Contoh Dialog Simple Past Tense Dan Present Perfect Tense

Contoh Dialog Simple Past Tense Dan Present Perfect Tense

contoh dialog tentang simple past tense dan present perfect tense.

Daftar Isi

1. contoh dialog tentang simple past tense dan present perfect tense.

Simple Past Tense
Alisya : Where did you go yesterday?
Adela : I went to the cinema to watch a movie.
Alisya : And then?
Adela : And then, I went home. But before that, I bought some snacks in the supermarket and visited one of my friend's house.
Alisya : Did you arrive home safely?
Adela : Yes, I did.

Present Perfect Tense
Adela : Hi, Adela. Have you read Tere Liye's new book?
Alisya : Yes, I have. What about you?
Adela : I haven't read it yet. Can I borrow yours?
Alisya : I'm sorry, but I have given it to my sister.
Adela : It's okay. Let me borrow it after your sister, okay?
Alisya : Sure.

2. contoh dialog simple present continuous, simple past tense, past continuous, simple furure tense, simple present perfect continuous tense dalam satu dialog

Title = Conversation with Friend at Phone

Kwan = Hi Liem. What are you doing?
Liem  = I am washing My Car. And you?
Kwan = I am studying Swedish language. Did you hear my trip?
Liem  = Yes, I did. Come on
Kwan = I was travelling to Swiss. I have a something to you
Liem  = Awesome, What that?
Kwan = I shall follow you to next trip at Spain
Liem  = Wow, yes i want. Have we been visiting there?
Kwan = Next trip, We will visiting there at December. See you later
Liem  = See you
James : Good morning, Anna! It's rare to see you so early in the morning. What are you doing?
Anna : Good morning, James. Can't you see? I'm cleaning the classroom.
James : I see. Is it your day duty today?
Anna : No. Actually, it was yesterday.
James : Why didn't you do it yesterday?
Anna : Because I went home early.
James : Why did you have to go home early?
Anna : Because I was having a stomachache.
James : Really? Then, I will help you clean the classroom.
Anna : Thanks. I have been sweeping this part of the class. You should sweep that part.
James : Okay.

3. contoh dialog tentang simple past tense vs present perfect tense.

Simple past tense
A : Hi A!
B : Hi! What are you doing?
A : I'm reading a book
B : Ok

Present perfect tense
A : Hi, i'm so sad
B : Why?
A : Because my mom went to Bali without me
B : Ohh, don't be sad! Pas tense
A: Hi B
B: Hi, where did you go last summer?
A: I went to Japan

Present perfect tense
A: hi B
B: Hi A, have you eaten today?
A: No, I haven't eaten all day

4. Buatlah 3 kalimat tersebut: simple present tense, simple past tense, simple future tense, present perfect tense, past perfect tense, future perfect tense, present continuous tense, past continuous tense, dan past future tense.​


simple present tense :

- She enjoys playing the piano.

simple past tense :

- I watched a movie with my family yesterday.

simple future tense :

- He will go to the library tommorow.

present perfect tense :

- She has forgotten her homework.

past perfect tense :

- The plane had left by the time I got to the airport.

future perfect tense :

- He will have arrived.

present continuous tense :

- She is not going to the game tonight.

past continuous tense :

- I was making dinner when she arrived.

past future tense

- He said he would buy a house last year.

maaf kalau salah..

5. Contoh simple past tense dan present perfect tense

Simple Past Tense


Menceritakan suatu peristiwa yang terjadi di masa yang telah lampau

Pola kalimat:

(+) S + V2 + O/C(–) S + did + not + V1 + O/C(?) Did + S + V1 + O/C + ?


(+) Mariana ate apple yesterday(–) Mariana didn't eat apple yesterday(?) Did Mariana eat apple yesterday?

(+) Cleo and Clara went to library two weeks ago(–) Cleo and Clara didn't go to library two weeks ago(?) Did Cleo and Clara go to library two weeks ago?

Simple Present Perfect


Menceritakan suatu peristiwa yang TELAH terjadi di masa yang telah lampau

Pola kalimat:

(+) S + has/have + V3 + O/C(–) S + has/have + not + V3 + O/C(?) Has/Have + S + V1 + O/C + ?


(+) Mariana has eaten apple yesterday(–) Mariana has eaten apple yesterday(?) Has Mariana eaten apple yesterday?

(+) Cleo and Clara have gone to library two weeks ago(–) Cleo and Clara have gone to library two weeks ago(?) Have Cleo and Clara gone to library two weeks ago?

6. contoh dialog 5 orang gabungan simple past tense dan present perfect tense​


Situation: There are three students at the school. They are talking about OSIS. Check the following conversation below!

Situasi: Ada tiga pelajar di sekolah. Mereka berbicara tentang OSIS. Periksa percakapan berikut di bawah ini!

Ana: Hi, guys. What’s going on?

Ana: Hai, teman-teman. Apa yang sedang terjadi?

Leon: Hi, Ana. We are talking about OSIS presidential election in this school.

Leon: Hai, Ana. Kami berbicara tentang pemilihan ketua OSIS di sekolah ini.

7. Contoh dari simple past tense dan present perfect tense


Simple Present

(+) Subject + Verb 2

(-) Subject + Did Not + Verb 2

(?) Did + Subject + Verb 2 + ?

Present Perfect

(+) Subject + Have/Has + Verb 3

(-) Subject + Have/Has + Not + Verb 3

(?) Have/Has + Subject + Verb 3 + ?

Simple Past Tense

(+) I bought a pencil in bookstore yesterday

(-) I did not buy a pencil in bookstore yesterday

(?) Did you buy a pencil in bookstore yesterday?

Present Perfect Tense

(+) I have already played this game.

(-) I have not already played this game.

(?) Have you already played this game?

Instagram = @digitamagabumon

Jangan lupa jadikan brainliest answer ya... ^^

Simple past tense

Menggunakan did

( + ) She bought a new phone.

( - ) She didn't buy a new phone.

( ? ) Did she buy a new phone?

Menggunakan was/were

( + ) They were sad.

( - ) They weren't sad.

( ? ) Were they sad?

Present perfect tense

( + ) You have forgotten your lunch box.

( - ) You haven't forgotten your lunch box.

( ? ) Have you forgotten your lunch box?

8. time use for simple past tense and present perfect tense(berikan contoh 7 masing masing) SIMPLE PAST TENSE*******PRESENT PERFECT TENSE*******​



* I wrote a diary last night

*my mother cooked a sponge cake in the kitchen

* You did your homework in dad's room last night

*I planted flowers in the backyard

*My sister sat on grass

*I didn't go to school last year

*I drank juice last monday


*I have done my homework

*she hasn't watched the film

*my grandmother has bought me a cute doll

*My teacher has called me to ask my condition

*My pets have slept beside me

*the duck has found worm near to the river

*​I have learned english in AN course

9. Buatlah contoh dialog percakapan singkat present continuous tense,perfect tens,simple present tense,past continouse tense,past perfect tense,future tense dllPlis bantuin​


in telephone:

citra: hallo, are you mary,?

mary: yes, i'm, who are you?

citra: mary, it's me citra, are you remember me?

mary: citra?. hmm, oh yeah, i remember you are my best friend in bandung..

citra: where do you live?

mary: i live in malaysia.

citra: have you call intan?

mary: why i've to call intan?

citra: his father is die.

mary: die? when did he die, and why?

citra: he die 1 week ago, he die because he invection covid 19.

mary: innalillhahi wainailaihi rojiuun.

citra: when will you back to indonesia?

mary: i'll back to indonesia next week.

citra: really! i'm so happy. how long have you been visiting malaysia?

mary; i've been visiting malaysia for 2 months

citra: oh, good

mary: sorry citra, my mother have call me.

citra: yeah, no problem..

mary: see you again


all tens

10. Buat Dialog tentang present perfect tense dan simple past tense​


Simple Past Tense

Alisya : Where did you go yesterday?

Adela : I went to the cinema to watch a movie.

Alisya : And then?

Adela : And then, I went home. But before that, I bought some snacks in the supermarket and visited one of my friend's house.

Alisya : Did you arrive home safely?

Adela : Yes, I did.

Present Perfect Tense

Adela : Hi, Adela. Have you read Tere Liye's new book?

Alisya : Yes, I have. What about you?

Adela : I haven't read it yet. Can I borrow yours?

Alisya : I'm sorry, but I have given it to my sister.

Adela : It's okay. Let me borrow it after your sister, okay?

Alisya : Sure.




Simple Past Tense

Alisya : Where did you go yesterday?

Adela : I went to the cinema to watch a movie.

Alisya : And then?

Adela : And then, I went home. But before that, I bought some snacks in the supermarket and visited one of my friend's house.

Alisya : Did you arrive home safely?

Adela : Yes, I did.

Present Perfect Tense

Adela : Hi, Adela. Have you read Tere Liye's new book?

Alisya : Yes, I have. What about you?

Adela : I haven't read it yet. Can I borrow yours?

Alisya : I'm sorry, but I have given it to my sister.

Adela : It's okay. Let me borrow it after your sister, okay?

Alisya : Sure.


SimplePastTense is a form of simple sentence that shows an event in the past / past. Simple past tense is usually used in recount and narrative texts.

Presentperfecttense is a tense that describes an event that happened before a specific time in the past but is still continuing until now.

Semoga membantu!!!

11. contoh dialog 2 orang menggunakan simple past tense sama present perfect tense tentang aktifitas

Yuta : Hi, Felix. How are you today?

Felix : Hello, Yuta. I'm well, thanks.

Yuta : What did you do last afternoon?

Felix : Umm, i bought some books at the bookstore then i watched National Geography on TV

Yuta : Do you remember about Math test tomorrow?

Felix : Sure. I've prepared for it.

Yuta : Oh sounds good.

Felix : Have you study for tomorrow?

Yuta : Not yet. But i'll study soon.

12. contoh dialog interview bhs inggris dengan simple past dan tense present perfect tense

past tense: S + Verb2 + Object
1. We invented airplane
= Kami menemukan pesawat terbang
2. Our dad gave us a toy helicopter
= Ayah kami memberi kami sebuah helikopter mainan
3. that flew with the help of rubber bands.
= yang terbang dengan bantuan karet gelang

present perfect: S + has/have + verb3 + O
1. Orville has always liked to build kites,
= Orville selalu suka membuat layang-layang,
2. so, we have experimented with making our own helicopters for a while now.
= jadi, kami telah bereksperimen dengan membuat helikopter sendiri untuk sementara waktu sekarang.
3. Our father has asked us not to fly together
= Ayah kami telah meminta kami untuk tidak terbang bersama

semoga membantu

13. Contoh 1 dialog yang mencakup tentang present perfect tense dan simple past tense

Present Perfect tense
Abby:Hi Allison, I haven’t seen you for ages. Where have you been?Allison:Hi, Abby. I have just visited my granny abroad.Abby:Oh, I see. But wait… I think you have visited your grandma before, haven’t you?Allison:Yes, I have visited her three times this year. She was sick two weeks ago so we went to America again.Abby:How is your grandma?Allison:She is better. She is in my house now.Abby:Really? How long has she been here?Allison:She has been here for three days. Actually she has missed her children and grandchildren.That’s why she was sick.Abby:Oh, sickness because of missing people she love. I guess she will be well soon. Send my warm regard to your grandmother.Allison:I think so. Okay, I will send it to her. Thanks, Abby.Abby:You’re welcome.

Simple past tense
Cahaya:Hi, Bulan. What did you do last weekend? (Hi Bulan, Apa yang kamu lakukan akhir minggu lalu?)Bulan:Oh, I did a lot of things. I went to a village last Saturday. (Oh, banyak hal yang kulakukan. Aku pergi ke desa pada hari Sabtu.)Cahaya:Who did you visit? (Siapa yang kamu kunjungi?)Bulan:I visited my grandparents. They live in the village. (Aku mengunjungi kakek-nenek. Mereka tinggal di desa.)Cahaya:Oh, I see. Who did you go with?(Oh, aku mengerti. Sama siapa kamu pergi?)Bulan:I went there with all of my family. They were mother, father and my younger sisters.(Aku pergi sama keluarga. Ada ibu, ayah dan adik-adikku.)Cahaya:Wow, that would be so fun!(Wow, tentu menyenangkan!)Bulan:Yeah, it was so fun. And we also felt tired. (Ya, menyenangkan dan kami juga merasa lelah.)Cahaya:What did you do there? (Apa yang kamu lakukan di sana?)Bulan:We helped our grandparents in the farm. My sisters and I fed the cows, chicken, pigs and horses. Then we took some chicken eggs and gave them to mother and grandmother. They cooked our lunch. (Kami membantu kakek-nenek di peternakan. Adik-adik dan aku memberi makan sapi, ayam, babi dan kuda. Kemudian kami mengambil beberapa telur ayam dan memberikan kepada ibu dan nenek. Mereka memasak makan siang.)Cahaya:Did you ride a horse? (Apa kamu berkuda?)Bulan:Yes, we did. My sisters were really excited to ride a horse.They weren’t afraid at all. (Ya, kami berkuda. Adik-adikku sangat bersemangat. Mereka tidak takut sama sekali.)Cahaya:What about you? (Kamu gimana?)Bulan:Of course I rode a horse too.(Tentu saja aku ikut berkuda.)Cahaya:No, that’s not my question. My question is: Were you afraid at that time? (Bukan itu pertanyaanku. Pertanyaanku: waktu itu kamu takut?)Bulan:Me? Ha ha! Of course… I was … a little bit afraid. (Aku? Ha ha! Tentu saja aku … sedikit takut.)Cahaya:Ha ha! I knew it. (Haha! Sudah kuduga.)Bulan:So, tell me about yours. What did you do last weekend? (Jadi, ceritakan kepadaku. Apa yang kamu lakukan saat akhir pekan?)Cahaya:Nothing special. I didn’t do any fun activities like you. I was just at home on Saturday. And yeah, on Sunday I went fishing with my dad. (Nggak ada yang spesial. Aku nggak melakukan kegiatan menyenangkan sepertimu. Aku di rumah saja hari Sabtu. Dan ya, hari Senin aku mancing sama ayah.)Bulan:How many fish did you get?(Berapa banyak ikan yang kamu peroleh?)Cahaya:We got only some fish because we had to finish it earlier.(Hanya beberapa saja karena kamu harus selesai lebih awal.)Bulan:Oh, why? (Oh, kenapa?)Cahaya:Because my dad’s friend called him. He had to go and meet his friends. He forgot that he had had a promise to his friends.(Karena teman ayahku meneleponnya. Ia harus pergi dan ketemu mereka. Ia lupa kalau ada janji dengan teman-temannya.)Bulan:Oh… don’t be sad. There will be other weekends, right? I hope you will have fun things to do next weekend. (Oh, jangan sedih. Akan ada akhir pekan selanjutnya, ya kan? Aku harap ada hal yang menyenangkan akhir pekan nanti.)Cahaya:Yeah, I hope so. Thank you. (Ya, aku harap begitu. Makasih ya.)Bulan:You are welcome. (Sama-sama.)

14. buatlah sebuah dialog dan tentukan yang mana simple past tense dan present perfect tense

simple past tense
• + : subject + v2
dialogue : A : i saw you in the market. what did you do?
B : i wanted snack.
A : what she does do there?
B : she helped her father.
A : oh okey, i will go now. bye???

present perfect
• subject +have/has+v3
A: have you made a report taks?
B:i have already prepared it?
A: that's good.
B: thanks.

maaf kalau salah samasama belajar.

15. Satu Dialog mencakup present perfect tense dan simple past tense

Rani : hai icha
Icha : hai rani
Rani : have you done our homework?
Icha : which one?
Rani : english
Icha : i did my homework last night
Rani : so did i

16. Satu Dialog mencakup present perfect tense dan simple past tense

A:have you been in paris before?
B:No, i haven't. have you?
A:yes i have it. i have been there last weekend
B: wow, that's cool. But, did you go to bali last month?
A:no,i didn't. did you go there last month?
B:no, i think so. hahaha

17. tolong ya buatin contoh dialog gabungan dari simple present tense,simple past tense dan present perfect tense terimakasih...


A: assalamualaikum mona. how are you?

B: waalaikumussalam friska,iam very well and you?

A: iam fine..have you eaten mona?

B: yes i you wanna go with me to go to the beach?

A:  i am sorry but i have other plan sorry for that...

B:oh never mind..

A: actually i and my family went to there last week....'s so wonderfull scenery right...

A:yeah...and i hope you wiil be happy to enjoy your vacation...

B:thank you friska...

A:you're welcome


simple present tense = S+V1

simple past tense = S+V2

simple perfect tense = S+HAVE+V3

18. Contoh dari simple past tense dan present perfect tense

Simple Past Tense And Present Perfect Tense


Simple Past Tense

1. Ameera lived in Kuala Simpang when she was a child

2. Attar visited his grand mother last weekend

3. Fatima went to Pucok Krueng on last holiday

4. I met Ammar in the library yesterday

5. We saw a big monkey on our mango tree in front of our house.

6. Egra finished her assignment two days ago

7. My father drank a cup of coffee with his friend in the Ketageh Kupie

8. Yudi swam with his brother in the swimming pool yesterday

9. Yuly bought a new dress for her birthday party a few days ago

10. Fatih sent a letter to his friend last month.

Present Perfect Tense

1. Ameera has lived in Kuala Simpang since she was a child

2. Attar has visited his grand mother for several times this weekend

3. Fatima has gone to Pucok Krueng this year

4. I have met Ammar in the library

5. We have ever seen a big monkey on our mango tree in front of our house.

6. Egra has finished her assignment

7. My father has drunk a cup of coffee with his friend in the Ketageh Kupie

8. Yudi has swum with his brother in the swimming pool

9. Yuly has bought a new dress for her birthday party since a few days ago

10. Fatih has sent a letter to his friend.


Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian di waktu tertentu di masa lampau.

Time expression: yesterday, last two days, last year, this morning, a week ago, ...etc.


Verbal sentences:

(+)  Subject + Verb2

(-)   Subject + did + not + Verb1  

(?)  Did + Subject + Verb1?

Nominal sentence:

(+)  Subject + to be (was/were) + O/C

(-)   Subject + to be (was/ were) + O/C  

(?)  To be (was/ were) +Subject + O/C?


1. Ammar and Ameera were arguing about something when I walked into the room. (Ammar dan Ameera sedang berdebat tentang sesuatu ketika aku masuk ke kamar)

2. Iqbal wasn't at home when I came, he was in his office. (Iqbal tidak di rumah ketika saya datang, dia di kantornya)

3. I was surprised when I saw him wore a woman dress. (Saya terkejut ketika saya melihatnya mengenakan pakaian wanita)

Present Perfect Tense

Present perfect tense merupakan suatu tense yang menggambarkan suatu kejadian yang terjadi sebelum satu spesifik waktu di masa lalu tetapi masih berlanjut sampai sekarang. Tense ini terdiri dari gabungan aspek perfect (sebelum satu spesifik waktu di masa lampau) dan bingkai waktu present (masa sekarang).

Selain itu, tense ini juga bisa menggambarkan suatu kejadian yang dimulai dan berakhir di masa lampau tetapi efeknya masih dirasakan sampai saat sekarang. Lebih singkatnya, tense ini digunakan sebagai penghubung antara masa lalu dan masa sekarang.

Rumus Present Perfect Tense

Present perfect tense dibentuk dengan  auxiliary verb have atau has  dan past participle (verb 3). Have berpasangan dengan subjek  I, You, We, dan They sedangkan Has digunakan untuk subjek He, She, dan It.


I/You/We/They + have + verb 3

He/She/It + has + verb 3


I/You/We/They + have + not + verb 3

He/She/It + has + not + verb 3


Have + I/You/We/They + verb 3?

Has + He/She/It + verb 3?


The lecturer has asked some important questions to me today. ( Dosen telah mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan penting kepada saya hari ini)

My mother has told me to not go anywhere  (Ibu saya telah mengatakan kepada saya untuk tidak pergi ke mana pun)


Materi tentang simple past :

Materi tentang present perfect:    



Kelas : 10  

Mata Pelajaran: bahasa Inggris  

Bab : 7

Kode: 10.5.7  

Simple past tense

Menggunakan did

( + ) She wanted to go to the cinema yesterday. (Ia ingin pergi ke bioskop kemarin.)

( – ) She did not want to study Math yesterday. (Ia tidak ingin belajar Matematika kemarin.)

( ? ) Did she want to study Math yesterday? (Apakah dia ingin belajar Matematika kemarin.)

Menggunakan was/were

( + ) She was angry because you were late. (Ia marah karena kamu terlambat.)

( – ) She was not happy because you were late. (Ia tidak bahagian karena kamu terlambat.)

( ? ) Was she angry because you were late? (Apa ia marah karena kamu terlambat?)

Present perfect tense

( + ) You have forgotten your lunch box

( - ) You haven't forgotten your lunch box

( ? ) Have you forgotten your lunch box?

19. contoh dialog campuran simple past tense dan present perfect tense untuk dua orang masing masing 5 dialog


Ann: Hey Ken! Have you heard the news about Mr. Tan recently?
Kenny: Hey Anne! I haven't heard about it. What's going on?
Ann: Her mother has passed away this week
Kenny: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope that he and his family can go through this
Ann: I hope so. Anyway, I have got a movie ticket from my dad. Do you want to go with me tonight?
Kenny: Sounds good. What movie is that, Ann?
Ann: Um, Dear Nathan
Kenny: Wow! I have been died because of waiting that novel to be filmed. But now I'm alive!
Ann: So, you are agree to watch it with me?
Kenny: Sure! See you tonight, Ann!


Billy: You look so tired, Em
Emma: I am, Bill. My sister asked me to go to the bookstore last night. I told her that I have an exam today, but she didn't believe it
Billy: Did you study until midnight?
Emma: I think I studied until I see the sun this morning
Billy: Ah, you need some rest, girl
Emma: You should know that my sister asked me to go to the bookstore only because she was confuse which pencil case that she should buy
Billy: Emms, believe it or not but you did one of the best thing for her
Emma: How could? That was a simple thing
Billy: I know it sounds silly but maybe your sister asked you to go out with her because she wanted to spend some time with you
Emma: You just changed my mind, Bill

20. contoh dialog 2 orang menggunakan simple past tense sama present perfect tense tentang aktifitas

Ini contoh sederhana sebagai panduan belajarmu saja, kamu bisa mengembangkan lebih lanjut.

Past tense (untuk aktivitas yang sudah lewat, durasi tidak dijelaskan)

A: What did you eat yesterday? (Apa yang kamu makan kemarin?)

B: I ate an apple yesterday. (Aku kemarin makan sebuah apel.)

> keterangan waktu "yesterday" boleh dihilangkan, fokusnya pada kejadian yang sudah lewat saja.

Present perfect tense (aktivitas telah selesai dengan sempurna, dan ada keterangan durasi waktu sejak/berapa lama) > cara paling mudah ngapalinnya.

A: How long have you slept today? (Hari ini sudah berapa lama kamu tidur?)

B: I have slept for 5 hours. (Aku sudah tidur selama 5 jam).

Cheers and good luck.

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