Dialog Bahasa Inggris Tentang Membeli Tas

Dialog Bahasa Inggris Tentang Membeli Tas

membuat dialog bahasa inggris tentang menggambarkan sebuah tas

1. membuat dialog bahasa inggris tentang menggambarkan sebuah tas

a = What is that ?
b = Where ?
a = That thing in the shop ?
b = Which is it ?
a = The pink one and has a zip.
b = Owh, that thing is a bag.

2. Membuat dialog tentang kehilangan tas dalam bahasa inggris


A: You are why you seem so agitated?

B: Emm my bag is gone, I forgot to put it

3. apa bahasa Inggrisnya membeli sebuah tas​


buy a bag

semoga membantu




membeli = Buy

sebuah = a(kalau a untuk huruf konsonan kalau anuntuk huruf vokal)

tas = bag

jadi = Buyabag

semogamembantu ya

4. bahasa inggris dialog teman membawa tas baru, dan kita memujinya tentang warna tas nya

maksud dari soalnya apa ya,kak?me : hi, good morning! you look different today
friend : good morning! yeah, my mom just bought me a new bag
me : such a beautiful bag and wow! i really like the color of it, what a lovely color
friend : thank's for the compliment

5. Membuat dialog tantang tas baru dalam bahasa inggris ?

a : Hai morning
b: Hello mornig too
a: How are yoù?
b:Im well you
a:Fine too
b: hey i see youre bag is new ,right?
a: Haha no
b: Are you serious?
b:Thats right youre bag is new
a: Aah dont say like that
b: How about the price?
a:Just Rp.100.000
b: Waw amazing
a: Amazing?
b:Yeah that amazing. i can not to buy the new bag the price like that because i didnt have a money to much like you
a:Ahhh dont say like that. Lets go to our class
b: okeeee

sorry kalo salah ya Vira : "Good morning Sheila!"
Sheila : "Yeah, morning Vi"
Vira : "Ohoho, look at this. Is it your new bag?"
Sheila : "Yes. Looks cool hm?"
Vira : "OMG! is that Channel?"
Sheila : "Exactly."
Vira : "Gosh, you make me jealous. It's so pretty!"
Sheila : "Thank you."

6. bahasa inggris aku punya tas baru yg sudah di belikan mama​


I have a new bag that my mom bought


semoga membantu kak


i have a bag that my mom bought it for me


maaf klo salah

7. buat dialog tentang benda benda yang ada di dalam tas menggunakan bahasa inggris

Ani : Don! Could you tell me where you put my pen?
Doni : Do you accuse me?
Ani : Where is my pen!
Doni : Isn’t it on that case?
Ani : No, that case is full of small brush for drawing
Doni : Then you should look in your bag.
Ani : I have looked for a thousand times!
Doni : Have you?
Ani : Yes, you took that pen and put it somewhere, didn’t you?
Doni : Andre’s table?
Ani : I have checked too.
Doni : You never put things in the right place.
Ani : Never borrow it again! Well! I am going to put all my things in my bag and lock it!
Doni : Then you will lose the key to the box. Hahaha ^_^
Ani : No, I won’t
Doni : Yeah… You are the most forgetful person I have ever met.
Ani : Look, this is our deal! Never borrow mine anymore!
Doni : Are you kidding me?
Ani : Ah! Bye…
Doni : You’re like a child.
Ani : Shut up!

8. Bahasa inggris Ya saya di belikan tas baru oleh ayahku


i bought a new bag for my father

My father bought me a new bag

9. Dialog bahasa inggris menyebutkan benda benda yang ada di dalam tas

A: Do You Have Some Pencil's?

B: Yes..i'm Have

A: Give Me One Your Pencil Please

B: Sure..

A; Thank You

B: You're Welcome

10. Dialog bahasa inggris yang mengandung giving compliment dan berjudul tas baru

X : Hi
Y : Hello
X : What happen? You look so happy!
Y : Honestly yes. I am happy because my dad give me a new bag for me! Look!
X : Wow! What a cute bag! It's very suits on you!
Y : Thanks! Hey~ Let's go to the class!
X : Yup, let's go!

semoga membantu~ :)Ola : wow. Your bag it's beutiful Tania : are you sure ? Owh thank you

11. apa bahasa inggrisnya saya membeli tas kamu​


I buy your bag maaf kl salah


i bought you'r bag



12. Dialog bahasa inggris seorang tua membutuhkan bantuan untuk membawa tas berat

Orangtua : Hello Kid, would you help me please?

Kid : Sure, what can I do for you?

Orangtua : Please, bring this bag there. I feel that's so weight.

Kid : OK, don't worry. I'll bring it for you

Orangtua : Thanks so much, Kid. God bless you.

Kid : Don't mention it. God bless you too

13. Apa Bahasa inggris ini: Di manakah Susana membeli Tas barunya kemarin

Bahasainggris dari "Dimanakah Susana membeli tas baru nya kemarin" adalah...




Karena tanda waktu yang digunakan pada kalimat tersebut adalah "yesterday" dan kalimat nya bentuk pertanyaan, maka kalimat tersebut termasuk simplepastinterrogative menggunakan wordquestions"where".


Simple past adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan kegiatan/perbuatan yang terjadi di masa lampau. Rumus nya :

(+) S + V2 + O

(-) S + Did + not + V1 + O

(?) Did + S + V1 + O

Karena kalimat di atas menggunakan salah satu "kata tanya" yaitu "dimanakah = where" maka sebelum auxiliary verb "did" pada rumus (?) harus menyertakan question word terlebih dahulu.

Question word + Did + S + V1 + O

Where did Susana buy her new bag yesterday?

Dimana struktur kalimat tersebut adalah :

Dimana (where) => Question word

Did => Auxiliary verb past tense

Susan => Subject

Membeli (buy) => Verb-1

Tas baru nya(her new bag) => Object

Kemarin (yesterday) => Adverb of time




https://brainly.co.id/tugas/23043445 https://brainly.co.id/tugas/23026855 https://brainly.co.id/tugas/23018820 https://brainly.co.id/tugas/23015609








14. apa bahasa Inggris nya saya akan membeli tas baru minggu depan jawab kk​


im gonna buy a new bag next week


I'm going to buy a new bag next week


maaf kalo salah

15. bahasa inggrisnya membeli tas di supermarket

buy a bag in the supermarketbuying bug in the supermarket
semoga membantu kawan.

16. Dia laki laki membeli tas di sebuah toko itu terjemahkan kedalam bahasa Inggris

He bought a bag from that man in a shop.

hopefully help, give the best answer.

17. Contoh dialog bahsa inggris 2 orang tentangAnda meminta sejumlah uang dari ibu Anda untuk membeli tas baru karena ada lubang di tas lama Anda.

Dina : Mom , my bag is broken

Mom : Your bag broken.

Dina : Yes,Mom. Can I ask money.

Mom : Sure,but keep your new bag still good.

Dina : Ok,Mom.


T.H.X . U S.WA....G

18. kalimat aktif dan pasif dalam bahasa Inggris dari Mereka membeli tas barutolong dong :(​

kalimat aktif

they bought a new bag

kalimat pasif

the bag was bought by them

19. bahasa inggrisnya membeli tas di pasar

buying bag in the marketbuying a bag (tas untuk sekolah/tas backpack) / purse (tas perempuan) at the store (toko) / market (pasar)

jadi bisa "buying a bag in the market"
"buying a bag in the store"
"buying a purse in the market"
"buying a purse in the store"

20. Bahasa inggris dialog teman membawa tas baru dan kita memberikan selamat kepadanya

Haruna: look at my new back pack! guys!

Yukikaze & Friends: wow that's a cool back pack you got there, Haruna! how did you got it?

Haruna: I got this because i always help my parents to do home works.

Yukikaze & Friends: oh... so that's how you can get a new back pack, isn't?

Haruna: yes of course.

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