Cerita Liburan Dengan Bahasa Inggris

Cerita Liburan Dengan Bahasa Inggris

cerita liburan dalam bahasa inggris

1. cerita liburan dalam bahasa inggris

one day my scholl holidays, than the next day we went to a family auting aboourd
at that time I was on vacation to a village.
there really soothing. I was entertained from the school that accumulates

there are lots of trees, pollution free daar, there all his food was healthy.
d exercise there enjoying the beautiful natural atmosphere once
but unfortunately the next day I went home and my family kek city, it was a very memorable experience 

2. Cerita liburan ke bahasa inggris

Memorable Vacation in Surabaya

Vacations are the best time to relax and enjoy. My school was closed since 9th June until 1st July . Next day I received a letter from my cousin and she asked me to come to Surabaya. On the same night I packed my luggage and I caught a train to Surabaya at around 10 pm. I reached Surabaya 7 o’clock in the morning. I and my cousin met at Surabaya Pasar Turi station. I stayed at her apartment. We reached there within 25 minutes.

After breakfast we went to Hero’s Museum. Surabaya well known as the hero’s city. It is one of the reason Hero’s Museum was built. It was a memorable scene. We capture lots of memorable pictures and enjoyed a lot. We spent many days visiting all historical places. It was really awesome vacation of my life.


Liburan Berkesan di Surabaya

Liburan adalah waktu terbaik untuk bersantai dan menikmati. Sekolahku ditutup sejak 9 Juni sampai 1 Juli. Keesokan harinya aku menerima sepucuk surat dari sepupu dan dia memintaku untuk datang ke Surabaya. Pada malam yang sama aku mengemasi barang-barangku dan naik kereta ke Surabaya sekitar jam 10 malam. Aku tiba di Surabaya pukul 7 pagi. Aku dan sepupu bertemu di stasiun Surabaya Pasar Turi. Aku tinggal di apartemennya. Kami sampai di sana dalam 25 menit.

Setelah sarapan kami pergi ke Tugu Pahlawan. Surabaya dikenal sebagai kota pahlawan. Inilah salah satu alasan Tugu Pahlawan dibangun. Hari itu merupakan perisitwa yang tak terlupakan. Kami mengabadikan banyak foto yang mengesankan dan menikmati banyak hal. Kami menghabiskan hari-hari mengunjungi semua tempat bersejarah. Benar-benar liburan yang luar biasa dalam hidupku.

3. buat kan cerita bahasa inggris tentang liburan saya


Visited My Uncle’s House

During my last holiday I and my family were on a visit my uncle’s house. The house is at the foot of the Mount Merapi. Every day we woke up early in the morning. We had breakfast in the garden and we went to the tourism park Plawangan Turgo. It was very quiet because there were not so many people.

One of the days we had lunch at uncle’s house. We ate local food like gudeg. The weather was nice and we enjoyed that moment

semoga membantu

4. biatlah cerita tentang liburan dengan bahasa inggris

An Unlucky Camping

it was the beginning of wet season, but the weather was fine in the morning. my classmates and I went to camping to the camping ground.

we set up our tent in the middle of field near a small river. as soon as this was done, we cooked a meal over the open fire. everything was alright in the afternoon. but at night while we were singing songs by the campfire, a strong wind blew. it bought disorder to our tent. we couldn't sleep because it was thundering and raining heavily. lighting intensified the downpours. soon the surrounding areas became flooded. we all panicked. 
                                             Liburan ke Pantai

Pada di Hari Minggu,aku dan keluargaku berlibur ke pantai menaikki mobil.Lalu tak lama kemudian aku dan keluargaku sampai di Pantai.
Disana ada banyak turis maca negara, lalu aku bermain di pantai bersama saudara saudara ku, bermain pasir, main bola voli.Lalu aku mengumpulkan kerang di tepi pantai, saat sore hari aku sangat lelah, lalu aku mandi di hotel tempat penginap ku, lalu aku terlelap di penginap itu  .

Setelah 2 hari kemudian , aku dan keluargaku segera ke rumah ku, menaiki mobil ber jam jam, macet, banyak debu, tetapi sangat menyenangkan sekali, ngobrol ngobrol, bercanda canda, tanpa kusadari sebentar lagi sampai di rumahku.


                                                 Vacation to the beach

On Sunday , me and my family vacation to shore up the car then immediately me and my family at the beach . There are a lot of tourists the country maca , and then I played on the beach with my brothers , sand play , play ball volley.Lalu I collect shells on the beach , in the afternoon I was very tired , and then I take a shower at the hotel where my lodger , then I fell asleep at sleepovers .

 After two days later , my family and I promptly to my house , until the car by hour , traffic congestion , a lot of dust , but fun , chatting chatting , joking joke , unwittingly soon arrive at my house .

5. cerita liburan sekolah dalam bahasa inggris​

Our school had a long holiday a week ago. So, Me and my siblings went on holiday with our parents. We went to Jakarta. The malls there was very crowded. The streets were full of traffic. The part me and my siblings loved most was Kidszania. It was very fun! There were so many snacks and a lot of yummy foods. I cannot wait to be back again!

6. cerita liburan ke pantai dalam bahasa inggris

Holiday story to the beach
holiday story to the beach.

7. ceritakan rencana liburanmu dalam bahasa inggris !

Hello Pakar99
    I am going to go to London next June. I have already prepared a plan for my vacation. The first thing that I'm going to do is to prepare my visa before I depart. I'm going to ask an agent help to do this. After that I'm going to pack my things in 2 suitcases. 1 suitcase will be filled with my clothes. The other suitcase will be used to store souvenirs and other things that I'm going to buy in London.
   The next thing that I'm going to do is to plan my trip. I have a list of places that I want to visit in London such as Big Ben, the London Eye, and Buckingham Palace. I will also visit the museums because London is famous for its galleries and museums. I love planning for my vacation!

8. cerita liburan dalam bahasa inggris

Day At The Beach (Short Story)

One sunny day I went to the beach with my family. I went with my mum, my dad and my little brother. We had so much fun we built
sand castles,went swimming and splashed each
other we were having the best time ever! until I went for another swim and I didn't realize how far out I was. IT was really scary I didn't know what to do but luckily a kind dolphin came and saved me and it took me for a ride out in the ocean it was like.

I was in a world of my own but while I was doing that my family were worried sick. The dolphin thought that my family was going to be worried so it took me back to shore and the dolphin waved it's flipper goodbye and I said "thankyou for taking me on this wonderful adventure it was awesome!" my family ran over to me they were very glad to see me back with them so we went back home and we were all very happy.


Satu hari yang cerah aku pergi ke pantai dengan keluarga saya. Aku pergi dengan ibuku, adikku dan ayah saya. Kami begitu menyenangkan disana kami membangun pasir istana, pergi renang dan memercikan air laut sesama kami masing-masing
Belum pernah sejarahnya mengalami waktu terbaik seperti ini! sampai aku pergi berenang jauh kali ketengah meninggalkan keluargaku dan awalnya saya tidak menyadari bahwa telah berenang terlalu jauh . Itu benar-benar menakutkan, aku tidak tahu apa yang harus dilakukan tapi Untungnya lumba-lumba yang baik datang dan menyelamatkan saya.

Aku di dunia ku sendiri tapi ketika aku sedang melakukanya dimana keluarga saya sangat khawatir. Lumba-lumba mengira bahwa keluarga saya akan khawatir jadi karena itu membawa saya kembali ke pantai dan lumba-lumba melambaikan tangan melalui siripnya dan aku berkata "Terima kasih telah membawa saya pada petualangan indah ini, Sangat mengagumkan!" keluarga saya berlari ke saya dan mereka begitu sangat senang melihat saya kembali dengan mereka sehingga kami pulang ke rumah dan kami semua sangat bahagia.

9. pembukaan cerita liburan dalam bahasa inggris

Vacationing is an activity that I like. Two years ago, there was a vacation that I would never forget. I went up the mountain which was very high with my friends. We set off in the morning using a jeep. Why we chose to use the jeep? Because of the way we were going was very difficult so if we decided to use motorcycle or a common kind of car, we would not be able to reach to the mountain slope on time.

MAAF KALO SALAHorientation ..............................                       
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10. Cerita pengalaman liburan bahasa Inggris

Visit the zoo

During school holidays, my family and I planned to take a vacation with family. We decided to go on vacation to the Surabaya Zoo located in the city of Surabaya, East Java.

The day I will come later, we also provide the items needed, where the distance we travel from Bangkalan is approximately 40 KM. The road we traveled was very far away and through the longest bridge in Southeast Asia, the Suramadu bridge.

After passing a few tens of kilometers away, we arrived at the Surabaya Zoo where animals were put into cages, we should only see the animals roaming from outside the cage, even then we should never be too close to enclosure fence and must continue to walk with the group and must not separate at all if you do not want to get lost.

Safari Park 2 is intended to protect wild animals or animals that are almost extinct because of irresponsible human behavior. We as young people should protect these animals instead of destroying and disturbing their habitat so that our children and grandchildren will be able to see them later.

Each animal is placed in a different area and is bounded by a wall, and a very strong iron fence, so that visitors feel safe and each cage has its own guard to avoid things that are not desired.

The air there was very hot where it was so vast that it felt long and long that I surrounded the Surabaya Zoo, and finally we found the right place to rest for a while.

Even before dusk, we rushed to go back home at my house trip to see the beautiful sunset from the Suramadu bridge.

11. Buat lah cerita liburan dalam bahasa inggris


maaf kalau salah.

tolong jadikan jawaban tercerdas dan di follow.


12. cerita tentang liburan ke pantai dalam bahasa inggris

Tour to Pangandaran Beach

At the end of second semesters ago, my class conducted tours to Pangandaran Beach. We decided to go to Pangandaran Beach by renting a bus. That day was very enjoyable holiday for us because we went together to relieve our fatigue after having a final exams.

Pangandaran Beach Tour was started at 08.00 in the morning. Our trip to the beach spent time for 2 hours on the way. There are so many stories and experience which we had there. We sang all the time along our way till the 2 hours did not seem long for us. Instead we felt the time passed quickly.

We arrived at 10:00 am at Pangandaran Beach. We cannot wait to feel the happiness in Pangandaran beach which is famous for its beauty. After our bus was parked, we all headed to hut to put our stuff there. Even there some my friends were already heading to the beach. After that we went to replace our clothes to swim. After that we headed to the beach together.

We were very pleased and happy to play on the beach. There were so many activities that we did on that day, such as swimming, water playing, chasing each other on the seashore, and banana boat riding. Even I was buried in the sand by my friends until my whole body covered with sand beach. We all played on the beach up to 2 hours.

Right at 12 o’clock, we all had a rest for lunch. We all opened stock that we carried from our home. We ate together near the lodge by making a circle. We felt family and togetherness atmosphere at that time. We also shared food one another. That moment is so unforgettable.

After having a meal, we all took a rest with lounging around the beach. My friends which are good at playing guitar began to play his guitar while we sang together. After being pleased with singing, we all went to enjoy the beauty of the beach once again. There were some of my friends swim back, but there were also who went for shopping around the coast. I enjoyed the beauty of the beach by sitting on the beach.

After 4:00 o’clock we all started to clean up, take a shower and change our clothes to go home. Before returning home, we took a picture together as our fond memories. The day was very fast and we also had to go home. At 6:00 o’clock we arrived at the school. After that we went to home each other. It was a wonderful experience.

13. Cerita saat liburan ke Jambi dalam bahasa Inggris​


hello everybody i would like to tell u about my holiday in jambi. i go to jambi last year, I will visit my grandmother to spend my holiday there. i go there on 25th of dec 2014. i woke up at 4 a.m and prepare my self to go to jambi then at 6 a.m i go to jambi by plane with my family. it takes 2 hours to go there in jambi i go around jambi city, go to citypark , zoo and everywhere. but i just spend 2 weeks there because my holiday will and so when holiday will end i prepare our self to go to my city and then go back to my home. i really love jambi because it's the nice holiday i've ever shared with you all. that's all my stories thank you.

semoga membantudan jadikan jawaban terbaik

14. pembukaan cerita liburan dalam bahasa inggris

Last holiday, i and my family go to....This story begin in the last semester, the first day of my vacation is spent resting and watching television or animation cartoon favorite.

15. ceritakan liburan kamu dalam bahasa inggris

 Last year i went to Yogyakarta.I  went to yogya at 09.00 AM.I liked yogya.I went  to Kids Fun.I liked Kids Fun.
 When i back i wanted to yogya again,because i like yogya.
2 years ago, I with my classmet and my teachers went to bromo mountain in Probolinggo. We left Bondowoso in the afternoon. We went by bus. Along the street, we saw many beautiful scenery. At 5 pm we arrived at a motel in Probolinggo. We directly moved and ask for our rooms. A room is consist of 3 people. Than, after found our each room, we took a rest and ate there. We stayed for one day one night. When night came, we made a bonfire, we sat around the bonfire while sang and played together. We played truth or dare. It was really fun. After that, we back to our rooms to slpet. Next day, we woke up at 2 am. Then, all of us prepared everything that need to climb bromo mountain. But, before we went to bromo mountain, we got instructions from our tour guides while waited for a jeep that will pick us to go to bromo mountain. After 30 minutes, the jeep came. We directly moved and left the motel. The jeep moved fastly. When the jeep close to bromo mountain, we smelt the smell of sulfur. It wasn’t a good smell. Then we arrived at the bromo mountain, we direclty climbed because we want to see a sunrise from the peak of bromo mountain. There, we took some pictures. We also took some pictures with international tourists.  I have an unforgetable experience here, when all of us felt satisfied we climbed down. But, in a half way, I remember that I put my bag on the seat in the peak of bromo. So, I climbed bromo mountain for the second times . I climbed fastly because I’am afraid of losting my bag. I'm so lucky because my bag still there. But, I felt so tired. I climbed down the mountain then. However, it was happened because of my careless. So, I can’t blame my friends. After that we went to a desert. It was really cool there. There was a crater of bromo mountain in the desert. But, to saw the creater we must climbed hundreds of steps. And first, to fill up our energy, we had breakfast.  Then we started our stuggle.
But, to climbed I chose to ride a horse because I was not strong anymore. It was scary, but it was fun. And at the top we saw a beautiful crater, we took a picture together. Finally, we back to motel and prepared to got home to Bondowoso. All of us were very tired, but we felt very happy. We hope we can do it again in another time.

16. Membuat cerita liburan dengan bahasa inggris

Last holiday, I visited my brother in Bandung. My brother stayed in her his house alone. I always visited him once a month. His home was in Lembang which was not so far from Bandung city. When I arrived there, I invited him to visit the famous places in Bandung city. My brother recommended so many interesting places, that I made a list where I had to visit. 
The first place I visited was Curug Dago. It was one of the waterfalls in Bandung. My brother and I rode motorcycle to go to there. When I arrived there, I was so amazed of the wonderful view. The waterfall was not so high, it was only 10 meters. but it looked very beautiful. there were few people know about this waterfall, so the condition around the waterfall seemed natural. 
After visiting Curug Dago, I chose Trans Studio Bandung as the second destination. I was surprised when I knew the entrance price. It was 250.000 rupiah. I spent a lot of money just for visiting this place. But, the English proverb "The price doesn't lie" was right. I rode many interesting and fun game there. There were about twenty games in Trans Studio. I also went to the mall to buy some souvenirs for my mother.
Then, I went to the third place. The place was Ciater thermal baths. My brother and I took a bath there. I was so relax when I felt the hot water in the tube. After taking a bath, I tried to find some meals for dinner. I found a good restaurant around Ciater and tried some delicious food there. Then, I went to a cottage for sleeping.
On the next day, I remembered my mother's order. She got me to buy clothes from Bandung. So, my brother told me about a good market to buy good clothes. He recommended Pasar Baru as my destination. So, I went to this market. There were so many people who sold many variants of clothes. I tried to bargain with the seller for a good price. Finally, I found the cheap price and bought so many clothes for my mother.
After buying the clothes, I went to my brother's house. I rested and had a lunch there. Then, I packed my luggage and said goodbye to my brother. I promised to visit him next month.
Terjemahan Liburan lalu, saya mengunjungi kakak saya di Bandung. Kakak saya tinggal sendirian di rumahnya. Saya selalu mengunjunginya sekali dalam sebulan. Rumahnya di Lembang yang mana tidak jauh dari kota Bandung. Ketika saya tiba, saya mengajak dia untuk pergi ke tempat-tempat terkenal di Bandung. Kakak saya merekomendasikan banyak tempat, saya membuat list tempat yang mana saya harus datangi.
Tempat pertama yang saya kunjungi adalah Curug Dago. In adalah salah satu air terjun di Bandung. Saya dan Kakak saya mengendarai motor kesana. Ketika saya tiba, saya takjub dengan pemandangan yang indah. Air terjunnya tidk terllalu tinggi, hanya sekitar 10 meter. Tapi, itu terlihat sangat indah. Hanya ada sedikit orang yang mengetahui air terjun ini, jadi kondisi disekitar air terjun masih terlihat alami.
Setelah mengunjungi Curug Dago, saya memilih Trans Studio Bandung sebagai tujuan kedua. Saya terkejut ketika mengetahui harga tiket masuk. Harganya 250.000 rupiahs. Saya mengeluarkan banyak uang hanya untuk mengunjungi tempat ini. Tapi peribahasa bahasa inggris "Harga tidak bohong" itu benar. Saya menaiki banyak permainan seru dan menarik. Ada sekitar dua puluh permainan di Trans Studio. Saya juga pergi ke mal untuk membeli beberapa cinderamata untuk ibu saya.
Kemudian, Saya pergi ke tempat ketiga. Tempat itu adalah pemandian air panas Ciater. Saya dan Kakak mandi disana. Saya begitu relaks ketika menyentuh air panas didalam kolam. Setelah mandi, saya mencari makanan untuk makan malam. Saya menemukan restoran bagus disekitar Ciater. Dan mencoba beberapa makanan lezat disana. Kemudian, saya pergi ke penginapan untuk tidur.
Di hari berikutnya, saya ingat pesan ibu saya. Dia menyuruh saya untuk membeli kain dari Bandung. Jadi, kakak saya bilang ada pasar bagus untuk membeli kain dengan kualitas baik. Dia merekomendasikan Pasar Baru sebagai tujuan saya. Jadi, saya pergi ke pasar ini. Ada banya sekali orang yang menjual macam-macam kain. Saya mencoba untuk tawar menawar dengan penjual untuk harga yang bagus. Akhirnya, saya menemukan harga yang murah dan membeli banyak kain untuk ibu saya.
Setelah membeli kain, saya pergi ke rumah kakak. Saya beristirahat dan makan siang disana. Kemudian, saya menyiapkan barang bawaan dan berpisah sama kakak. Saya berjanji untuk menemui dia bulan depan.

17. Cerita liburan ke puncak dalam bahasa inggris dan

Mrs. Ratih : Excuse me. I want to check my son’s illness. Where should I go?
Receptionist : You can go ahead to check up your son with Children Specialist Doctor on the second floor.
Mrs. Ratih : Could you point me where the room is?
Receptionist : It’s on the second floor. You can go there by taking the elevator.
Mrs. Ratih : Very well. Thank you.
Receptionist : You’re welcome.
Andy : Where are we going, Mom?
Mrs. Ratih : We’re going to the Children Specialist Doctor’s room on the second floor for checking up your illness.

[In the front of Children Specialist Doctor’s room]
[At the registrations counter]
Mrs. Ratih : Excuse me. I want to check up my son’s illness.
Nurse : Firstly, you need to fill in this form and take your queue number and then sit down to wait until your queue number is called.
Mrs. Ratih : [Filling in the form and taking the queue number] Here you are. Thank you.
Nurse : Please have a seat while waiting.
[15 minutes later]
Nurse : Andy Hamzah, number 7!
Mrs. Ratih : Look, our number is mentioned. Let’s go enter the room, Dear.
Andy : Mom… um… I’m afraid. Will the doctor inject me?
Mrs. Ratih : Don’t worry, my dear. Mom will never leave your side.
Andy : Alright. Thank you, Mom.
[Inside the doctor’s room]
Mrs. Ratih : Good morning, Doc.
Doctor : Good morning, Ma’am. Please have a seat.
Mrs. Ratih : Thank you, Doc.
Doctor : Good morning, little guy. What is your name?
Andy : Um… my name is Andy.
Doctor : Wow, you look tough. How old are you?
Andy : I’m 9 years old.
Doctor : So, what brings you here, Dear?
Andy : Um… I had a fever and my throat is sore.
Mrs. Ratih : Yes, Doctor. Last night he had a fever. Then I gave him some medicine to bring down his fever. And this morning, I thought that his fever had gone away, but after he woke up he said that he got fever again. This time his temperature was higher than last night. He complains that his throat is sore too.
Doctor : Okay…. Could you open your mouth widely, Andy? Say Aaaaa….
Andy : [opens his mouth widely]
Doctor : I think Andy gets Pharyngitis or sore throat. Did you eat some hot foods or salty snacks like chips, Andy?
Andy : Um.. Yes, I think I ate too much potato and barbeque chips two days ago.
in the first Holiday, i went to the Puncak, Bandung. i went there with my big family. i bring some clothes, swimsuit, hat, mobile phone, and a lot of food. i went there by a car. i left home at 07.00 AM and arrived there at 11.00. i spend the time to the rest area and supermarket. i with my family stayed in "(nama penginapan)" Resort. i spend the time in the resort for take care my cousin, listen a music, reading a book, etc.
in the first day, i with my family went to the 'Safari' zoo. it's located in Cibeureum Village, West Java.
in the second day, i with my family went to the 'Cimori'. in there, we have seen a beautiful landscape, and we also bought some milk.
in the third day, i with my family went to shopping

18. Ceritakan pengalaman liburan kalian saat libur natal ( dalam bahasa inggris ).

I got 2 weeks to enjoy vacation during christmas and new year. I spent it visiting my family in the village. It was 60 kms away from the center of town.
I left for my village on Tuesday night. I rode my motorcycle. The street was really quite that night. So I could arrive soon in my family's house.

The first day I spent my day walking around my village. I met people who was my friend in the past. They were still friendly and welcome.

The second day I went fishing in the river near my house. I got 5 catfish. That made me happy enough because it was so long I had never gone fishing.

The third day I helped my father fixing the fence. The fence was broken. We had to renew it. I took bamboo and cut it.

The fourth day, I spent the day in the beach. The beach was 40 kms away. I went there with some old friends. In the beach I swam and went fishing. That was nice.

19. cerita singkat liburan dalam bahasa inggris

Last month i went to Australia with my dad, we stayed in my uncle's house for a week. I'm not confident to talk because i felt like im not fluent in speaking english but my dad said its ok because we went there to learning more about culture and english. So, i go to a beach in Queesland that's not too far from my uncle's house so i go there for a walk everyday to having the sunset with my cousin. i felt so happy because i've never seen this beautiful place.                                               Vacation in Paris 

At the time of school holiday, i and my family went on vacation to visit Paris. My goal and my family want to take pictures whit the Eiffel tower. Oh finally our dream came true, and after that i had to stay for a few days in Paris, after bored there we went back home to our house... 

20. buat cerita liburan dengan bahasa inggris

Last holiday, I visited my brother in Bandung. My brother stayed in her his house alone. I always visited him once a month. His home was in Lembang which was not so far from Bandung city. When I arrived there, I invited him to visit the famous places in Bandung city. My brother recommended so many interesting places, that I made a list where I had to visit.The first place I visited was Curug Dago. It was one of the waterfalls in Bandung. My brother and I rode motorcycle to go to there. When I arrived there, I was so amazed of the wonderful view. The waterfall was not so high, it was only 10 meters. but it looked very beautiful. there were few people know about this waterfall, so the condition around the waterfall seemed natural.After visiting Curug Dago, I chose Trans Studio Bandung as the second destination. I was surprised when I knew the entrance price. It was 250.000 rupiah. I spent a lot of money just for visiting this place. But, the English proverb “The price doesn’t lie” was right. I rode many interesting and fun game there. There were about twenty games in Trans Studio. I also went to the mall to buy some souvenirs for my mother.Then, I went to the third place. The place was Ciater thermal baths. My brother and I took a bath there. I was so relax when I felt the hot water in the tube. After taking a bath, I tried to find some meals for dinner. I found a good restaurant around Ciater and tried some delicious food there. Then, I went to a cottage for sleeping.On the next day, I remembered my mother’s order. She got me to buy clothes from Bandung. So, my brother told me about a good market to buy good clothes. He recommended Pasar Baru as my destination. So, I went to this market. There were so many people who sold many variants of clothes. I tried to bargain with the seller for a good price. Finally, I found the cheap price and bought so many clothes for my mother.After buying the clothes, I went to my brother’s house. I rested and had a lunch there. Then, I packed my luggage and said goodbye to my brother. I promised to visit him next month.New Year’s Eve celebrationOn New Year’s Eve 2015, my big family and I celebrated New Year’s Eve together. We held a big dinner planned by my father and my uncle in my house. Before the celebration, we all prepared what was needed such as ingredients of food, fireworks, trumpet, and sound system. The weather on the day was not so bright. Drizzling rain which flushed the earth since the morning did want to not stop. But it did not dampen our spirits. My cousin and I went to the market to buy fireworks. We bought quite a lot of fireworks on that day to enliven our big event. After getting fireworks, we helped my father and uncle to prepare karaoke appliance and sound system at home, while my mother and aunt prepared chicken meat and seasoning to be in roast tonight.Precisely at 18.00 everything we need was ready. We were just waiting for 22.00 o’clock. We deliberately postponed the dinner time so that we could enjoy the food we made later. While we were waiting, I and my big family joked and laughed together in the living room. We also did karaoke together; each of us had to sing a song. My uncle who was good in singing did not want to miss to entertain us. At 22:00 we started to prepare the food. My father, uncle, cousin and I prepared the chicken meat to be grilled, while my mother, aunt and sister prepared rice, side dishes and drinks. After the chicken meat was cooked, we ate together while waiting at 12.00. We ate with gusto at that time and we fell so happy to eat together.At 11:45 we started to prepare the fireworks to be burned. After the time was closed to 12.o’clock, we counted down to set off fireworks. We immediately set off fireworks right along with the turn of the year. We also blew the trumpet to add to the excitement of the evening. It’s amazing to see the fireworks show together with my big family. I hope we can hold this event again next year.

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