Contoh Discussion Text About Internet For Student

Contoh Discussion Text About Internet For Student

contoh text discussion text about economic problem

1. contoh text discussion text about economic problem

Government Must Take Issues about Economic Problems

Economic problems has been making the biggest changes lately. A lot of Government agents seems to take corrupting easily.

If corruption keeps happening in our country, Indonesia will someday be poor, and the corruptors become rich, altough it's not their money.

A lot of government seem to care about this issue, but some still does corruption. If they don't unite, corruptions will keep happening.

For this issue, a lot of people think Government should care more about the economic problems in Indonesia.

2. contoh text hortatory exposition internet good or bad for student​


teks eksposisi hartatory internet baik atau buruk bagi siswa


semoga bermanfaat

3. membuat percakapan discussion text tentang is TV good or bad for student

Percakapan discussion tentang is TV good or bad for students harus mencantumkan ungkapan pendapat (opinion) dan agreement/disagreement (setuju/tidak setuju). Berikut ini adalah beberapa kata-kata yang bisa kalian gunakan:

Expressing opinion

I think…. I believe…. According to me…. In my view…. In my opinion…. From my perspective…. From my point of view…. Personally, I think…. Some people say that….


I totally agree with youI couldn’t agree with you moreThat’s so trueYou’re absolutely rightExactlyI don’t think soNo wayI’m afraid I disagreeI totally disagreeNo, I’m not sure about that

Anna: Jane, yesterday my father said that he will limit my time to watch TV. He said that I'm spending too much time on TV and neglecting my homeworks. What do you think?

Jane: Well, Anna. In my opinion I think somehow he got rights to do it and there must be something happened that made him do it. Maybe you're really watching too much TV?

Anna: Yes, I admit that sometimes I forgot to do my homework and learn for the exam because of watching serials on Netflix. I agree with you at some point that my father got rights to do it. But also, from my point of view, TV is not always the bad guy. I can learn many things from it, particularly english vocabularies.

Jane: I couldn't agree with you more Anna about improving english through TV. But as a student, we also need to be aware that our main priority is to study and entertainment should be available only when primary things such as homework and exam are done.

Anna: Ah, I understand your point of view. Alright then, starting from now on, it seems that I will enjoy my favorite TV shows during the weekends and holidays only.

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang dialog tentang opinion:

_____________________________Detil Jawaban

Kelas : SMA kelas XI

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kategori : Saying and responding opinion

Kata kunci : Dialog

Kode : 11.5.2

4. discussion text about traffic operation

Itu jawabannya

Dibawah ini ya,

Maaf ada yang sama itu pilih salah satu aja

Maaf y kl salagh

5. contoh discussion text ?

1. The Pros and Cons of National Exam. The existence of national exam which determines whether students succeed or not for 3 years in high school and deserve to hold graduating certificate extremely raises pros and cons. Some agree to the existence of national exam for high school students. On the other hand, a lot of people disagree to the existence of national exam

2. The Pro and Con Of Giving Childern Homework. This is another example of discussion text. The pros and cons of children homework. Some parents agree that children who go to formal school should be given a homework. It stimulate them to study at home. However, some of parents disagree. children who go to school and have spent all morning in school should have a little free time at their home

6. contoh soal tentang discussion text​


. From the text, we can conclude that ….

A. everyone doesn’t agree with a family limitation

B. the government doesn’t support birth control

C. the religious group agree of using artificial contraception

D. some women must not pregnant because of health reason

E. young couples don’t want to have many children because they are very busy


biasanya hrs baca tex dulu baru jawab

semoga membantu kak :))

7. write discussion text about "hacking isn't real crime"​


8. write a discussion text about the usage of internet at least one paragraph

Saha eta artinya siapa itu

9. contoh dari short discussion text

School Uniforms Policy

School uniforms are uniforms worn by parents primarily for a school or otherwise educational institution. In Indonesia, school uniforms tell many things such as students' grade level and school or institution. In elementary school level for instance, students are asked to wear ‘red-white’ uniforms; while junior high school students are asked to wear 'blue-white' uniforms; and for senior high school, students are asked to wear 'blue sky-white' uniforms. Except those formal-uniforms, there are others such as scout uniforms and school or institutional uniforms. School uniforms become a debate issue among parents nowadays. Some of them think that school uniforms are necessary, while others think that they are not.

Some parents believe that school uniforms will make such good advantages to their children while learning at school. First, school uniforms can keep students focused on their education, not their clothes. Students will not concern on clothes color, clothes style, or clothes brand, if they wear same school uniforms. Second, school uniforms may improve attendance and discipline. A 2010 study by researchers at the University of Houston found that the average absence rate for girls in middle and high school decreased by 7% after the introduction of uniforms. It is because school uniforms make getting ready for school easier, which can improve punctuality. When uniforms are mandatory, parents and students do not spend time choosing appropriate outfits for the school day. The last, school uniforms are a symbol that every student is equal in getting same education. School uniforms will not differentiate whether the students are rich or not and students’ economic or social class.

In other hand, school uniforms can affect negatively on students psychology and performance in learning at school. First, school uniforms restrict students' freedom of expression. Students cannot express themselves through clothes they wear. Second, uniforms also may have a detrimental effect on students' self-image. When students have to wear the same outfits, rather than being allowed to select clothes that suit their body types, they can suffer embarrassment at school. A 2003 study by researchers at Arizona State University found that "students from schools without uniforms reported higher self-perception scores than students from schools with uniform policies." Third, some students also find uniforms less comfortable than their regular clothes, which may not be conducive to learning. The last, school uniforms in public schools undermine the promise of a free education by imposing an extra expense on families. Parents already pay taxes, and they still need to buy regular clothes for their children to wear when they are out of school and for dress-down days.

In conclusion, school uniforms remain important of the students’ forsakes. Students will be discipline and will focus more on learning. School uniforms also will show them that they are equal in learning. However, to cover all disadvantages of school uniforms such as restriction of students’ freedom of expression, students’ self-image, students’ comfort, and school uniforms’ extra expense, there are several recommendations that need to be considered. First, allow the students to wear or use some accessories as long as they are not break the regulation. Accessories usage can free their expression, self-image, and promote their comfort in learning. Second, use two kinds of school uniforms only; the formal school uniforms and scout uniforms. It is because extra school or institutional uniforms will require extra money from parents.

10. contoh teks Discussion text

What are the pros and cons of falling in love with your best friend?

Everyone must have best friends in their lives. A best friend is someone you believe you can trust your life with. A best friend is the first person you call when you have the most amazing things in your life, and when you are in the most horrific incidents. But, what if you fall in love with your best friends? If you have decided to choose your best friend as someone you will share your life with, there is a lot to consider. Take a moment to consider the advantages and disadvantages of taking your friendship to the next level. 

Having a serious relationship with someone you’ve only been best friends until now may not be an easy task, but the following advantages may just make taking the risk worth it. Firstly, you have already laid the groundwork. A strong emotional bond is a strong foundation of any successful relationship. Next, you can bypass the awkward stuff. The good news about dating your best friend is that you can simply enjoy the excitement of taking your relationship to the next level. Besides, you have already had a solid emotional bond and have shared history of togetherness such as graduating from the same university together or gathering family by your side. Having shared important moments in each other’s lives will make your connection stronger and even more likely to last.

On the other side, dating your best friend has also some disadvantages. Before taking a romantic relationship with your best friend, take a moment to consider the following drawbacks. First, are you willing to make the sacrifice? What if it doesn’t last? If you break up, you might loss your friendship forever. Second, there is always a possibility for not having a mutual feeling between both of you. Decide in advance what your plans might be if your friend does not reciprocate: can you continue your friendship with him/her? Could you take it if he/she dates someone else? Third, although you’ll bypass the awkward getting-to-know-you stage, missing out on discovering a new person, their personality and their interests could prove to be a little boring for you.

While there are risks involved with confessing romantic feelings to your best friend, it is worth remembering that the greatest and most successful relationships often grow from great friendships, and it might just be the best decision you’ll ever make.

Example of discussion text:

School Uniform

Uniforms have various advantages for both the family and the child. A united school apparel can relief a financial stress of the backs of many families. As kids tend to compete and imitate each other, the race of following new trends in fashion or, providing different attire for every school day is considered a financial burden, not every family can afford it.

Additionally, a uniform creates a sense of equality between all pupils. Young kids tend to judge others according to their look and what they wear. Uniting their school attire will draw their attention to other criteria and, the only advantage of one student over another would be personality, academic achievement or being good at sports.

On the other hand, as repetition can lead to boredom, children can get frustrated of wearing same thing to school every day. Also, prevent their first steps of individuality by taking away their right to choose what to wear on their own free well.

In conclusion, I believe uniforms aren’t meant to suppress the creativity or freedom of children. It helps redirecting kids’ creativity towards more important things than outer look, and waive financial burden of their families.

11. contoh discussion text ?

1. The Pros and Cons of National Exam. The existence of national exam which determines whether students succeed or not for 3 years in high school and deserve to hold graduating certificate extremely raises pros and cons. Some agree to the existence of national exam for high school students. On the other hand, a lot of people disagree to the existence of national exam

2. The Pro and Con Of Giving Childern Homework. This is another example of discussion text. The pros and cons of children homework. Some parents agree that children who go to formal school should be given a homework. It stimulate them to study at home. However, some of parents disagree. children who go to school and have spent all morning in school should have a little free time at their home

12. Give your own opinion and reasors about internet for student

berikan pendapat dan reasor and sendiri tentang internet untuk siswa maaf kalo salahi think internet is very important to students nowadays. because i think that internet can make students be more creative and get easy to learn or study by the internet.

13. example of discussion text for senior high school

The Advantage and Disvantage of Cellphone for Children

If you want to give your child  a cellphone, consider the advantage and disadvantage of cellphones for children.

On top of the advantages, cell phones can encourage child safety at all times. Just imagine if the children to be in an emergency circumstance, they can simply utilize cellphone to get in touch with you for help. Also cellphones has GPS, so you can track where they are.

On the other hand, cellphone also gives negative impact to kid. Rather than studying, kids have a tendency to spend much more time sending text messages to buddies or maybe using a number of apps such as games.
So, choosing the appropriate cell phone for your sons or daughters can influence all benefits associated with a cell phone for children.

14. Example of discussion text about family planning

answer b.indonesia: contoh teks diskusi tentang keluarga berencana

15. contoh discussion text dan struckturnya

  Example of Discussion Text
Living in a big city has both advantages and disadvantages On the plus side, it is often easier to find work, and there is usually a choice of public transport, so you don’t need to own a car. Also, there are a lot of interesting to do and places to see. For example, you can eat in good restaurants, visit the museums, and go to the theater and to concerts. What is more, when you want to relax, you can usually find a park where you can feed the ducks or just sit on a park bench and read a book. All in all, city life is full of bustle and variety and you need never feel bored. However, for every plus there is a minus. For one thing, you might have a job, but unless it is very well paid, you will not be able to afford many of the things that there are to do, because living in a big city is often very expensive. It is particularly difficult to find good, cheap accommodation. What is more, public transport is sometimes crowded and dirty, particularly in the rush hour, and even the parks can become very crowded, especially on Sundays when it seems that every city dweller is looking for some open space and green grass. Last of all, despite all the crowds, it is still possible to feel very lonely in a city. In conclusion, I think that city life can be particularly appealing to young people, who like the excitement of the city and don’t mind the noise and pollution. However, many people, when they get older, and particularly when they have young children, often prefer the peace and fresh air of the countryside.

The Generic Structure There are three parts of discussion Text, they are: a.     Issue This part consists of an introductory paragraph that introduces topic/issue – may state writer’s view. b.Argument This part consists of series of paragraphs that outline arguments for and against the issue or topic. Words should show comparison/contrast and link arguments. c Conclusion This part consists of sums up issues and presents writer’s point of view and/or recommendations.

maaf kalau jawabannya salah :)

16. tolong buatkan contoh discussion text about covid 19​


covid 19 is a virus corona he cant go in your body

you cant sick

maap klo slh

17. What do you know about a discussion text

jika diterjemahkan menjadi
apakah kamu tahu tentang teks diskusi?Discussion text is a text which present a problematic discourse. This problem will be discussed from different viewpoints. Discussion is commonly found in philosophical, historic, and social text.

18. Tolong buatkan analytical exposition text about " Part time job is useful for student"

jawabannya ada di google thx :v

19. discussion text about bribe

Jawaban  Pendahuluan  

Discussion text adalah text yang menyajikan sebuah preblematika. Problematika tersebut dilihat dari beberapa sudut pandang yang berbeda yang selanjutnya akan dicari sebuah kesimpulan atau solusi dari problematika tersebut. Biasanya sudut pandang tersebut terbagi menjadi pro dan kontra.

Generic Structure dari Discussion Text:

1. Issue: Pada bagian ini dipaparkan tentan problematika atau masalah yang akan dibahas dalam discussion text.

2. Supporting Points atau Poin-poin pendukung: Pada bagian ini dijabarkan tentang sudut pandang dari ahli yang mendukung atau pro terhadap problematika yang sedang diangkat dalam teks tersebut. Bagian ini terdiri dari ide pokok dan elaborasinya.

3. Contrasting Points atau Poin-poin pembanding: Pada bagian ini dijabarkan tentang sudut pandang dari ahli yang menolak atau kontra terhadap problematika yang sedang diangkat dalam teks tersebut. Bagian ini terdiri dari ide pokok dan elaborasinya

4. Conclusion atau kesimpulan: Pada bagian ini berisi kesimpulan atau solusi dari permasalahan atau problematika yang sedang dibahas.

Language Features dari Discussion Text:

1. Menggunakan Present Tense

2. Menggunakan modals seperti: should, would, can, must, dan lain lain

3. Menggunakan kata hubung seperti: however, furthermore, on the other hand, moreover, in addition, but, nevertheless, dan lain-lain


Buatlah Discussion Text tentang Suap atau Bribery!

Pro and Contrary of Bribery

Issue: Bribery, the act of promising, giving, receiving, or agreeing to receive money or some other item of value with the corrupt aim of influencing a public official in the discharge of his official duties.

Supporting Points: Those who agree to the do bribery have an argument that bribery is a culture. It becomes a habitual to some people when they have to deal with Public Official. Some of Public officials also ask for some charges to people who want to administer their documents in public official.

Contrasting Points: On the other hand, some still believe that bribery is prohibited because it is a part of corruption. It will give harm other people who doesn't have much money to "pay" some public officials. A public official should serve honestly because they have been paid by government. They should not ask additional charge to people who want to make a deal with them.

Conclusion: I think the bribery should be erased from people's habit. Bribery should also be punished with a severe punishment. We need clean public official.

Pelajari lebih lanjut  

1.  The use of Discussion Text

2. contoh discussion text


Detil Jawaban  

Kelas : 11

Mapel : B Inggris

Bab : Discussion Text

Kode :11.5.7

Kata Kunci: discussion Text  

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20. Text discussion about pros and cons career women

Teks diskusi tentang pro dan kontra wanita karir

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