will not have been getting higher anymore.


Will Dani have been finishing his homework?

3. Contoh kalimat past perfect continuous tense positif negatif dan interogatif

Past Perfect Continuous Tense


The sentence of past perfect continuous tense:


She had been explaining the lesson since two hours ago.

=> Dia telah sedang menjelaskan pelajaran itu sejak dua jam yang lalu.


She had not been explaining the lesson since two hours ago.

=> Dia belum sedang menjelaskan pelajaran itu sejak dua jam yang lalu.


Had she been explaining the lesson since two hours ago?

=> Apakah dia sudah sedang menjelaskan pelajaran itu sejak dua jam yang lalu?


Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Past perfect continuous tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa suatu kejadian dimulai pada masa lampau, terus berlanjut sampai suatu waktu di masa lampau, dan juga berakhir di waktu tertentu di masa lampau (tense ini menekankan pada proses atau adanya kejadian yang terus berlanjut dengan durasi tertentu).

Rumus Past Perfect Continuous Tense cukup sederhana yaitu had + been + Verb-ing (present participle). Rumus tersebut tidak akan berubah meskipun kita menggunakan subjek tunggal atau jamak.



Subject + had + been + Verb-ing (present participle) + object


Subject + had + not + been + Verb-ing (present participle) + object


Had + subject + been + Verb-ing (present participle) + object?

Note: Perlu diperhatikan bahwa dalam memahami tense ini adalah kata kerja yang digunakan haruslah mempunyai bentuk Continuous atau Progressive.

Contoh kalimat:

1. (+) Ameera had been doing her homework when her mother came in to her room.

=> Ameera telah sedang mengerjakan pekerjaan rumahnya ketika ibunya datang ke kamarnya.

(-)  Ameera had not been doing her homework when her mother came in to her room.

=> Ameera belum sedang mengerjakan pekerjaan rumahnya ketika ibunya datang ke kamarnya.

(?) Had Ameera been doing her homework when her mother came in to her room?

=> Apakah Ameera sedang mengerjakan pekerjaan rumahnya ketika ibunya datang ke kamarnya?

2. (+) Attar had been watering the flowers since two hours ago.

=> Attar telah sedang menyirami bunga-bunga itu sejak dua jam yang lalu

(-) Attar had not been watering the flowers since two hours ago.

=> Attar belum sedang menyirami bunga-bunga itu sejak dua jam yang lalu

(?) Had Attar been watering the flowers since two hours ago?

=> Apakah Attar telah sedang menyirami bunga-bunga itu sejak dua jam yang lalu?

3. (+) She had been cooking the food in the kitchen when someone knocked the door last night.

=> Dia telah sedang memasak makanan di dapur ketika seseorang mengetuk pintu tadi malam.

(-) She had not been cooking the food in the kitchen when someone knocked the door last night.

=> Dia belum sedang memasak makanan di dapur ketika seseorang mengetuk pintu tadi malam.

(?) Had she been cooking the food in the kitchen when someone knocked the door last night?

=> Apakah dia telah sedang memasak makanan di dapur ketika seseorang mengetuk pintu tadi malam?

4. (+) Bayu had been meeting with his client when Attar called him yesterday.

=> Bayu telah sedang bertemu dengan kliennya ketika Attar meneleponnya kemarin.

(-) Bayu had not been meeting with his client when Attar called him yesterday.

=> Bayu belum sedang bertemu dengan kliennya ketika Attar meneleponnya kemarin.

(?) Had Bayu been meeting with his client when Attar called him yesterday?

=> Apakah Bayu telah sedang bertemu dengan kliennya ketika Attar meneleponnya kemarin?

5. (+) Iqbal had been typing the letter about an hour ago.

=> Iqbal telah sedang mengetik surat itu sekitar satu jam yang lalu.

(-) Iqbal had not been typing the letter about an hour ago.

=> Iqbal belum sedang mengetik surat itu sekitar satu jam yang lalu.

(?) Had Iqbal been typing the letter about an hour ago.

=> Apakah Iqbal telah sedang mengetik surat itu sekitar satu jam yang lalu.

6. (+) Ammar had been watching TV when I went home last night.

=> Ammar telah sedang menonton TV ketika saya pulang ke rumah tadi malam.

(-) Ammar had not been watching TV when I went home last night.

=> Ammar belum sedang menonton TV ketika saya pulang ke rumah tadi malam.

(?) Had Ammar been watching TV when I went home last night?

=> Apakah Ammar telah sedang menonton TV ketika saya pulang ke rumah tadi malam?




Kelas : 10

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris  

Bab : 7

Kode : 10.5.7

4. contoh kalimat positif negatif dan interogatif simple past tense

+ i am buy book
- I am not buy book
? What i buy bookSIMPLE PAST TENSE: S + V1(s/es) + O
(+) : I go to school with you. OR She reads Harry Potter's book.
(-) : I don't go to school with you. OR She doesn't read Harry Potter's book.
(?) : Do I go to school with you? OR Does she read Harry Potter's book?

5. Contoh kalimat aktif dan pasif yang sama dari tense simple future,future continuous,future perfect,future perfect continuous,simple future past tense,future past continuous,future past perfect,future past perfect continuous tense


simple future


i will draw cute character for my comic


The cute character will be drawn by me for my comic

future continue


i will be drawing cute character for my comic


The cute character will be being drawn by me for my comic

future perferct


i will have drawn cute character for my comic


The cute character will have been drawn by me for my comic

future perferct continue


i will have been drawing cute character for my comic


The cute character Will have been being drawn by me for my comic

simple future past


i would draw cute character for my comic


The cute character would be drawn by me for my comic

future past continuous


i would be drawing cute character for my comic


The cute character would be being drawn by me for my comic

future past perferct


i would have drawn cute character for my comic


the cute character would have been drawn by me for my comic

future past perferct continuous


i would have been drawing cute character for my comic


the cute character would have been being drawn by me for my comic

6. Tulislah contoh kalimat past future tense positif, negatif, dan interogatif!

Nama saya W.R. Jackson. Nama depan saya adalah Willard dan nama tengah saya adalah Ross. Saya lahir pada 27 November 1987, di sebuah kota kecil dekat sini. Bahasa ibu saya adalah bahasa Inggris. Saya berbicara sedikit bahasa Spanyol, bahasa Jerman kecil, dan sedikit bahasa Jepang. Saya tidak bisa berbicara bahasa ini dengan baik. Saya sering membuat kesalahan ketika saya berbicara bahasa ini. Nama istri saya adalah Jane Jackson. Nama keluarganya adalah Smith. Bahasa ibu istri saya adalah bahasa Inggris, tetapi ia berbicara beberapa bahasa. Dia berbicara bahasa Spansh dan Portugis juga. Dia berbicara bahasa Arab. Ayah istri saya adalah seorang insinyur dan saya juga. Ayah saya adalah seorang pustakawan. Dia bekerja di perpustakaan di Universitas Princeton. Ayah dan istri istriku seusia. Ibu istri saya dan istri saya tidak bekerja. Ibu istri saya dua tahun lebih tua dari ibu saya. Ibu saya berada di rumah sakit selama tiga minggu selama bulan April.

7. contoh kalimat positif negatif dan interogatif simple past tense

Jawaban :
--Simple Past Tense--
(+) I saw the man with a pair of sharp eyes
(-) I didn't see the man with a pair of sharp eyes
(?) Did I see the man with a pair of sharp eyes?

Semoga membantu^^

8. buatlah 3 kalimat past continuous tense positif,negatif,dan interogatif#mohon bantuanya​

positif :

1. I was doing homework when my friend came

2. My mother was cooking when I got home

3. You were talking to me when your Mother called

negatif :

1. I was not doing our homework when my friend came

2. My mother was not cooking when I got home

3. You were not talking to me when your Mother called

interrogatif :

1. Was I doing our homework when my friend came?

2. Was my mother cooking when I got home?

3. Were you talking to me when yout mother called?

9. berikanlah 7 contoh kalimat future perfect continuous negatif, positif dan interogatif?​


•kalimat positif

1.i will have been teaching here for five years (aku akan telah mengejar disini selama lima tahun pada tahun ini)

•kalimat negative

1. i will not have been teaching here for years this year ( aku tidak akan mengajar disini selama 7 tahun pada tahun ini)

•kalimat interrogative

1.will you have been teaching here for five years this year? (apakah kamu akan mengajar disini selama lima tahun pada tahun ini?)



10. 20 contoh kalimat past future tense positif, negatif, interogatif.

-Budi went to school yesterday
-She rode bycycle two days ago
-Rina lost her book last week
-He listened music two hours ago
-lila helped her mother cooking three days ago
-Tio broke the mirror last week
-Mila ate fried rice last week
-She studied english last night
-He climbed the mountain yesterday
-they played basket ball a week ago
-the cat ate many fishes yesterday
-we were naughty boy a year ago
-she was a math teacher
-I visited grandmother's house last week

-Budi did not go to school yesterday
-she did not ride bycycle two days ago
-rina did not lose her book last week
-he did not listen music two hours ago
-lila did not help her mother cooking three days ago
-tio did not break the mirror last week
-mila did not eat fried rice last week
-she did not study english last night
-he did not climb the mountain yesterday
-they did not play basket ball a week ago
-the cat did not eat many fishes yesterday
-we were not naughty boy a year ago
-she was not a math teacher
-i did not visited grandmother's house last week

-did budi go to school yesterday?
-did she ride bycycle two days ago?
-did rina lose her book last week?
-did he listen music two hours ago?
-did lila help her mother cooking three days ago?
-did tio break the mirror last week?
-did mila eat fried rice last week?
-did she study english last night?
-did he climb the montain yesterday?
-did they play basket ball a week ago?
-did the cat eat many fishes yesterday?
-were we naughty boy a year ago?
-was she a math teacher?
-did i visit my grandmother's house last week?

kira" begitu...
-kalau positif:S+V2/was/were+object+complement
-kalau negatif:S+did not+V1/was/were+object+complement
-kalau introgatif:did/was/were+S+V1+Object+Complement
semoga bermanfaat ya

11. Contoh kalimat positif negatif dan interogatif dalam past tense

Saya akan berikan 2 Contoh Kalimat, yaitu :

(+) Yesterday i went to Semarang
(-) Yesterday i didn't went to Semarang
(?) Did i went to Semarang?

(+) Im watching movies last night
(-) I didn't watch movies last night
(?) Did i watching movies last night?

Maaf jika salah!!!

(+) I've made a book about how to take a good care of cat

(-) I havent make a book about how to take a good care of cat

(?) Have i make a book about how to take a good care of cat?


(+) Aku sudah membuat sebuah buku tentang cara merawat kucing dengan baik

(-) Aku belum membuat sebuah buku tentang cara merawat kucing dengan baik

(?) Sudahkah aku membuat sebuah buku tentang cara merawat kucing dengan baik?

12. 30 contoh kalimat present future tense positif, negatif, interogatif.

im going to korea soon
im will not married until im success
what will you eat for dinner tonight ?

13. contoh kalimat future tense positif negatif interogatif.​


Simple Future Tense

(dipergunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang akan dilakukan pada waktu yang akan datang)

(+) He will come to meet us tomorrow

(-) He will not come to meet us tomorrow

(?) Will he come to meet us tomorrow?


(+) He will come to meet us tomorrow (Dia akan datang menemui kita besok)

(-) He will not come to meet us tomorrow (Dia tidak akan datang menemui kita besok)

(?) Will he come to meet us tomorrow?

(Akankah dia datang menemui kita besok?)

14. 5 contoh kalimat past future perfect tense, positif negatif interogatif​

past future perfect tense :


Subject + would/should + Have + been + complement

example :

1. (+) he would have been a rich man

(-) he would not have been a rich man

(?) would he have been a rich man?

2. (+) i would have been a pilot

(-) i would not have been a pilot

(?) would i have been a pilot?

3. (+) she would have been angry

(-) she would not have been angry

(?) would she have been angry?


Subject + would/should + have + verb3 + object/adverb


1. (+) she would have watched the television

(-) she would not have watched the television

(?) would she have watched the television?

2. (+) he would have eaten the food

(-) he would not have eaten the food

(?) would he have eaten the food?

3. (+) she would have swept the floor

(-) she would not have swept the floor

(?) would she have swept the floor?

maaf kalo ada yang kurang tepat :)

15. 15 contoh kalimat future perfect tense positif negatif interogatif

Future perfect tense adalah tense yang digunakan untuk kejadian yang telah selesai di masa depan. Jadi, kita menggunakan tense untuk membicarakan suatu kejadian di masa depan yang telah selesai. Rumus dari tense ini adalah

Subject + will have + past participle (v3)


Contoh kalimat future perfect tense yaitu

1. (+) I will have been here for six months on June 23rd.

(-)  I will not (won't) have been here for six months on June 23rd.

(?) Will I have been here for six months on June 23rd?

2. (+) By the time you read this I will have left.

(-) By the time you read this I won't have left.

(?) By the time you read this, will I will have left?

3. (+) You will have finished your report by this time next week.

(-) You won't have finished your report by this time next week.

(?) Will you have finished your report by this time next week?

4. (+) They will have arrived by 5:00.

(-) They won't have arrived by 5:00.

(?) Will they have arrived by 5:00?

5. (+) You will have eaten when I pick you up.

(-) You won't have eaten when I pick you up.

(?) Will you have eaten when I pick you up?

6. (+) You will have done your work by tomorrow

(-) You won't have done your work by tomorrow

(?) Will you have done your work by tomorrow?

7. (+) The parade will have ended by the time you get out of bed.

(-) The parade won't have ended by the time you get out of bed.

(?) Will the parade have ended by the time you get out of bed?

8. (+) He will have spent all the money before holiday ends.

(-) He won’t have spent all the money before holiday ends.

(?) Will he have spent all the money before holiday ends?

9. (+)  I will have reached the top achievement by the next five years.

(-) I won't have reached the top achievement by the next five years.

(?) Will I have reached the top achievement by the next five years?

10. (+) Mother will have retired from work by the time I finish college.

(-) Mother won't have retired from work by the time I finish college.

(?) Will mother have retired from work by the time I finish college?

11. (+) The teacher will have tolerated the same behavior if it happens again the next semester.

(-) The teacher won't have tolerated the same behavior if it happens again the next semester.

(?) Will the teacher have tolerated the same behavior if it happens again the next semester?

12. (+) She will have passed the test until she can answer all of the questions.

(-) She won’t have passed the test until she can answer all of the questions.

(?) Will she have passed the test until she can answer all of the questions?

13. (+) I will have booked the flight ticket by the time she asks me.

(-) I won’t have booked the flight ticket by the time she asks me.

(?) Will I have booked the flight ticket by the time she asks me?

14. (+) The children will have gone to bed when we arrive home.

(-) The children won't have gone to bed when we arrive home.

(?) Will the children have gone to bed when we arrive home?

15. (+) He will have sent the letter when we get home.

(-) He won't have sent the letter when we get home.

(?) Will he have sent the letter when we get home?

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Contoh lainnya dari future perfect tense dapat dilihat di


Detil jawaban

Kelas: -

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Future Perfect Tense

Kode: -

Kata kunci: contoh future perfect tense

16. Cantoh kalimat past continuous tense berupa positif, negatif, dan interogatif

• I was watching tv when he knocked the door.
• I wasn't watching tv when he knocked the door.
• Was I watching tv when he knocked the door?

17. Contoh kalimat future perfect continuous tense positif negatif interogatif beserta artinya


contoh kalimat future perfect continuous tense


you will have been running tomorrow


she Will not have been getting higher anymore


Will Dani have been finishing his homework?


follow akun brainly ku

gue follow balik


Contoh kalimat future perfect continuous adalah

(+) We will have been playing kite by this time tomorrow.

(-) We won't have been playing kite by this time tomorrow.

(?) Will we have been playing kite by this time tomorrow?


Rumus dari future perfect continuous adalah

Subject + will + have been + verb -ing + object.

Contoh kalimat lainnya adalah

(+) My mother will have been cooking chicken soup when I come home.

(-) My mother won't have been cooking chicken soup when I come home.

(?) Will my mother have been cooking chicken soup when I come home?

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai future perfect continuous pada


18. contoh kalimat positif,negarif tanya dari present perfect tense present perfect continuous tense Simple Past Tense past continuous tense past perfect tense past perfect continuous tense simple future tense future continuous tense future perfect tense future perfect continuous tense Simple Past future tense past future continuous tense past future perfect tense past future perfect continuous tense​











sorry cuman bisa bantu segini

19. Contoh kalimat positif negatif dan kalimat tanya dari past future continuous tense


S + should/would + be + V ing + O

1. (+) Uncle Greg should be working hard.

(-) Uncle Greg should not be working hard.

(?) Should Uncle Greg be working hard?

2. (+) He would be listening to the lesson.

(-) He would not be listening to the lesson

(?) Would he be listening to the lesson?

20. Berikan 9 contoh kalimat past continuous positif, negatif dan interogatif?

Past Continuous Tense


1. (+) Ammar was watching Kian Santang when I called him.

    (-) Ammar was not watching Kian Santang when I called him.

    (?) Was Ammar watching Kian Santang when I called him?

2. (+) He was playing a game when his mom came in.

    (-) He was not playing a game when his mom came in.

    (?) Was he playing a game when his mom came in?

3. (+) I was reading a novel when you telephoned

   (-) I was not reading a novel when you telephoned

   (?) Were you reading a novel when I telephoned?

4. (+) Ameera was studying in her room when he came.

    (-) Ameera was not studying in her room when he came.

    (?) Was Ameera studying in her room when he came?

5. (+) They were chatting when the teacher explained the lesson

    (-) They were not chatting when the teacher explained the lesson

     (?) Were they chatting when the teacher explained the lesson

6. (+) Ammar and Ameera were arguing about something when I walked into the room.

    (-) Ammar and Ameera were not arguing about something when I walked into the room

    (?) Were Ammar and Ameera arguing about something when I walked into the room?

7. (+) She was having breakfast when the bus came.

    (-) She was not having breakfast when the bus came.

   (?) Was she having breakfast when the bus came?

8. (+) He was sleeping when his father watched the TV.

    (-) He was not sleeping when his father watched the TV.

    (?) Was he sleeping when his father watched the TV.

9. (+) He was doing his homework when someone knocked the door.

    (-) He was not doing his homework when someone knocked the door.

   (?) Was he doing his homework when someone knocked the door.


Past continuous tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan bahwa suatu aksi sedang terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau. The action happens before or after another action.  


(+) S + was/were + present participle (-ing)  (-) S + was/were + not + present participle (-ing)  (?) was/were + S + present participle (-ing)  




Kelas : 10  

Mata Pelajaran: bahasa Inggris  

Bab : 7  

Kode: 10.5.7  


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