Contoh Kalimat Aktif Dan Pasif Future Going To

Contoh Kalimat Aktif Dan Pasif Future Going To

1.simple present tense- he washes his shirt (aktif)- (pasif)2.present continuous tense- (aktif)- (pasif)3. past tense- (aktif)- (pasif)4. past continuous tense- (aktif)- (pasif)5. past perfect- (aktif)- (pasif)6. present perfect tense- (aktif)- (pasif)7. present perfect continuous tense- (aktif) - (pasif)8.past perfect continuous tense- (aktif)- (pasif)9. simple future(will)- (aktif)- (pasif)10. simple future(be going to)- (aktif)- (pasif)11. simple future ( would)- (aktif)- (pasif)12. simple future (be going to)- (aktif)- (pasif)13. future perfect continuous tense - (aktif)- (pasif)tolong mohon bantuannya ya besok mau di kumpul pliss makasih​

Daftar Isi

1. 1.simple present tense- he washes his shirt (aktif)- (pasif)2.present continuous tense- (aktif)- (pasif)3. past tense- (aktif)- (pasif)4. past continuous tense- (aktif)- (pasif)5. past perfect- (aktif)- (pasif)6. present perfect tense- (aktif)- (pasif)7. present perfect continuous tense- (aktif) - (pasif)8.past perfect continuous tense- (aktif)- (pasif)9. simple future(will)- (aktif)- (pasif)10. simple future(be going to)- (aktif)- (pasif)11. simple future ( would)- (aktif)- (pasif)12. simple future (be going to)- (aktif)- (pasif)13. future perfect continuous tense - (aktif)- (pasif)tolong mohon bantuannya ya besok mau di kumpul pliss makasih​


i eat pentol ,i am eating pentol,i have ate pentol,ihave been eating pentol


2. contoh kalimat past future present pasif dan aktif

1I will wash the dishes.
(Saya akan mencuci piring.)
The dishes will be washed.
(Piring akan dicuci.)
2They are going to invest a small amount of their money in the stock market.
(Mereka akan menginvestasikan sedikit uang mereka di pasar saham.)
A small amount of their money is going to be invested in the stock market.
(Sedikit uang mereka akan diinvestasikan di pasar saham.)
3Dino will show you something interesting.
(Dino akan menunjukkan padamu sesuatu yang menarik.)
You will be shownsomething interesting.
(Kamu akan ditunjukkan sesuatu yang menarik.)
4His assistant will prepareand edit your legal documents.
(Asistennya akan mempersiapkan dan memperbaiki dokumen-dokumen hukummu.)
Your legal documentswill be prepared andedited.
(Dokumen-dokumen hukummu akan dipersiapkan dan diperbaiki.)
5He is going to meet a new client tomorrow.
(Dia akan bertemu seorang klien baru besok.)
A new client is going to be met tomorrow.
(Seorang klien baru akan ditemui besok.)Future Past Tense
- Active : I should call my best friend
- Passive : I should be called by my best friend

3. Buatlah contoh kalimat aktif dan pasif dengan simple present tense dan future tense

pertama dengan will

Active: I will do my Art project after dinner. (Aku akan mengerjakan projek Kesenianku setelah makan malam.)

Passive: My Art project will be done after dinner. (Projek Kesenianku akan diselesaikan setelah makan malam.)

kedua dengan be going to

Active: My father and brother are going to clean the car. (Ayah dan adikku akan membersihkan mobil.)

Passive: The car is going to be cleaned by my father and brother. (Mobil akan dibersihkan oleh ayah dan adikku.)

kalimat dengan simple present

Active: She cleans this room three times a week.

Passive: This room is cleaned three times a week

Active: She writes a story everyday.

Passive: A story is written by her everyday.

1. Simple Present: S + V1 (-s/-es) + O
=> Active: I sweep the floor
(Saya menyapu lantai)

Present Tense => Passive
S + is/am/are + V3 + by (agent)
=> Passive: the floor is swept by me
(lanta disapu oleh saya)

V1 sweep => swept V3

2. Future Tense: S + will/shall + V1 + O
=> Active: she will sing a song
(dia akan bernyanyi sebuah lagu)

Future Tense => Passive
S + will/shall + be + V3 + by (agent)
=> Passive: a song will be sung by her
(sebuah lagu akan dinyanyikan oleh dia)

V1 sing => Sung V3

Semoga Membantu

4. Berikan 10 contoh kalimat aktif & pasif Future Perfect Continuous Tense​


maaf ini pelajaran apa

ini pelajaran apa yak


sorry gak tahu

5. Contoh kalimat future tanse going to positif negatif interogatif

Jawaban :
--Future Tense--
(+) She's going to be the best student this year
(-) She isn't going to be the best student this year
(?) Is she going to be the best student this year?

Semoga membantu^^

6. contoh kalimat to be aktif dan pasif (3)

1) He buys a new computer (Active)
1) A new computer is bought by him (Passive)

2) We celebrated Xmas a week ago (Active)
2) Xmas was celebrated by us a week ago (Passive)

3) They occupy the park bench
3) The park bench is occupied by thempassive:
the fish is fried mother before dinner arrives he was beaten up by his drunken parents the boy hated his friends the pencil the boy used was mine the bike was driven by my cousin.

mom cooking fish now father scolded his son every night he made his teacher proud my sister ate fried chicken with gus I swept the floor this morning.
sorry if wrong

7. buatlah 4 kalimat voice pasif dan aktif dengan present future tense

active : he will read the book.
passive : the book will be read.

active : they will bring some food.
passive : some food will be brought.

active : I will call the plumber.
passive : the plumber will be called.

active : the kidnappers will demand ransom.
passive : ransom will be demanded by the kidnappers.

8. tulislah rumus beserta 5 contoh kalimat aktif dan pasif future perfect

--•Future Perfect Tense•--
Responsio :
Active : S + will + have + v3 + o/c
1) Dera will have spoken the confession by next time you see her
2) Andri will have sold all his stuff when the night comes
3) They will have visited Chinese Great Wall next month
4) He will have sent the letter when they arrive
5) Sandra will have spent the rest of her time in the castle

Passive : O + will + have been + v3 + by + S
1) The confession will have been spoken by Dera by the next time you see her
2) All Andri's stuff will have been sold by him when the night comes
3) Chinese Great Wall will have been visited by them next month
4) The letter will have been sent by him when they arrive
5) The rest of Sandra's time will have been spent by her in the castle

alea jacta est
someone who stands strongly, nothing can break him/her

9. Contoh kalimat future tanse going to positif negatif interogatif​

(+) i’m going to eat some food later
(-) i’m not going to eat some food later
(?) am i going to eat some food later?


(+) i'm going to the mall tomorrow

(-) i'm not going to the mall tomorrow

(?) am i going to the mall tomorrow?


(+)aku akan pergi ke mall besok

(-)aku tidak akan pergi ke mall besok

(?)apakah aku akan pergi ke mall besok?

10. Contoh kalimat Going to and would tentang future in the past


My mother said that she was going to send flowers 2 days ago
My uncle told me that he would buy me a new car

11. buatlah kalimat aktif dan pasif present future perfect beserta "RUMUS" yang di pakai kalimat tersebut​



I will have bought new car this day next month.


A new car will have been bought by me next month.



S +  will + have + V3 + O


S + will + have + been + V3 + by O

12. 15 contoh kalimat future tense with "going to"

I am going to the mall with my friends.

Me and my mother are going to shop for shoes.

My friend is going to the hospital because he's sick.

He is going to the festival with his girlfriend.

She is not going to the shopping fair with her mother.

His father is going to work.

I am going to the shop to buy some clothes.

He is going to the park with his dog.

The office boy is going to the canteen to eat.

The maid is going to the market to buy meat.

The boss is going to the bank to pay his debts.

The principal is going to his university.

The university is going to ban smoking.

I am going to learn English.

She is not going to my house this week

13. Buatlah 5 contoh kalimat Future Tense Will dan Future Tense Be Going To beserta artinya​


1.She is going to go to Bali next year.

2.My father is going to send this letter tomorrow.

3.We are going to play basketball in two days. ...

4.They are not going to come his party next week.

5.My mother is not going to buy at the market next Sunday morning.



14. Membuat 10 Kalimat Aktif dan pasif dalam bentuk Simple Future tense.​

Active :

1. I will text my friends.

2. She will buy a purse.

3. He will eat sushi.

4. He will drink a tea.

5. They will read a newspaper.

6. We will do the homework.

7. You will write a task.

8. I will make a cake.

9. She will cook an egg.

10. We will learn English.

Passive :

1. My friends will be texted by me.

2. A purse will be bought by her.

3. Sushi will be eaten by him.

4. A tea will be drunk by him.

5. A newspaper will be read by them.

6. The homework will be done by us.

7. A task will be written by you.

8. A cake will be made by me.

9. An egg will be cooked by her.

10. English will be learned by us.

Maaf kalo salah

15. 3 contoh kalimat future tenses yang menggunakan to be going to

i'm going to go to the zoo tomorrow 
we are going to run on a field tomorrow morning 
they are going to bake some cookies Contohnya :

She is Going to Go to school with her friends Tomorrow..

Rumusnya :

Subjek + To be (Is/Am/Are) + Going to + V1+Object Compliment (Brarti harus lengkap dengan siapa, kemana/dimana) + Time (Tomorrow, Next Week, Next Morning, Next month, Next Year, dll)

Silakan mencoba..

16. Contoh kalimat Going to tentang future in the past


My father said that he was going to send the package yesterday

17. buatlah 2 contoh kalimat aktif dan ubahlah menjadi kalimat pasif dalam bentuk present tense future tense past tense​


Present Tense :

1. Active Voice : She read a book in the library. (Dia membaca buku di perpustakaan)

  Passive Voice : The book is read by her in the library. (Buku dibaca olehnya di perpustakaan)

2. Active Voice : My parents buy a new car this morning. (Orang tuaku membeli mobil baru pagi ini)

   Passive Voice : The new car is bought by my parents this morning. (Mobil baru dibeli orang tuaku pagi ini)

Past Tense :

1. Active Voice : I bought this shoes yesterday. (Aku membeli sepatu ini kemarin)

   Passive Voice : This shoes was bought by me yesterday. (Sepatu ini dibeli olehku kemarin)

2. Active Voice : She called me everyday after that. (Dia menelponku setiap hari setelah kejadian itu)

  Passive Voice : I was called everyday by her after that incident. (Aku ditelpon setiap hari olehnya setelah kejadian itu)

Future Tense :

1. Active Voice :  I will do my Art project after dinner. (Aku akan mengerjakan projek Kesenianku setelah makan malam.)

  Passive Voice : My Art project will be done after dinner. (Projek Kesenianku akan diselesaikan setelah makan malam.)

2. Active Voice : We will watch an action movie this evening. (Kami akan menonton film laga malam ini.)

  Passive Voice : An action movie will be watched this evening. (Film laga akan ditonton malam ini.)


Formula (Rumus) :

Present Tenese :

Active Voice : S + V 1 + O

Passive Voice : O + am/is/are + V 2 + by + Object Pronouns

Past Tense :

Active Voice : S + V 2 + O

Passive Voice : O + was/were + V 3 + by + Object Pronouns

Future Tense :

Active Voice : S + shall/will + V 1 + O

Passive Voice : O + shall/will + be + V 3 + by + Object Pronouns

Semoga Dapat Membantu...

Semoga benar...dan bermanfaat...

18. Tolong buatkan 3 contoh kalimat aktif dan pasif tentang past dan future dalam bahasa Inggris!!

-We watched the Jurasic Park Movie on the cinema yesterday.
-Andri picked up Santi in her house at 19 o’clock last night.
-The governor built that monument year ago.
-The Jurasic Park Movie was watched by us yesterday.
-Santi was picked up by Andri in her house at 19 o’clock last night.
-That monument was built by governor year ago.

-I will wait for her tomorrow.
-I will listen to the music tonight.
-I will send this letter this afternoon.
-She will be waited for by me tomorrow.
-The music will be listened to by me tonight.
-This letter will be sent by me this afternoon.

19. sebutkan contoh kalimat future tense will dan going to masing2 5

I will go to school
we will not go down
she will cry in her home
they will comeback
you will be smart

I going to school
my uncle going to library
the teacher going to class
your daddy going to office
my little sister going to toiletwill
1. I will go to the school tomorrow
2. I will punish my students if they are cheating
3. I didnt finished my homework so tomorrow my teacher will order me to go out of her class.
4. My sister will marry with my boyfriend after the summer.
5. My father will bring me to go to the Dufan if I want to help him.

20. sebutkan 10 kalimat aktif dan pasif dalam bentuk simple future tense ​



she Will buy a new bike

I will do my Art project after dinner

a new bike Will be bought By her

We will watch an action movie this evening

She will not buy a new laptop.

I will not phone him.

Will the dog bite me?

Will you close the window?

Is she going to write some novels this year?

Are we going to visit Grandma next month


My Art project will be done after dinner.

An action movie will be watched this evening

A new laptop will not be bought by her.

He will not be phoned.

Will the window be closed

Will I be bitten by the dog?

Asian food is going to be cooked by my mother.

Are some novels going to be written by her this year?

Is Grandma going to be visited next month?

My guitar lesson is not going to be started tomorrow.

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