The One That Got Away Makna

The One That Got Away Makna

majas simile , metaphor, personification in the song the one that got away

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1. majas simile , metaphor, personification in the song the one that got away


perumpamaan majas, metafora, personifikasi dalam lagu yang lolos


majas simile , metaphor, personification in the song the one that got away → artinya → perumpamaan majas, metafora, personifikasi dalam lagu yang lolos

2. Contoh kalimat majas simile, pesonifikasi, metafora dari lagu the one that got away


ada di penjelasan kalo misal kurang tepat komen ya


"The One That Got Away"

Brooke Motusesky

Katy Perry

Katy Perry

Katy Perry is a very popular artist who was born in 1984. She has sold 81 million singles in her career. She was first signed by the "Metamorphosis Music" record label. Katy Perry's net worth is estimated to be $125 million in 2016. She mostly writes about her life and stuff that has happened to her. She commoly writes about love as well. Because of all this she is popular and has had many boyfriends because of that. This makes it easy for her to write about love.



The problem in the song is that Katy Perry had a boyfriend and they were the perfect pair. They were meant to be and she loved him. Then they broke up with each other. She wishes she they didn't. She knows now that he was the one and she should have never broke up with him.


Katy Perrry says "In another life, I would make you stay" This is showing how if she had another chance with him she would make him stay so she wouldn't break up. She would make sure he nevers leaves her because she knows they are the perfect pair.


Figurative language

Figurative Language

Katy Perry uses a metaphor and a hyperbole to show menaing in her song. It makes the song more meaningful to her and the listener. This symbolizes how she cares about the song and what it means to her.


The hyperbole she uses is "We keep all our promises, be us against the world". This is an exaggeration because they wouldn't be against the world. She is saying that they will be against everyone but they are just going to be against the people that throw shade at them.


The metaphor she uses is “It's time to face the music, i’m no longer your muse”. This is showing how she needs to face reality and realize that he doesn't have feelings for her anymore. This is a metaphor because she isn't directly saying that, but the meaning behind it is that he is done with her.



The theme is that if you have feelings for someone you should tell them how you feel. Katy Perry says "I should'a told you what you meant to me, whoa". This is showing that she wishes she told him what she felt. Then maybe the problem wouldn't have happen because he would have known what he menat to her. She also says "Cause now I pay the price". This shows how she has to deal with how he is gone because she didn't tell him how she felt.

Tone and Mood

Tone- The tone is sad. Katy Perry is singing this song and she is sad because of what she is singing about. Also she is sad because of the thought of what she is singing about.

Mood- The mood is happy and sad at the same time. The mood is happy because the song is up-beat and optomistic. Then when you lok at the lyrics it is sad because you know what the song is about and it is sad.


The mood is happy becuase of how up-beat the song is. It is sad because when you look at the lyrics you see "Never planned that one day I'd be losing you". You then realize how this song isn't happy and what it is about is sad.


One example for the sad tone is "Can't replace you with a million rings, no". This shows how she can't replace that boy and she says this with a tone of sorrow because it hurts her to think about what happened.

3. Apa Arinya dri I've just got the news from dad that our grandfather passed away one hour ago

Artinya adalah saya baru saja mendapat kabar dari ayah bahwa kakek kita meninggal satu jam yang lalu.


Dalam bahasa inggris terdapat :Kata Benda (Noun), yaitu nama orang, benda, objek, sepupu, desa, universitas, sayuran, kebahagiaan, demokrasi, kebijaksanaan.Kata Sifat (Adjective), yaitu kata yang menerangkan kata benda dan memberikan informasi tambahan tentang orang, tempat atau benda, seperti berwarna, keras, manis, membingungkan, tenang, merah, lembut.Kata Kerja (Verb), yaitu kata yang menyatakan tindakan, menerangkan hal yang kita lakukan termasuk berbicara, berlari, berdiskusi, berolahraga, berkonsentrasi, memahami.Pada kata kerja dapat menggunakan 3 bentuk dasar, yaitu :Base form (kata kerja dasar/kata kerja pertama),  seperti have, do, be, eat, write, drive, go dan mengikuti kata "to" dalam kalimat, seperti I want to go home. Kata kerja dasar juga muncul setelah kata kerja modal She can be difficult to understand.Past form (bentuk kata kerja kedua), yaitu digunakan saat menerangkan peristiwa yang terjadi di masa lampau. Kata kerja dasar beraturan memiliki akhiran -ed or -d, seperti kalimat I watched a movie yesterday, dan kata kerja lampau tidak beraturan, seperti He ate the entire pizza.Past participle (bentuk kata kerja ketiga), digunakan untuk verbe tense yang lebih kompleks, termasuk present perfect (I have never been to Bali) dan kalimat pasif (He was taken to the hospital).

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi tentang manfaat belajar bahasa inggris :

Detil Jawaban

Kelas : XI (SMA)

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Bab : Grammar

Kode : 11.5.3

Kata Kunci : Belajar menerjemahkan bahasa inggris

4. Apa makna lagu one call away

seseorang yang ingin menyelamatkan dunia

5. One of the customers ... (Call) the police, before the robbers ... (Run) away

- had called (past perfect, digunakan untuk hal yang sudah terjadi di masa lampau)
- ran (past simple, digunakan untuk yang terjadi di masa lampau)

6. make a story about "the one who got away" in 75 words

The One Who Got Away

There was a man who was kidnapped by a group of people he did not know. The reason they kidnapped him is also unknown. He's so stressed. But one day he couldn't stand it all. He kept thinking how to get out of here. After finding a way out, how shocked he was, at what he saw with his own eyes and head. There were so many people even children who were brutally murdered. He was very scared and ran until he found a light from a small hole in the wall. He kicked the wall until it made a hole enough for him to pass. He saw a school in front of him, he was so happy, he laughed to himself. He thought he was free, but he wasn't. There was a cctv that turned towards him, shone on him, then shot him.


So it turns out, the building where he was kidnapped was deliberately made that way to trick the prisoners.

i know it's kinda weird;-;

but, i trynna help u.

i'm not good at story telling, perharps i'm not good in English too. so..

sorry if any mistakes. i hope this helps.

7. Tulis makna kayak apa si maksud dari lagu itu, lagu one call away sesuai nomor ini pakai bahasa inggris ya 1. I'm only one call away 2. I'll be there to save the day 3. Superman got nothing on me4. I'm only one call away Pliss jawab secepatnya besok mau di kumpulin

1.Aku hanya sekali panggil saja(selalu didekatmu)
2.Aku pergi untuk menyelamatkan hari(harimu)
3.Superman tidak ada apa-apanya dibanding denganku
4.Aku hanya sekali panggilan saja(selalu didekatmu)1. Maksudnya kalau butuh saya tinggal telepon saja
2. Saya akan datang untuk membantu
3. Saya ga ada hubungannya sama superman atau saya bukan superman
4. Tinggal telfon aja kalau kamu butuh

8. ada yang tau makna dari lagu one call away charlie puth . buat tugas b.inggris

tentang laki laki yang menyelamatkan seorang perempuan yang dia sukaithe meaning of the song is about a man who will always be there for his girlfriend even though he is not a superman. No matter where she go he believe that she is not alone because he is the only one call away.

9. In which song showed Katy Perry joined thearmy in her music video?a. California Gurlsb. Part of mec. Roard. The one that Got Away12​


part of of my favourite singer

10. an unlucky day one morning i got up with the feeling that the day was going to be an unlucky one for me.

hari tidak menguntungkan
suatu pagi aku bangun tidur dengan pikiran yang suatu hari akan tidak menguntungkan bagi ku..I can speak english because my teacher is great

11. The email that you got yesterday was written by a woman. *a. A woman was wrote the email that you got yesterday.b. A woman was written the email that you got yesterday.c. A woman writes the email that you got yesterday.d. A woman wrote the email that you got yesterday.​


c. awomanwritestheemailthatyougotyesterday.

12. question:which one ia the expression ofdisagreementpilihan Jawabanyes,butwell saidi was thinking about thatthat s right​you got the point


yes, but


karena selain itu menunjukkan agreement


Yes, but..


Menyatakan keraguan atau tidak setuju terhadap suatu pendapat (doubt/disagree)

13. struktur lagu one call away-charlie puth beserta maknanya​


ie Puth, I'm Only ...

23 Jan 2020 — Lagu 'One Call Away' memiliki makna seorang laki-laki yang berusaha selalu ada untuk pacarnya. Meskipun ia bukanlah sesosok superhero. Berikut

14. makna lagu one call away

tentang orang yang akan menjaga dan menemani orang yang sendirian,jangan khawatir jika kamu sendirian

15. ada yang tau makna dari lagu One Call Away, buat tugas b.inggris :D

Jadi makna lagunya ini si cowok ini siap melindungi ceweknya kapanpun, dimanapun, dan bagaimanapun ketika ceweknya membutuhkan. 

16. sebutkan makna lagu one call away (min 5)

-kesetiaan seorang lelaki kpd pacarnya
-usaha menemui pacarnya
-ingin membuktikan rasa cintanya
-dll. :vmakna one call away=
-kesetiaan seorang laki laki terhadap pacarnya
-menunjukan rasa besar cintanya
-berani menunjukan rasa cinta terhadap pacarnya
-menepati janji dan rela berkorban untuk membuat theater film-film(surprise)

17. Makna lagu one call away bhs inggris

artinya aku selalu adaI'm only one call away
Aku akan selalu ada

I'll be there to save the day
Aku akan berada di sana untuk menyelamatkan harimu

Superman got nothing on me

Superman tak ada apa-apanya dibandingkan dengan diriku

I'm only one call away
Aku akan selalu ada

Call me, baby, if you need a friend
Panggil aku sayang, bila kau membutuhkan teman

I just wanna give you love
Aku hanya ingin memberimu cinta

C'mon, c'mon, c'mon
Ayo, ayo, ayo

Reaching out to you, so take a chance
Menggapai padamu, sehingga mengambil kesempatan

No matter where you go
Tak peduli kemana kau pergi

You know you're not alone
Ketahuilah, kau tak sendirian

I'm only one call away
Aku akan selalu ada

I'll be there to save the day
Aku akan berada di sana untuk menyelamatkanmu

Superman got nothing on me
Manusia super tidak disbanding kan dengan aku

I'm only one call away
I'm only one call away
Aku akan selalu ada
I'll be there to save the day
Aku akan berada di sana untuk menyelamatkanmu
Superman got nothing on me
Superman tak ada apa-apanya dibandingkan diriku
I'm only one call away
Aku akan selalu ada

Call me, baby, if you need a friend
Panggil aku sayang, bila kau membutuhkan teman
I just wanna give you love
Aku hanya ingin memberimu cinta
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon
Ayo, ayo, ayo
Reaching out to you, so take a chance
Menggapai padamu, sehingga mengambil kesempatan

No matter where you go
Tak peduli kemana kau pergi
You know you're not alone
Ketahuilah, kau tak sendirian

I'm only one call away
Aku akan selalu ada
I'll be there to save the day
Aku akan berada di sana untuk menyelamatkanmu
Superman got nothing on me
Manusia super bukanlah diriku
I'm only one call away
Aku akan selalu ada

Come along with me and don't be scared
Datang bersamaku dan jangan takut
I just wanna set you free
Aku hanya ingin membuat kau bebas
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon
Ayo, ayo, ayo
You and me can make it anywhere
Kau dan aku bisa melakukan di manapun
For now, we can stay here for a while
Untuk saat ini, kita bisa tinggal di sini untuk sementara waktu
Cause you know, I just wanna see you smile
Karena kau tahu, aku hanya ingin melihat kau tersenyum

No matter where you go
Tak peduli kemana kau pergi
You know you're not alone
Kau tahu, kau tak sendirian

I'm only one call away
Aku akan selalu ada
I'll be there to save the day
Aku akan berada di sana untuk menyelamatkanmu
Superman got nothing on me
Manusia super bukanlah diriku
I'm only one call away
Aku akan selalu ada

And when you're weak I'll be strong
Dan ketika kau lemah aku akan menjadi kuat
I'm gonna keep holding on
Aku akan terus menjaga
Now don't you worry, it won't be long
Sekarang jangan khawatir, itu tidak akan lama
Darling, and when you feel like hope is gone
Sayang, jika kau merasa seperti hilang harapan
Just run into my arms
Datanglah ke pelukanku

I'm only one call away
Aku akan selalu ada
I'll be there to save the day
Aku akan berada di sana untuk menyelamatkanmu
Superman got nothing on me
Manusia super bukanlah diriku
I'm only one call away
Aku akan selalu ada

I'm only one call away
Aku akan selalu adaAku akan selalu ada

Come along with me and don't be scared
Datang bersamaku dan jangan takut
I just wanna set you free
Aku hanya ingin membuat kau bebas
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon
Ayo, ayo, ayo
You and me can make it anywhere
Kau dan aku bisa melakukan di manapun
For now, we can stay here for a while
Untuk saat ini, kita bisa tinggal di sini untuk sementara waktu
Cause you know, I just wanna see you smile
Karena kau tahu, aku hanya ingin melihat kau tersenyum

No matter where you go
Tak peduli kemana kau pergi
You know you're not alone
Kau tahu, kau tak sendirian

I'm only one call away
Aku akan selalu ada
I'll be there to save the day
Aku akan berada di sana untuk menyelamatkanmu
Superman got nothing on me
Manusia super bukanlah diriku
I'm only one call away
Aku akan selalu ada

And when you're weak I'll be strong
Dan ketika kau lemah aku akan menjadi kuat
I'm gonna keep holding on
Aku akan terus menjaga
Now don't you worry, it won't be long
Sekarang jangan khawatir, itu tidak akan lama
Darling, and when you feel like hope is gone
Sayang, jika kau merasa seperti hilang harapan
Just run into my arms
Datanglah ke pelukanku

I'm only one call away
Aku akan selalu ada
I'll be there to save the day
Aku akan berada di sana untuk menyelamatkanmu
Superman got nothing on me
Manusia super bukanlah diriku
I'm only one call away
Aku akan selalu ada

I'm only one call away
Aku akan selalu ada

18. Apa bahasa Indonesia dari commuting is easy with the subway stop only one block away with the subway stop only one block away

komuter mudah dengan kereta bawah tanah hanya satu blok jauhnya dengan halte kereta bawah tanah hanya satu blok jauhnya

19. Apakah makna lagu one call away dalam bahasa inggris

Lagu One Call Away itu bercerita tentang orang yang jatuh cinta, dan dia tidak bisa melihat orang yang dicintainya itu setiap hari.

maaf kalo salah

20. Terjemahan bahasa indonesia nya dari kalimat i've just got the news that our grandmather passed away to hours ago.

Saya baru saja mendapat kabar bahwa nenek kami meninggal beberapa jam yang lalu

i've just got the news that our grandmother passed away two hours ago

-> aku baru saja dapat kabar bahwa nenek kita baru saja meninggal dunia dua jam yang lalu.

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