Analytical Exposition About Global Warming

Analytical Exposition About Global Warming

Analytical exposition about global warming

1. Analytical exposition about global warming


Global Warming


Global warmіng іs a process of rіsіng the average temperature of the atmosphere, the sea and the land of the earth. The іncreasіng temperature causes the earth where we іnhabіt feels hotter and іn the daytіme we feel the excessіve hot temperature. Іt іs probably caused by the іncreasіng of the greenhouse gases concentratіon as the result of human actіvіty and the global warmіng іtself. Because of the global warmіng, there are a lot of damages that can іnflіct on the entіre structure located іn our earth.

Global warmіng іs not only the problem for the government but also for all of the іnhabіtants of the earth. Іmagіne іf the north and south poles are melted, wіll we only suspend our fate to the government? Global warmіng іs the responsіbіlіty for all of us. We must actіvely prevent or at least slow down of the process of global warmіng.

There are several ways that we can do to help our earth from the global warmÑ–ng. FÑ–rst, don’t cut the trees carelessly. Tress Ñ–s the bÑ–ggest producer of O2 (oxygen) Ñ–n the world. Every day we breathe, we need oxygen, and those tress provÑ–de oxygen for us everyday. Іf we only have few trees, CO2 gas (carbon dÑ–oxÑ–de) can make the earth gettÑ–ng hotter. Іn spÑ–te of that, Ñ–f we breathe wÑ–thout the presence of oxygen, we wÑ–ll not be able to lÑ–ve untÑ–l today.

Second, reduce the use of prіvate. The use of prіvate vehіcles wіll cause the waste of fuel. We all know that every fuel cell vehіcles wіll іssue the dіscharge of oіl gas іn form of CO2 and CO. Іf these gases are іn large quantіtіes, іt could lead to the effect of greenhouse gases whіch ultіmately makes the occurrence of global warmіng gettіng worse. Sіnce you can stіll use publіc transportatіon, use your prіvate vehіcles when you really need іt.

ThÑ–rd, turn off the lamp durÑ–ng the daytÑ–me. Even Ñ–f you can afford to pay the bÑ–ll, thÑ–s Ñ–s our awareness to our envÑ–ronment that we turn off the lamp durÑ–ng the daytÑ–me. As the alternatÑ–ve, you can also use effÑ–cÑ–ent energy lÑ–ghts, such as XL PhÑ–lÑ–p and LED (LÑ–ght EmÑ–ttÑ–ng DÑ–ode). Those kÑ–nds of lÑ–ghts can save more than 50% of the energy.

Fourth, plant tress on the free lots of your house. Use your free lots of your house to plant varÑ–ous trees and plants. You don’t have to plant oak or mahogany. You can plant other ornamental trees or plants wÑ–th green leaves whÑ–ch are potentÑ–al to produce oxygen.

FÑ–fth, buÑ–ld a house wÑ–th enough ventÑ–latÑ–on. When you buÑ–ld a house, please pay attentÑ–on on the ventÑ–latÑ–on and the lÑ–ght approprÑ–ately. Іt can reduce the use of aÑ–r condÑ–tÑ–on Ñ–n the nÑ–ght and day. You can desÑ–gn you house wÑ–th good natural lÑ–ghtÑ–ng therefore you don’t need to turn of the lam Ñ–n the daytÑ–me.

Global warmÑ–ng Ñ–s our responsÑ–bÑ–lÑ–ty, thus from now we can help to solve thÑ–s problem by doÑ–ng several ways to prevent and slow down the process of global warmÑ–ng.

2. analytical exposition text about the impact of global warming

Ice melts all over the world, especially in the Earth's poles. This melting includes mountain glaciers, ice covering western Antarctica and Greenland, and Arctic sea ice. Many species have been affected by rising temperatures. For example, a researcher named Bill Fraser, has tracked down Adelie's penguin population in Antarctica, which happened to shrink from 32,000 pairs to 11,000 in 30 years. Sea levels are rising faster than the last century.

3. Analytical exposition text About global warming Tolong bantu.. secepatnya Terimakasih


1. title

2. thesis statement

3. argument 1

4. argument 2

5. argument 3

6. Reitaration


4. contoh analytical exposition text about bullying

Kelas: X

Mata pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris

Materi: Analytical Exposition

Kata kunci: Analytical Exposition, Bullying




Analytical Exposition atau tulisan eksposisi analitis adalah tulisan yang menjelaskan dan menggambarkan fenomena di sekitar penulis. Teks skeposisi analitis ini berfungsi untuk menarik perhatian dan menganalisis sebuah topik dan untuk meyakinkan pembaca bahwa pendapat penulis ini benar dan didukung oleh argumen.

Secara umum Analytical Exposition ini memiliki struktur berupa:


1.    Thesis: Memperkenalkan topik dan menunjukkan posisi penulis; berisi garis besar argumen yang akan dipresentasikan.

2.    Argument: Ini terdiri dari pint-point yang menyatakan argumen utama.

3.    Elaboration: mengembangkan dan mendukung setiap poin pada argumen

4.    Conclusion:  penyajian kembali dan kesimpulan ulangi posisi penulis


Untuk Analytical Exposition dengan tema “bullying” contohnya adalah sebagai berikut:


Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems.


In order to be considered bullying, the behavior must be aggressive and include an Imbalance of Power and Repetition. This means kids who bully use their power—such as physical strength, access to embarrassing information, or popularity—to control or harm others. And bullying behaviors happen more than once or have the potential to happen more than once.


Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose.


There are three types of bullying: Verbal bullying, Social bullying and Physical bullying.


Verbal bullying is saying or writing mean things. Verbal bullying includes teasing, name-calling, inappropriate sexual comments, taunting and threatening to cause harm. Meanwhile social bullying, sometimes referred to as relational bullying, involves hurting someone’s reputation or relationships. And physical bullying involves hurting a person’s body or possessions.

Bullying can affect everyone, those who are bullied, those who bully, and those who witness bullying. Bullying is linked to many negative outcomes including impacts on mental health, substance use, and death.  





5. Contoh teks analytical exposition tentang global warming dan terjemahan

Contoh Analytical Expositio – Global Warming is Dangerous for Our Earth

Global warming is a real danger that we must pay attetion to. There are some danger from it.

There is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today than at any point in the last 800,000 years. And since 1870, global sea levels have risen by about 8 inches.

Global climate change has already had observable effects on the environment. Glaciers have shrunk, ice on rivers and lakes is breaking up earlier, plant and animal ranges have shifted and trees are flowering sooner.

Heat waves caused by global warming present greater risk of heat-related illness and death, most frequently among people who have diabetes who are elderly or are very young.

Global warming puts coral reefs in danger as the ocean warms, scientist fear that coral reefs will not be able to adapt quickly enough to the resulting changing conditions, and bleaching incidents and diseases will increase.

Global warming is a danger for earth and all humans. The facts above prove it.

Artinya – Global Warming is Dangerous for Our Earth

Pemanasan global adalah bahaya nyata yang harus kita perhatikan. Ada beberapa bahaya darinya.

Ada lebih banyak karbon dioksida di atmosfer saat ini daripada pada titik manapun dalam 800.000 tahun terakhir. Dan sejak tahun 1870, permukaan laut global telah meningkat sekitar 8 inci.

Perubahan iklim global telah memiliki efek yang dapat diamati terhadap lingkungan. Gletser telah menyusut, es di sungai dan danau sudah bubar sebelumnya, rentang tumbuhan dan hewan telah bergeser dan pepohonan berbunga lebih cepat.

Gelombang panas yang disebabkan oleh pemanasan global menghadirkan risiko lebih besar terhadap penyakit dan kematian terkait panas, paling sering di antara orang-orang yang memiliki diabetes yang berusia lanjut atau sangat muda.

Pemanasan global menempatkan terumbu karang dalam bahaya saat laut memanas, ilmuwan khawatir bahwa terumbu karang tidak akan dapat beradaptasi dengan cukup cepat terhadap kondisi perubahan yang terjadi, dan insiden pemutihan dan penyakit akan meningkat.

Pemanasan global adalah bahaya bagi bumi dan semua manusia. Fakta di atas membuktikannya.

6. contoh teks analytical exposition tentang global warming

Global Warming

Global warming is a phenomenon used to describe the gradual increase in the temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans. Global Warming is not a new problem but lately people are acknowledging tat we are facing a serious problem. Climate change is apparent everywhere. Failed crops, economic, slowdown, and deforestation are among the several impacts of global warming.

First of all, there is irrefutable evidence that human activities have changed the atmosphere of our earth.

Secondly, according to research by the Greenpeace organization, there's evidence of extensive deforestation being carried out in indonesia and other tropical countries around the world.

Furthermore, the shifting weather patterns have made it difficult for farmers to frow crops.

In conclusion, global warming is not a new problem nor are we solely responsible for it. but as the citizens of the world, we have to take every possible action to help overcome this issue. it's not only for us but for all the future generations to follow.

ok i think that's all... i hope this can help you....

7. Contoh teks analytical exposition tentang global warming dan terjemahan

Global Warming is Dangerous for Our Earth

Global warming is a real danger that we must pay attetion to. There are some danger from it.

There is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today than at any point in the last 800,000 years. And since 1870, global sea levels have risen by about 8 inches.

Global climate change has already had observable effects on the environment. Glaciers have shrunk, ice on rivers and lakes is breaking up earlier, plant and animal ranges have shifted and trees are flowering sooner.

Heat waves caused by global warming present greater risk of heat-related illness and death, most frequently among people who have diabetes who are elderly or are very young.

Global warming puts coral reefs in danger as the ocean warms, scientist fear that coral reefs will not be able to adapt quickly enough to the resulting changing conditions, and bleaching incidents and diseases will increase.

Global warming is a danger for earth and all humans. The facts above prove it.

Artinya – Global Warming is Dangerous for Our Earth

Pemanasan global adalah bahaya nyata yang harus kita perhatikan. Ada beberapa bahaya darinya.

Ada lebih banyak karbon dioksida di atmosfer saat ini daripada pada titik manapun dalam 800.000 tahun terakhir. Dan sejak tahun 1870, permukaan laut global telah meningkat sekitar 8 inci.

Perubahan iklim global telah memiliki efek yang dapat diamati terhadap lingkungan. Gletser telah menyusut, es di sungai dan danau sudah bubar sebelumnya, rentang tumbuhan dan hewan telah bergeser dan pepohonan berbunga lebih cepat.

Gelombang panas yang disebabkan oleh pemanasan global menghadirkan risiko lebih besar terhadap penyakit dan kematian terkait panas, paling sering di antara orang-orang yang memiliki diabetes yang berusia lanjut atau sangat muda.

Pemanasan global menempatkan terumbu karang dalam bahaya saat laut memanas, ilmuwan khawatir bahwa terumbu karang tidak akan dapat beradaptasi dengan cukup cepat terhadap kondisi perubahan yang terjadi, dan insiden pemutihan dan penyakit akan meningkat.

Pemanasan global adalah bahaya bagi bumi dan semua manusia. Fakta di atas membuktikannya.

8. contoh hortatory exposition text about global warming

 Global Warming


: Global warming is a complex phenomenon,and its full-scale impacts are hard to predict far in advance. But each year  people learn more about what causes global warming.

Argument 1

: People argue that vehicles and industries pollutionmake global warming happen. We know that emission gas of industriesand vehicles cause increasing of carbon dioxide and air vapor inatmosphere which makes world temperature hotter, called greenhouseeffect.

Argument 2

: Illegal logging is one of causes global warming. For example, in our country, Indonesia, illegal logging is most popular activity. Many people, government or commoners like do it. Ironic, theyknow, if they cut trees more and more, temperature of world willincrease. Consequently, Earth to be hotter. But no one care with this problem.

Argument 3

: Using electricity much more, cause temperature of earth warm up. In common, people produce energy with fossil power thatmakes carbon dioxide in atmosphere increase.


: Finally, I think that people must be more care aboutthis phenomenon. Some activity can us do to reduce effect of globalwarming. Among these:

•Modernize power plants and generate electricity from nonpollutingsources

•Cut our electricity use through energy efficiency

•Using car that run cleaner and burn less gas.

9. example analytical exposition about bullying

Bullying is the use of violence, threat, or force to intimidate others. This behaviour can be a habit and involve an imbalance of social and physical power. This behaviour can include verbal abuse or threats, physical violence or force and can be directed repeatedly against a certain victim. It maybe based on race, religion, gender, sexuality, or ability.

It is a very serious problem and dangerous for our social environment. We have to stop every single act of bullying because it has many impacts that could be threatening each involved part of society, not only for the bullied children, but also the children who bully, children who watch a bullying, even for the school with the issue of bullying. Bullying can bring bad influence on children’s physical and mental health. In a heavy case, bullying can be the trigger of a fatal act, as suicide.

There are several problems that might be suffered by children as the victim of bullying. First is a variety of mental problems like depression, anxiety and sleeping trouble; this problem may be carried away until the victim grows to be an adult. The act of bullying will be so difficult to forget by the victims. Second, there would be physical health complaints, as headache, abdominal pain and muscle strain. Third, there is insecurity right in the school environment. Fourth, there is the decline in the spirit of learning and academic achievement. Fifth, in the quite rare case, the victims of bullying will probably show the nature of violence.

10. analytical exposition text about bullying

Bullying is the use of violence, threat, or force to intimidate others. This behaviour can be a habit and involve an imbalance of social and physical power. This behaviour can include verbal abuse or threats, physical violence or force and can be directed repeatedly against a certain victim. It maybe based on race, religion, gender, sexuality, or ability.

It is a very serious problem and dangerous for our social environment. We have to stop every single act of bullying because it has many impacts that could be threatening each involved part of society, not only for the bullied children, but also the children who bully, children who watch a bullying, even for the school with the issue of bullying. Bullying can bring bad influence on children’s physical and mental health. In a heavy case, bullying can be the trigger of a fatal act, as suicide.

There are several problems that might be suffered by children as the victim of bullying. First is a variety of mental problems like depression, anxiety and sleeping trouble; this problem may be carried away until the victim grows to be an adult. The act of bullying will be so difficult to forget by the victims. Second, there would be physical health complaints, as headache, abdominal pain and muscle strain. Third, there is insecurity right in the school environment. Fourth, there is the decline in the spirit of learning and academic achievement. Fifth, in the quite rare case, the victims of bullying will probably show the nature of violence.

Not only to the victims, could the impacts of bullying also affect the doer of bullying. According to a research, when they are growing into an adult, the children who do the act of bullying have big tendency to behave roughly, do criminality, be engaged in vandalism, consume drugs and alcohol, and be engaged in free intercourse. In addition, sixty percent of boys who bully his friend in the primary school or junior high school have convicted at least once over a crime in the age of 24 years.

By watching the act of bullying, children can also get the impacts. They may have a big tendency to feel insecure when they are at school, they may have mental problems such as depression, anxiety, and traumatic feeling. Moreover, they misuse alcohol and drugs due to the stress.

The school, where the act of bullying happens, also gets the impacts. It makes insecurity feeling in the school environment. Besides, the activity of teaching and learning may be not effective. Furthermore, the morality education at the school can be doubted.

It is obvious that bullying is very horrible and we have to stop it due to hazardous impacts such as physical and mental health problem, the quality decline in achievement or work, having bad image, possibility or tendency to be engaged in crime, misusing of alcohol and drugs, until suicide. Those impacts are not only for the victim, but also for the doer, the witness of this act, and the place where bullying happens.

11. Arti teks analytical exposition tentang global warming

Everybody should change their way of life to reduce global warming. There are several things that we can do. One of them is by buying and consuming fresh local groceries as much as possible. It of course includes local vegetables, fruits, bread, etc.

12. example analytical exposition about school​


my school


my school is clean and comfortable.

maaf kalau salah

13. contoh analytical exposition global warming

analytical global warming

14. Analytical exposition about fast food

The Dangers of Fast food.

Fast food is the term for food that can be prepared and administered quickly normally food sold in a restaurant or store with low-quality preparation and administered to the customer in a packaged form to be taken away.
Presentation so quickly or instantly, fast food tend to have calories and nutrients are not met the criteria and can damage the substance in the body. First in calories and high in saturated fat fast food will trigger insulin resistance that leads to diabetes. The second fast food contains additives that can keep you hooked and stimulate you to want to continue to eat as often as possible. This sometimes makes you eat regularly every day. Avoid this habit by replacing your fast food with healthier foods, like fruits and vegetables fresh.
The third high cholesterol content in fast food can lead to blockage of blood vessels. Clogged blood vessels will make the blood flow is not smooth which can lead to coronary heart disease.
Indeed if the fast food that can save time and Tasty but we must also consider whether the food is healthy or not to be consumed if only passion continues that follow how we will provide good nutrition and healthy for the body

Maaf kalo salah

15. Contoh teks analytical exposition tentang global warming dan terjemahan

Global Warming is Dangerous for Our Earth

Global warming is a real danger that we must pay attetion to. There are some danger from it.

There is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today than at any point in the last 800,000 years. And since 1870, global sea levels have risen by about 8 inches.

Global climate change has already had observable effects on the environment. Glaciers have shrunk, ice on rivers and lakes is breaking up earlier, plant and animal ranges have shifted and trees are flowering sooner.

Heat waves caused by global warming present greater risk of heat-related illness and death, most frequently among people who have diabetes who are elderly or are very young.

Global warming puts coral reefs in danger as the ocean warms, scientist fear that coral reefs will not be able to adapt quickly enough to the resulting changing conditions, and bleaching incidents and diseases will increase.

Global warming is a danger for earth and all humans. The facts above prove it.

Artinya – Global Warming is Dangerous for Our Earth

Pemanasan global adalah bahaya nyata yang harus kita perhatikan. Ada beberapa bahaya darinya.

Ada lebih banyak karbon dioksida di atmosfer saat ini daripada pada titik manapun dalam 800.000 tahun terakhir. Dan sejak tahun 1870, permukaan laut global telah meningkat sekitar 8 inci.

Perubahan iklim global telah memiliki efek yang dapat diamati terhadap lingkungan. Gletser telah menyusut, es di sungai dan danau sudah bubar sebelumnya, rentang tumbuhan dan hewan telah bergeser dan pepohonan berbunga lebih cepat.

Gelombang panas yang disebabkan oleh pemanasan global menghadirkan risiko lebih besar terhadap penyakit dan kematian terkait panas, paling sering di antara orang-orang yang memiliki diabetes yang berusia lanjut atau sangat muda.

Pemanasan global menempatkan terumbu karang dalam bahaya saat laut memanas, ilmuwan khawatir bahwa terumbu karang tidak akan dapat beradaptasi dengan cukup cepat terhadap kondisi perubahan yang terjadi, dan insiden pemutihan dan penyakit akan meningkat.

Pemanasan global adalah bahaya bagi bumi dan semua manusia. Fakta di atas membuktikannya.

16. Analytical exposition text about healthy food!


1. Benefits of Healthy and Nutritious Food

Statement of Opinion (Thesis)

As we know the function of food for humans is as energy intake to be able to continue to survive.

Good food for the body will produce good energy. On the other hand, bad food will give you bad energy.

Good food for the body is usually known as nutritious food. Nutritious food contains nutrients that are very good and beneficial for the body.

Choosing what food to consume is crucial for all of us as humans. Because eating bad food will have a bad impact on the body's metabolism and trigger disease.


Some literature explains that the ideal body is one indicator of a healthy body. The ideal body can be seen from the aspect of body weight.

Healthy and nutritious food is able to keep body weight at normal or ideal numbers. Healthy food will neither make you overweight nor underweight. Healthy and nutritious food will also not increase bad cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels in the body.

On the other hand, a healthy diet will keep sugar, uric acid, and fat levels in a stable condition.

Experts in the field of health have also often argued that nutritious food will not interfere with the function of organs in the body. It is even able to condition blood pressure so that it is in a stable position.

Besides being able to be enjoyed by the tongue, healthy nutritious food will also be well received and processed by the body so that it becomes positive energy.

The ideal body can be obtained by eating healthy and nutritious foods on a regular and balanced basis. Make sure the portion between the main and supporting food ingredients is the same or balanced. So always eat 4 healthy 5 perfect foods.

17. analytical exposition about smoking in restaurant​

people will be exposed to cigarette smoke and will get lung lungs, smoking also makes people become addicted due to substances in cigarette

please give me a best answer ya!

18. Terjemahan tekt analytical eksposition about global warming is a phenomenon

analitik eksposisi tentang pemanasan global adalah sebuah fenomena

19. contoh teks analytical exposition global warming


Global warming is a process of rising the average temperature of the atmosphere, the sea and the land of the earth. The increasing temperature causes the earth where we inhabit feels hotter and in the daytime we feel the excessive hot temperature. It is probably caused by the increasing of the greenhouse gases concentration as the result of human activity and the global warming itself. Because of the global warming, there are a lot of damages that can inflict on the entire structure located in our earth.

Global warming is not only the problem for the government but also for all of the inhabitants of the earth. Imagine if the north and south poles are melted, will we only suspend our fate to the government? Global warming is the responsibility for all of us. We must actively prevent or at least slow down of the process of global warming.

There are several ways that we can do to help our earth from the global warming. First, don’t cut the trees carelessly. Tress is the biggest producer of O2 (oxygen) in the world. Every day we breathe, we need oxygen, and those tress provide oxygen for us everyday. If we only have few trees, CO2 gas (carbon dioxide) can make the earth getting hotter. In spite of that, if we breathe without the presence of oxygen, we will not be able to live until today.

Second, reduce the use of private. The use of private vehicles will cause the waste of fuel. We all know that every fuel cell vehicles will issue the discharge of oil gas in form of CO2 and CO. If these gases are in large quantities, it could lead to the effect of greenhouse gases which ultimately makes the occurrence of global warming getting worse. Since you can still use public transportation, use your private vehicles when you really need it.

Third, turn off the lamp during the daytime. Even if you can afford to pay the bill, this is our awareness to our environment that we turn off the lamp during the daytime. As the alternative, you can also use efficient energy lights, such as XL Philip and LED (Light Emitting Diode). Those kinds of lights can save more than 50% of the energy.

Fourth, plant tress on the free lots of your house. Use your free lots of your house to plant various trees and plants. You don’t have to plant oak or mahogany. You can plant other ornamental trees or plants with green leaves which are potential to produce oxygen.

Fifth, build a house with enough ventilation. When you build a house, please pay attention on the ventilation and the light appropriately. It can reduce the use of air condition in the night and day. You can design you house with good natural lighting therefore you don’t need to turn of the lam in the daytime.

Global warming is our responsibility, thus from now we can help to solve this problem by doing several ways to prevent and slow down the process of global warming.

20. analytical exposition about breast cancer

eksposisi analitis tentang kanker payudara

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