Recount Text Study Tour To Jakarta

Recount Text Study Tour To Jakarta

recount text study tour to jakarta

Daftar Isi

1. recount text study tour to jakarta

Study tour to Jakarta
Last year, on November 25 . Our school,
held study tour. We left the school at 06 a.m.
We went study tour bybus. On the bus we
chatted, listen the music and sing together. We
had 3 destinations. They were monument
pancasila, museum of IPTEK and the last
destinations was park of bird.
We arrived at the monument pancasila
ata half past eight a.m. In monument pancasila,
we learent about history of indonesion
independence. Next destinations was of
museum of IPTEK. There we studied about
science. The last destinations, we visited park
of bird. In the park of bird we could see and
learent about kinds of bird indonesion. When we
visited 3 destinations of study tour, we not only
saw but also we did execisess was given by the
teachers. After we finished to visit all of
destinations, we had lunch together.
Before we went to home, we bought the
souvenir is of TMII. After that we were back to
the bus. We went to home. On the bus we slept
because we were so tired. We arrived at schppl
at 06 p.m. I think this is sweet moment when I
am in junior high school. Trims :)

2. recount text study tour to jakarta,beserta artinya

menceritakan studi teks ke jakarta.

3. recount text to study tour to jakarta dengan bahasa indonesia

menceritakan (studi wisata di jakarta - bandung) 
Tanggal 20 Desember 2007, jam 15.00 WIB, aku pergi ke sekolah untuk memeriksa dalam persiapan berangkat ke Jakarta. Jumlah mahasiswa yang mengikuti studi wisata kurang lebih 400 siswa, dan digunakan bus, bus yang jumlah 8, itu adalah EFISIENSI bus.
Jam 17.00 WIB, kami meninggalkan dari SMP N 1 Wates ke Jakarta. Di bus, aku duduk dengan teman saya, Eva, di kursi No. 16 dan 17. Kami punya bis nomor 1, dengan kepala sekolah, Tn. Ngagi Purwanto. Saya dan Eva bercanda dan membaca majalah bersama-sama. Kehilangan ke, kami tiba di restoran Pelangi, Kebumen di jam 09.50 pm untuk berdoa sholat magrib dan jamak berdoa sholat isya', dan juga makan malam. Setelah itu, kami melanjutkan perjalanan menuju Jakarta.
Satu per satu kita tidur, tapi aku tidak bisa nyenyak, karena jalan tidak baik. Dan kami tiba di Jakarta, pada jam 05.00 pagi. Setelah check-in penginapan, kita berdoa sholat subuh, beristirahat, mandi dan sarapan. Setelah makan, kami pergi ke TMII. Kami hanya lingkaran TMII dengan bus karena TMII sangat luas. Setelah puas di TMII, kami mengunjungi PP IPTEK.
Dalam PP IPTEK, kita belajar banyak hal. Khususnya tentang listrik, magnet, keseimbangan, sumbu roda, dan ada juga objek yang jatuh dari luar angkasa. Kita menjadi lebih tahu, karena dalam PP IPTEK, tidak hanya teori, tetapi juga dengan alat fisik. Karena waktu yang terbatas, kami segera pergi ke Purna Bhakti Pertiwi museum di 10.00.
Di Purna Bhakti Pertiwi, banyak objek yang dikumpulkan dari beberapa negara. Dan kami juga memasuki ruangan khusus. Ruang Mr. Soeharto. Pada pukul 11.00 pagi, kami pergi ke SeaWorld Indonesia. Banyak ikan atau hal yg jarang sekali ikan yang dapat bertemu di SeaWorld Indonesia. Ada juga dijual boneka bentuk ikan, t-shirt, mainan, stiker yang memiliki logo SeaWorld Indonesia. Setelah itu, kita berdoa sholat dhuhur dan makan siang. 
Dan daripada, kami memiliki waktu yang baik di DUFAN, tujuan pertama saya, dengan Eva, Ana, dan Puspa bangun Tornado. Tapi, setelah datang ke sana, Tornado adalah pada memperbaiki. Kami sangat kecewa. Kami mencapai Jakarta, tetapi tidak dapat bangun Tornado, permainan paling disukai oleh orang-orang muda. Karena banyak permainan, aku, Eva, Ana dan Puspa, bangun Kora-Kora, dan kami berteriak keras. 
Karena permainan cenderung. Wow, ini hebat!. Daripada, kami bangun Halilintar. Permainan seperti keranjang, dan memiliki lingkaran 360 derajat. Karena bingung, kami datang ke Istana Boneka. Di sana, boneka yang digerakkan oleh listrik. Boneka menunjukkan kostum dari negara lain. I, Eva, Ana, dan Puspa berdoa sholat ashar. Setelah ashar berdoa sholat, kita beristirahat dan membeli makanan ringan dan minuman juga. Daripada, kami bangun Poci-Poci. Permainan seperti cangkir dan memutar dari perlahan-lahan untuk dengan cepat, dan sangat cepat.
Kami memasuki Rumah Jahil. Di sana, ada cermin di setiap dinding. Kami bingung cara untuk keluar dari Rumah Jahil. Kita mengikuti orang lain untuk keluar dari Rumah Jahil. Dan daripada, kita memasuki Rumah Miring. Rumah yang seperti gravitasi bumi ada. Aku, Eva, Ana dan Puspa memasuki Niagara-Gara. Di Niagara-Gara, Sepatu, sepatu Eva, sepatu Ana, dan sepatu Puspa di basah, karena dikeluarkan oleh air. Daripada, kami kembali ke bus, dan kembali ke penginapan, untuk mandi, berdoa sholat magrib, makan malam, sholat isya'. Dan tidur. 
Aku bangun up pada jam 05.00 pagi dibangkitkan oleh Puspa. Kita berdoa sholat subuh. Setelah berdoa sholat subuh, kami berjalan untuk mengelilingi penginapan sebelum sarapan. Dan dari, kita mengambil mandi, memeriksa, dan sarapan. Setelah sarapan, kita meletakkan tas ke bus. Dan kami pergi ke Bandung. Jam 12.00 WIB, kami mengunjungi museum Geologi Bandung. Dan kami terus museum Asia-Afrika, tetapi museum Asia Afika tidak buka pada hari libur. 

4. recount text tentang study tour

Last month me and my classmates were on study tour. We went to Jakarta. There, we learnt very many things. We found the information about the condition there. We learnt about the history of Monas. We also learnt about the tradition from Betawi, such as Ondel-Ondel.

Another plan, we went to the forest. We did many observations about the plants there. Then, we went to Dufan Ancol. We enjoyed many games there.

5. contoh recount teks study tour di bali

Last two month, our school hold study tour in Bali Island, Because to could work scientific opus. We asssembled in school at 06.00 a.m. We left school at 07.00 a.m by bus. My school rent 5 bus. 1 bus carried 37-38 person.

First day, we had lunch in Karima Restaurant, Ngawi. We had dinner in Lumintu Restaurant.

Next day, at 02.00 a.m., We had transito and had breakfast in restaurant before facing  bali narrows. We arrived ketang harbour at 09.00 a.m, but we must waited 3 hours to could facing island. We arrived in Bali Island about at 12.00 a.m, Before, we went to Bedugul. When we arrived in Bedugul, There was raining. We didn't go down from bus. Last, we continued trip to Joger. In joger, we shopped to gift brought back from a trip. Afterwards, we went to Cening bagus to shopped and dinner. Later, we continued trip to inn. My school rent 2 were Nuansa hotel and Dewata hotel.

Third day after breakfast, we did tour to Sanur Beach. We couldn't plays with wave in Sanur Beach because a large wave. But, we could take photographs in Sanur Beach. After that, we continued trip to Tanjung Benoa. In Tanjung Benoa, There were many water game. But, We only allowed 2 water game with price Rp 100.000. They were glassteam boat bottom and banana boat. Afterwards, we continued trip to Garuda Wisnu Kencana. In Garuda Wisnu Kencana, I'm and my friend took photographs with tourist from chinese. Before we continued tour, we went to religious service in Puja Mandala. Next, we visited Pantai Kuta to saw sunset. Then, we shopped in Krisna. Later, we saw show Tari Barong. Last, we came back too inn for break.

Fourth day after checked out from hotel, we visited Sangeh to saw monkey. After that, we visited Tanah Lot. Then, we direct went to Gilimanuk Harbour for continued trip to go home to Magelang. In our trip, we passed by one night in bus. We had breakfast in Taman Sari Restaurant Colomadu. After wards, We continued trip to go home. Finally, we arrived in our school SMP 7 at 12.00 a.m.

we were so tired, but happy.

6. Recount text study tour ke bandung pake 4 jenis tense please jawab dong ya

If recount text, we used the past form. Ok, the tenses those used in recount text is past tense, past progressive tense, past perfect tense, and past future tense. Used them in study tour to bandung text. Versi Indonesia Jika itu teks pengalaman, kita menggunakan bentuk yang lampau. Ok, tenses yang digunakan dalam teks pengalaman adalah past tense (tense bentuk lampau), past progressive tense (tense bentuk kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung dalam lampau), past perfect tense (tense bentuk waktu yang awal sebelum waktu yang lampau), dan past future tense (tense bentuk waktu yang akan datang dalam waktu yang lampau). Gunakan tenses tersebut dalam study tour to bandung text..

7. Contoh recount text bahasa inggris study tour ke junggleland bogor sentul beserta artinya

Subject : English
Category : Genre Based Writing - Recount Text
Level : SMP

Explanation :
Recount text is a text telling something that happen in the past. Constructing a recount text, you have to pay attention to the generic structure which is orientation (telling who, when and where), events and re-orientation (telling about the writer's comment of the story). And also in recount text we use simple past tense.

This is the example of recount text "Study Tour to Jungle Land Bogor".
English version:
          I and my schoolmates went to  the Jungle Land Bogor on my last school holiday as the study tour program that my school held once in a year. Jungle Land was not far from my city. It took an hour from Jakarta. We arrived in Jungle Land at 10 a.m and we enjoyed playing some games offered by the Park.
         Firstly, We visited the Bird Park. There were many kind of birds in their own cage. Then, We went to the 4D Cinema to enjoy the feeling of watching movie using 4D glasses and the moving chair. After that, We went to the Snow World. The park provided some jackets so that the visitors would not need to feel too cold in the Snow World cave. I was so happy for being able to feel how cold the snow was even it was just the fake one. Finally, we arrived to our final destination which was Flying Fox. Because of the limited time that we had, only some of us could play Flying Fox. I was so lucky, I could play it. It was a very tiring day but I was so happy. I hope someday, I could go there with my family and enjoyed some games that I had not tried yet.
Indonesian version
          Saya dan teman-teman sekolah saya pergi ke Jungle Land Bogor pada akhir liburan sekolah yang lalu dalam program Study Tour yang sekolah adakan sekali dalam satu tahun. Jungle Land tidak jauh dari kota saya. Jungle Land sekitar satu jam dari Jakarta. Kami tiba di Jungle Land pukul sepuluh pagi dan kami menikmati wahana permainan yang telah disediakan oleh taman itu.
           Pertama-tama, kami mengunjungi Taman Burung. Disana terdapat berbagai macam burung dalam sangkarnya masing-masing. Kemudian kami pergi ke Sinema 4D (empat Dimensi) untuk menikmati menonton cinema dengan kacamata 4D dan kursi goyang. Setelah itu, kami pergi ke Dunia Salju. Taman Jungle Land menyediakan jaket tebal untuk para pengunjung sehingga para pengunjung tidak akan merasa terlalu dingin ketika masuk ke dalam gua Dunia Salju. Akhirnya, kami tiba di tujuan akhir kami, yakni wahana Flying Fox. Karena keterbatasan waktu yang kami miliki, hanya beberapa dari kami yang dapat bermain Flying Fox. Saya sangat beruntung karena saya dapat bermain Flying Fox. Hari itu adalah hari yang sangat melelahkan namun saya sangan senang. Saya berharap pada suatu hari nanti, saya dapat pergi kesana dengan keluarga saya dan menikmati beberapa wahana yang belum sempat saya coba.

Below are the links that you can use as your reference:

8. contoh recount teks tentang stady tour di jakarta

Saya hanya memberikan langkah pentingnya saja. Sebenarnya mudah untuk membuat recoun text. Topiknya kan, tentang study tour, coba cari informasi sejelas-jelasnya tentang study tour. Lalu, kembangkan menjadi sebuah recount teks. Pakai bahasa indonesia dulu. Setelah ditata rapi dengan bahasa indonesia yang baik dan literer, diubah ke dalam bahasa inggris. Okay ? @LiwedAku kasih caranya aja ya. Pertama rangkai kejadian study tour kamu dari awal sampai akhir kemudian translate kan ke bahasa inggris, karena inti dari recount text itu menulis dan mengarang kejadian yang memang pernah terjadi dan kita alami

9. contoh teks recount :study tour ke bandung

Last Monday, I went on a Study Tour to Bandung. The Study Tour was held by the school. So we gathered up early in the morning to start it.

Around 7 am, my friends and I already gathered up with our stuffs in the school yard. We were waiting for the bus to arrived. The teachers were also there, their job is to make sure that the students will follow the event and come back safely. When the bus arrived, I hurried up to entered the bus so I could get a nice seat. And because I have to find a partner to sat next to me, I decided that I will gave it to Dennis. So now, Dennis sat next to me.

During the trip to Bandung, the bus driver turned on the dvd player so we could watched some movies. But, there were no movies. We ended up playing UNO cards with some friends and just listened to music. An hour later, we arrived in Bandung. The teacher lead us to the museum and some historical place and told us to take notes and some pictures because they will give us some assignments later. And after hours of studying, we could take a break to eat and pray. I went to the mosque near from the museum and pray there with Dennis. And we went back to the museum to eat our lunch.

Sadly, the Study Tour has to be over. The teacher told us to packed our stuffs and entered the bus because we were leaving soon. I packed my stuffs and entered the bus, then I sat down next to Dennis. We waited for about 15 minutes before the bus started and leave the museum parking lot. We were sad, of course, but we were happy because we learned a lot of things that day.

10. buatlah teks recount(dalam bahasa indonesia) perjalanan study tour ke jakarta.

Perjalanan ke Monas

Seminggu yang lalu saya melakukan perjalanan ke Monas (Monumen Nasional), sebuah monumen yang menghormati perjuangan Indonesia untuk kemerdekaan. Monas terletak di tengah kota Jakarta. Saya pergi ke sana dengan gagasan untuk naik menara dan memiliki pemandangan cakrawala Jakarta yang menakjubkan dan menikmati taman. Harapan saya untuk memasuki menara hancur setelah melihat antrian yang sangat panjang untuk memasuki tempat itu. Saya memutuskan untuk tidak naik menara. Saya berharap saya bisa kembali ke sana dengan kurang ramai.

Bahasa inggrisnya:

A Trip To Monas

A week ago I made a trip to the Monas (Monumen Nasional), a monument honoring Indonesia’s struggle for independence. Monas is located in the middle of Jakarta. I went there with the idea of going up the tower and having an awesome view of Jakarta’s skyline and enjoying the park. My hope of entering the tower was crushed after seeing the very long queue to enther the place. I decided to not go up the tower. I wish I could go back there on a less crowded.

11. kak, tolong bantuin buatin recount text tentang study tour ke Jakarta maksimal 3 paragraf aja, dengan menggunakan bahasa inggris

Last month, I had a great experience in Jakarta, Indonesia. It was a study tour. It all started when my parents saw a brochure about a 5 days study tour in Jakarta. After my parents saw that, they informed me and I was so excited to make new friends and spend time in Jakarta. In the study tour, we stayed in a dormitory and studied in a well-known school. The school was so clean and the environment was so friendly. On the first day, we went to the national monument, Monas. After we went to the monas, we went to the dormitory for briefing and introduction to each other. On the second day, we started studying at the school and at the evening we were given free time to explore Jakarta. On the third day, We went to museum Fatahillah to study the history of our heroes in the war. After that, we went back to the dormitory and continued studying. On the fourth day, we played many traditional games like Tarik tambang, Tak benteng, and ball passing to increase our motoric skills and team work. At the end of the day, we watched an educational movie together. On the last day, we went to a mall to go shopping for a while and we returned to the dormitory to pack our bags and went home. This study tour to Jakarta is really a great experience for me. I wish I can join it again next time.

jadikan jawaban terbaik yahh ^_^

12. If his mother had not been ill, Tony would have joined the study tour to Jakarta. We conclude that Tony ….. Pilih jawaban kamu. 1 went to Jakarta for Study tour 2 left his sick mother at home 3 went to jakarta after her mother had recovered 4 refused to join the study tour to Jakarta 5 has just come back from the study tour kalo ini apa??

refused to join the study tour kayaknya sih

13. “Had to study” atau “had to studied” kalau dalam recount text


i had to study last night in my house because  i got F+ in my test yesterday


semoga bermanfaat....

14. Contoh teks recount tentang study tour ke ancol dufan

Happy in Ancol Dufan ( judul/title)

15. recount text study tour yogyakarta

Last year , me and my school went to Yogyakarta by bus. We went Saturday night at 08.00 pm.
First day we came in Magelang.Then, we went to auditorium for , we went to “Borobudur Temple”.When we're in Borobudur Temple, there are so many people in here. We saw stupa and statue . After that , we're go to the rest area fo launch.Then we went to MUSEUM BIOLOGY AND MUSEUM SUDIRMAN . When we in MUSEUM BIOLOGY we saw tiger statue ,and in MUSEUM SUDIRMAN we sawsudirman statue and become ever about “History figh Jendral Sudirman”.Next , we went to “Museum Dirgantara” . There , we saw plane and statue . After that , we went to hotel “Satya graha” . When I came , we fond number room.After that , we go to hotel for having rest because we felt tired. On the second day we checked outthe hotel.Then, we went to “Bakpia Djava”. There , I bought so many bakpia and brem. Next, we went to “Taman Pintar’’. We saw many tourist in here . Then we went to “Keraton Yogyakarta” . In here , we saw many tourist and handicrafft .Next , we went to restaurant Firdaus for lunch and then We went to MALIOBORO . When in Malioboro i bough T-Shirt and accesoris and I saw many people .After that , We went to restaurant “Ambar Ketawang” for dinner and then we went to Banjarsari. After that, we prepare our self for go back to home because its a last day.

16. buatlah sebuah recount text dalam bahasa inggris dan terjamahkan tentang pangalaman pribadi Mu tentang study tour ke ancol !​



It was rainy season at that time and I was at the city garden. An hour before was raining. I could find some puddles at the floor I stepped. It was cold and fortunately I wore jacket.

I guessed it was more than 11 p.m. The city garden was quiet and only a few people were there including some street sellers who were waiting for someone coming and buy something or perhaps they just waited the right time to go home.


I sit at a bench, pulled out a cigarette and burned it. I took a deep breath of smoke and looking around.

I could see some couple of people sitting at their own bench, somebody looked at his handphone closely, and also a young woman in a white dress sitting alone and stared at somewhere with sad eyes.

And what did I do sitting alone there? That was my habit when I was having a lot of things in my mind. I just wanted to be alone for some couple of hours and then went back home.

I get my phone and read some notifications. I did not recognize that somebody approached me.

I turned my head and I was little bit startled, the young woman in a white dress had already sat beside me. I could smell a nice perfume and no doubt it was her fragrant.

I was clumsy for a while and I didn’t know what to do whether to say something or just keep silent looking at my phone.

She asked permission to sit at my bench and I pleased her even she had already sat there before asking permission.

I had a bad feeling of her at first because I imagined that she would robe me because she was the member of a gangster who waited for their victim. But, she just borrowed my lighter and she burned her cigarette.

I was really nervous at that time. I didn’t know why, but i felt eerie. Her smell and her appearance were so strange even she looked beautiful.

I wanted to smoke again so that I pull out my cigarette but it was fallen down. I took it and while doing that I made a sidelong glance toward her and i was really shocked because she was disappeared and left her flame cigarette at the bench.

I looked around and suddenly the city garden was so quiet and empty. Nobody was there. I looked at my watch and it was at 3 a.m.

17. membuat recount text study tour Bali

My Stupidity

Last two month, our school hold study tour in Bali Island, Because to could work scientific opus. We asssembled in school at 06.00 a.m. We left school at 07.00 a.m by bus. My school rent 5 bus. 1 bus carried 37-38 person.

First day, we had lunch in Karima Restaurant, Ngawi. We had dinner in Lumintu Restaurant.

Next day, at 02.00 a.m., We had transito and had breakfast in restaurant before facing  bali narrows. We arrived ketang harbour at 09.00 a.m, but we must waited 3 hours to could facing island. We arrived in Bali Island about at 12.00 a.m, Before, we went to Bedugul. When we arrived in Bedugul, There was raining. We didn't go down from bus. Last, we continued trip to Joger. In joger, we shopped to gift brought back from a trip. Afterwards, we went to Cening bagus to shopped and dinner. Later, we continued trip to inn. My school rent 2 were Nuansa hotel and Dewata hotel.

Third day after breakfast, we did tour to Sanur Beach. We couldn't plays with wave in Sanur Beach because a large wave. But, we could take photographs in Sanur Beach. After that, we continued trip to Tanjung Benoa. In Tanjung Benoa, There were many water game. But, We only allowed 2 water game with price Rp 100.000. They were glassteam boat bottom and banana boat. Afterwards, we continued trip to Garuda Wisnu Kencana. In Garuda Wisnu Kencana, I'm and my friend took photographs with tourist from chinese. Before we continued tour, we went to religious service in Puja Mandala. Next, we visited Pantai Kuta to saw sunset. Then, we shopped in Krisna. Later, we saw show Tari Barong. Last, we came back too inn for break.

Fourth day after checked out from hotel, we visited Sangeh to saw monkey. After that, we visited Tanah Lot. Then, we direct went to Gilimanuk Harbour for continued trip to go home to Magelang. In our trip, we passed by one night in bus. We had breakfast in Taman Sari Restaurant Colomadu. After wards, We continued trip to go home. Finally, we arrived in our school SMP 7 at 12.00 a.m.

we were so tired, but happy.

18. Contoh recount text tentang study tour jakarta

recount ( study tour at jakarta - bandung ) Date of December, 20th 2007, at 15.00 pm , I went to  school to check in the departure preparation to Jakarta. Sum of the student followed study tour more or less are 400 students, and used the bus, its amount 8 bus, that is EFISIENSI bus.        At 17.00 pm, we left from SMP N 1 Wates to Jakarta. In bus, I sat with my friend, Eva, in chair number 16 and 17. We got the bus number 1, with my headmaster, Mr. Ngagi Purwanto. I and Eva joked and read magazine together. Lost to, we arrived at the Pelangi restaurant, in Kebumen at 18.50 pm for prayed sholat magrib and plural of prayed sholat isya’, and also dinner. Afterwards, we continued the journey to Jakarta.        One by one we slept, but I can’t well-sleep, because the road is not good. And, we arrived at Jakarta, at 05.00 am. After check in the lodging, we prayed sholat subuh, take a rest, take a bath and breakfast. After ate, we went to TMII. We only circle the TMII with the bus because TMII is so wide. After satisfied in TMII, we visited the PP IPTEK.        In PP IPTEK, we learned a lot of matter. Especially about electrics, magnet, balance, axis wheel, and there is also object which fell from outside space. We became more know, because in PP IPTEK, not only theory, but also with physic appliance. Because of the limited time, we immediately went to the museum Purna Bhakti Pertiwi at 10.00 am.        In Purna Bhakti Pertiwi, a lot of object is collected from some state. And we are also entered the special room. The room of Mr . Soeharto. At 11.00 am, we went to Sea World Indonesia. A lot of fish or rareness fish which can be met in Sea World Indonesia. There is also sold doll of form of fish, t-shirt, toy, sticker which have logo of Sea World Indonesia. After that, we prayed sholat dhuhur and lunch.         And than, we had a good time in DUFAN, my first destination, with Eva, Ana, and Puspa is got up Tornado. But, after came there, Tornado was repairing. We were disappointed. We  reached the Jakarta, but can’t got up Tornado, most game liked by the young people. Because  a lot of game, I, Eva, Ana, and Puspa, got up Kora-Kora, and we screamed loudly.         Because the game  tended. Wow, it is terrific!. Than, we  got up Halilintar. Game like cart, and have circle of 360 degree. Because confused, we came into Istana Boneka. There, the doll moved by electrics. The doll showed the costume from other state. I, Eva, Ana, and Puspa prayed sholat ashar. After prayed sholat ashar, we take a rest and bought snacks and also drinks. Than, we got up Poci-Poci. Game like a cup and rotate from slowly to quickly, and very quickly.        We entered Rumah Jahil. There, there are mirror in every wall. We confused the way to out from Rumah Jahil. We followed the other people to out from Rumah Jahil. And than, we entered Rumah Miring. House which like no earth gravitation. I, Eva, Ana, and Puspa entered Niagara-Gara. In Niagara-Gara, my shoe, Eva’s shoe, Ana’s shoe, and Puspa’s shoe is wet, because incurred by water. Than, we returned to  bus, and back to the lodging, to take a bath, prayed sholat magrib, dinner,  sholat isya’. And slept.         I woke up at 05.00 am is aroused by Puspa. We prayed sholat subuh. After prayed sholat subuh, we walked to encircle the lodging before breakfast. And than, we take a bath, check out, and breakfast. After breakfast, we put the bag to bus. And we went to Bandung. At 12.00 pm, we visited museum Geologi Bandung. And we continued to museum Asia-Afrika, but museum Asia Afika not open on holiday.         And to change museum Asia Afrika, we went to the zoo Bandung. Oh my God, we like child. We are to the zoo Bandung. There, the place like never been take care. We prayed sholat dhuhur in mosque of zoo Bandung. We continued went to Cibaduyut. There, we confused to chosen a shoe, because a lot of shoes. Not only shoe, but also t-shirt, doll, and peuyeum. I got a new shoe, and I bought t-shirt for my family and my self. And also, I bought peuyeum. We returned to bus, to Simpang Raya restaurant. After ate, we prayed sholat magrib, and plural of prayed sholat isya’. Before we back to SMP N 1 Wates, we bought something for present. At 21.00 pm, we went to SMP N 1 Wates. One by one, we slept.         Finally, we reached SMP N 1 Wates at 03.00 am, with safe and health. We release our bag from bus baggage. I called my Father to picked  up me. A few moment later, my father picked up me, and I back to home. Although we are  tired, but pleasure. We have the new experience. 

19. contoh teks recount :study tour ke bandung

Holiday in BandungMy friends and I went to Bandung last month. They were Jezi, Kayla, Gisel, Pevita, and Diandra. We rent a jeep car with a very high cost because we didn’t plan it long before the day. It could be called as unexpected plan. But, it’s okay. We still determined to go by that car.Our first plan was to visit tourism places in Bandung, such as Kawah Putih and Patenggang. However, Kawah Putih was very crowded. So many people visited it. Then we decided to cancel to visit Kawah Putih. Then, we directly went to Situ Patenggang. When we almost arrived there, we could see a very beautiful lake. We were so excited to see it closer. Whtengen we arrived right at our destination, the situation was quite crowded and full of merchants. We immediately came to lake Situ Patenggang. Wow, it was very beautiful. Unfortunately, there were some trashes around the lake. Whether it was lack of management or the visitor who littered was the cause of that condition. I didn’t know. I only hoped that the management officer of this place and all of the visitors could maintain the cleanness of this beauty of nature which has been created by God.

20. contoh recount text stady tour waktu sdl

Study Tour in Jogja
Last holiday I and my schoolmates went to Jogja for study tour. We went to Jogja at 1 p.m. and arrived there at 6 a.m. When we arrived in Jogja we were going to Restaurant Orang Utan, there we taking a bath and had a breakfast. After we had a breakfast we went to Borobudur temple. In Borobudur temple the weather is so hot. Borobudur is amazing. Did you think how to build Barobudur in the past ? It look so beautiful. We enjoy the Borobudur temple just for an hour. After from Borobudur temple we went to Dirgantara Museum. In Dirgantara Museum there so many plane that hadn’t use again. It was wonderful. Have been you think how to bring the plane to enter the museum ? When we will go to next destination the rain come, butt we still go to next destination and that is Malioboro. When we arrived in Malioboro some of my friend bought some souvenirs for their family at home and other just walked or looked the souvenir. In Malioboro we were very happy. After we in Malioboro we went to the hotel for rest. In hotel we rest. The next day at morning after we have a breakfast we are going to Keraton Jogjakarta. After we have a ticket we enter Keraton. Keraton Jogjakarta is very classic. I like Keraton. There I walk and look around. We just have one hour past a half for enjoy it. After from Keraton we went to Taman Pintar. In Taman Pintar we look around there are many knownlage we haven’t know. There a aquarium, a simulator of earthquick, and many things. After we walk around we feel so tired. The next destination is Prambanan temple. Prambanan temple was look very beautiful from far away. In my opinion it’s beautiful more tha Borobudur temple. It’s very luxorius. It has a green big field and look so nature. We walk around and we buying some souvenirs in Prambanan Market. After from Prambanan Temple, we went to home and say goodbye to Jogja. I will miss Jogja so much. I hope I can go to Jogja again. It was wonderful study tour.

We arrived at 10:00 am at Pangandaran Beach. We cannot wait to feel the happiness in Pangandaran beach which is famous for its beauty. After our bus was parked, we all headed to hut to put our stuff there. Even there some my friends were already heading to the beach. After that we went to replace our clothes to swim. After that we headed to the beach together.

We were very pleased and happy to play on the beach. There were so many activities that we did on that day, such as swimming, water playing, chasing each other on the seashore, and banana boat riding. Even I was buried in the sand by my friends until my whole body covered with sand beach. We all played on the beach up to 2 hours.

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