Nonton Film Beauty And The Beast

Nonton Film Beauty And The Beast

Buat udah nonton beauty ant the beast apa penilaian dari film beauty ant the beast​

1. Buat udah nonton beauty ant the beast apa penilaian dari film beauty ant the beast​

Dari cerita Beauty And The Beast yang mengingatkan kita untuk mencintai seseorang tidak hanya sekedar melihat wajahnya saja, kita harus melihat ke dalam hatinya karena semua manusia tidak selalu sempurna. Contoh: memiliki wajah yang tampan / cantik tetapi memiliki hati yang busuk

&& Jadi cewek harus cantik hati, berani, dan punya prinsip kayak Belle. Insyallah kamu akan terhindar dari gebetan yang caper sama semua cewek.

2. film beauty and the beast bertema apa?

Action , Dan Romance

Film beauty and the beast adalah film bertema cinta

3. Buatlah review text film beauty and the beast dan film baby bos

Beauty and The Beast adalah film fantasi musikal tahun 2017 yang di produksi oleh Walt Disney Picture. Film ini dibintangi oleh Emma Waston, stevens, dan bintang yang ini dirilis pada tanggal 17 maret 2017.

Boss Baby adalah film 3D dari amerika serikat yang bergenre komedi yang diangkat dari buku yang berjudul sama terbitan 2010. Film ini diproduksi oleh dream work animation.

Kurang lebih sih gitu

4. apa tema cerita Beauty and the Beast?

petualangan kalo benar

5. tuliskan semua judul musik yang ada di film BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. yang bisa jawab aku kasi e30 poin

ariana grande, john legend1. Aria
2. Days In The Sun
3. How Does A Moment Last Forever
4. Evermore
Hanya itu yang saya tau

6. pesan moral dari cerita beauty and the beast

Pesan Moral : Agar Tidak Selalu sombong dengan apa yang dimiliki sebelum sesuatu yang buruk akan terjadi.Pesan moral: jangan menganggap remeh atau mengecilkan orang lain karena belum tentu kita lebih hebat darinya

7. What tense does the beauty and the beast


senat serikat pasti bear

8. amanat beauty and the beast

- Don't judge a book by it's cover (Jangan menilai orang dari sampulnya, nilailah dari perbuatannya)
- Berani berbuat, berani bertanggungjawab
- Orang yang sabar akan menemukan kebahagiaannya di akhir
- Jalani semua dengan penuh rasa sukacita dan keikhlasan

9. Jelaskan secara singkat dan jelas Sinopsis film beauty and the beast..

Initinya dalam kata cinta kita tdk memilih dari buruk rupa nya atau dari wajahnya
Yg seharusnya itu dari dalam hati nya yg tulus untuk mencintai seseorang

10. tema cerita beauty and the beast

percintaan dan kebaikan

11. terjemahan cerita beauty and the beast

Beauty and beast = Cantik dan Buruk
Cantuk dan Buruk hehehe. Mana ceritanya

12. Pesan moral beauty and the beast

Orang kebaikannya tidak dilihat dari rupa dan perawakan, namun sifat hatinya
menurut saya bahwa kita jngn memandang fisik saja ttapi harus melihat dari hati

13. cerita beauty and the beast menggunakan tenses apa

dongeng dan bercerita tentanh kehidupan seorang Putri !!!

14. Apakah film film seperti beauty and the beast, cinderella, dll termasuk cerita rakyat ? Thx :)

iya, termasuk cerita rakyat tdak, krna film2 tersebut merupakan dongeng.. cerita rakyat dan dongeng berbeda

15. Storytelling pendek tentang beauty and the beast

“Beauty And The Beast”

Once upon a time, in a beautiful place there was a merchant who had three beautiful daughters named, Pretty, Sweety, and Beauty. One day, when the traders would gone to the market, all three daughters asked for something when he returned. Pretty asked him to buy a pretty dress, Sweety asked pearls but Beauty only wanted a rose.

When the merchant finished his business, he quickly went home. However, a sudden storm hit that forced him to stop on the way and seek shelter. Then he saw a large palace but he did not meet to one there, the merchants finally decided to take refuge in the castle.

On the next day, when the storm that blow subsided, the traders decided to continue the return journey. When he wished to get out of the palace, he saw a very beautiful rose contained in the palace garden. Remember his promise to Beauty, he ventured to pluck the roses. But suddenly a figure was with terrible beast out. Beast was angry because he found someone who dared to steal his roses.

Animals that wanted to kill the merchant. But traders beg to apologize to him. Then he told him that he promised to give a rose to her youngest daughter when she returned home.

“I will spare your life, but with one condition, bring your child to me!” The beast word.

The traders came back to his home with his face looked sad. He told the story to his family belong to Beauty.

“Dad, I’ll do anything for my father. Do not worry. I’ll live with it and save the lives of animals Dad!” Beauty said willingly.

Then Beauty began to live with the wild animals in the palace. At first, Beauty afraid of the beast, but then he knew that the beast was actually kind. In a short time, Beauty and the beast had became good friends.

The wild animals felt glad there were women who wanted to live with him. Loneliness experienced by many years was now gone. One day, the wild animals ventured weeks to ask Beauty to be his wife. Surprised, Beauty said no to the proposal from the wild animals. But the beast was not angry about it. Even the next day, the Beast brought the magic mirror to see his family were far away as a gift for her.

And one day, when Beauty was seeing the magic mirror she saw her father was seriously ill. He asked permission from the wild animal to let him take care of his father. Beast that could not refuse the request of the woman he loved. But the beast was requesting Beauty must be returned with in 7 days. Beauty was very grateful and rushed home to his family and take care of his father.

The merchant felt ill because of a broken heart knowing his beloved youngest daughter went and lived with wild animals because they wanted to protect him, his father. When Beauty stayed with him, the trader condition began to improve. However, Beauty forgot his promise to return to the palace within 7 days. In the evenings, Beauty got nightmares. He dreamed that the animals were dying.

Beauty scared, so she decided to return to the palace immediately. In the palace, she found the animal lying on the ground with his eyes closed. Beauty sad, then she hugged the animal and said that she would be her couple. Suddenly a miracle happened. The wild animals magically transformed into a handsome man.

“Actually, I was a prince of the palace. An evil witch turned me into an animal and only true love of a girl who was willing to accept me for that could turned me back to normal. Then the Beauty and the prince got married and lived happily in the palace forever.


In a far away land, lived a merchant and his beautiful daughter named Beauty. One day, the merchant got lost in the woods and reached a castle. He went inside and seeing nobody inside, decided to spend the night there. More about Beauty and the Beast.

Next morning, when the merchant was leaving he saw beautiful roses in the garden. He thought of Beauty and plucked one. Suddenly, a horrible beast came behind him and screamed at him for stealing from his garden. The merchant was scared and explained he plucked the rose for his daughter Beauty. The beast said he would let him go if he promised to send Beauty to stay with him. The merchant fearfully agreed.

At home, he sorrowfully told Beauty the whole story. Beauty put her father’s worries to rest and went to the castle. Initially, she was scared of the beast but in a few days she realized that the beast was kind and gentle. One day in the magic mirror gifted by the beast, beauty saw that her father was ill. Unable to see her sadness, the beast let her go home. Beauty was glad to be home again. Under Beauty’s care, her father quickly recovered.

One day, she thought of the beast and saw into the magic mirror. She saw that the beast too was ill. She went to the castle to meet him. Beauty saw the beast moaning in pain and dying, he was very glad to see her. She held him and sobbed and told him that she loved him and kissed him softly. At that very instant, the beast changed into a handsome prince. Beauty was surprised, the prince explained that her sweet words had broken the spell that was cast on him by a witch. They soon got married and lived happily ever after.

16. Complicaton and resolution beauty and the beast.

Beauty and the beast.

One day, her father set out for the city. He saw an old castle and went in. No-one was in but there was food on the table. Then he walked around the castle. He picked a rose from garden for Beauty. Suddenly an angry Beast appeared. He wanted to kill Beauty’s father unless Beauty was brought to him.
Beauty’s father told her daughters what had happened. Beauty’s sisters ordered her to see the Beast.
Beauty went to see the Beast and had to stay at the castle. She felt scared, lonely and sad. She tried to run away but was stopped by the Beast. The Beast treated Beauty well. Soon, Beauty began to like the Beast.
One day, through the Beast’s magic mirror, Beauty saw that her father was sick. The Beast allowed her to go home. Her father was happy to see her.

One night, Beauty had a dream. A fairly told her that the Beast was sick.
Beauty hurried back and saw the Beast dying. She began to cry. Tears fell onto the Beast. Suddenly, the Beast changed into handsome prince.
Beauty and the Beast got married and lived happily ever after.

17. yang dapat diambil dari cerita beauty and the beast​


jangan lah melihat orang dari luarnya.

sikap sering emosi sangat lah tidak baik.

rajin rajin berbuat baik dan menolong orang sesama


cmiiw, maaf kalo salah


kita tidak boleh membeda bedakan

tidak boleh menilai orang dari rupa luar nya saja/fsik nya dilihat nya dari isi hati bukan dari fisik atau isi dompet


itu aja sih yang ku tangkap dari film beauty and the beast

18. apa konflik dari cerita beauty and the beast

konfliknya adalah dia harus menemukan cinta sejatinya

19. apa karakter beauty and the beast?

- belle

- beast

- gaston

- le fou

- cogsworth

cuma tau segitu maaf

20. Jika kamu ingin melakukan pencarian informasi tentang film "Beauty and the Beast" simbol yang harus digunakan ketika memasukkan kata kunci pencarian adalah

Jawaban: Ada beberapa simbol yang dapat digunakan salah atunya anda bisa menggunakan simbol + sebagai ganti spasi. contoh : Beauty+and+the+Beats

Ada juga tanda kutip " yang digunakan untuk mencari kata yang sama tanpa merubah susunan kalimat di pencarian. Contoh : "Beauty and the Beats"

Penjelasan : Ada banyak simbol lagi selain simbol diatas, mengapa saya memberikan 2 simbol saja?, dikarenakan soal yang anda berikan adalah untuk mencari informasi tentang film tersebut, jadi cuma 2 simbol itulah yang cocok untuk dimasukkan ke kata kunci pencarian.

- Angga Surya Pardana

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