The Grass Is Always Greener On The Other Side Artinya

The Grass Is Always Greener On The Other Side Artinya

The grass is always greener on other side of the ......the suitable word to complete the proverb

Daftar Isi

1. The grass is always greener on other side of the ......the suitable word to complete the proverb

The grass is always greener on other side of the FENCE-----Jawaban-----

jadikan jawaban terbaik yahh ^_^

2. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.Explain and give examples of explanations

(kalimat bahasa indonesianya yang mirip :rumput tetangga itu selalu lebih hijau)

the sentence is something that you say that means that other people always seem to be in a better situation than you, although they may not be.

kalimat ini adalah kalimat yang dikatakan yang artinya adalah orang lain kelihatannya selalu memiliki situasi atau keadaan yang lebih baik darimu walaupun kadang tidak begitu.


" I sometimes think I'd be happier teaching in German than in Indonesia. Oh well, the grass is always greener on the other side!"

"Saya kadang berpikir saya akan lebih senang mengajar di jerman daripada di indonesia. ya sudah deh, memangrumput selalu lebih hijau di sisi lain! "

jadi kesimpulannya kebanyakan manusia itu selalu merasa tidak cukup dalam apa yang mereka dapat. jadi kalimat ini digunakan untuk mengilustrasikan sifat manusia tersebut.


Crisp out!

3. Tolong di jawab the graass is always greener on the other side of the.... The sutable word to complete the proverb is.....

Jawaban: Fence

semoga membantu

4. Arti nya : Crossroad T-Junction On The Right Side On the left side

crossroad = jalan terus
T-junction = pertigaan
on the right side = sebelah kanan jalan
on the left side = sebelah kiri jalanjalan terus pertigaan swbelaj kanan jalan sebelah kiro jalan

5. it is raining on the east side of the island.............. not on the west side​


It is not on the west side



semoga membantu ya !!❤️

6. peribahasa indonesia yang sesuai dengan proverb berikut ini:The grass is always greener on the other side of the hillDo unto others as you would have them do unto youAbsence makes the heart grow fonderYou can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drinkDon't count your chickens before they hatch

air susu dibalas pula dengan air susu

7. Go ahead and turn rightThe bank is on the left side artinya apa​


jalan terus dan belok kanan bank ada di sebelah kiri.

maaf kalo salah


lurus saja lalu belok kanan. bank ada di sebelah kiri

8. arti dari it is allowed to sit on the grass​


artinyaadalahdiizinkan duduk di atas rumput

9. Arti dan fungsi dari : 1. Accidents will happen in the best regulated families. 2. There's a black sheep in every family. 3. All roads lead to Rome. 4. The grass is always greener on the other side. 5. No man is an island. Terima kasih...

arti 1.Kecelakaan akan terjadi di keluarga yang diatur terbaik 2.Ada seekor kambing hitam di setiap keluarga 3.Banyak jalan menuju Roma 4.Rumput sebelah selalu lebih hijau 5.Tidak ada manusia adalah sebuah pulau

10. arti keep on the grass

jauh jauh dari rumput. mungkin itu maksudnya rumputnya di jaga. cmiiw. jagalah rumput.. mksdny jgn d rusak dll

11. 1.North easts is on the left sideof...2.Northwest is on the left side of...3.South west is on the right side of...4.South east is on the right side of....5.west is between.....and.....6.North is on the left side of...7.West is on the right side of....kak mohon di jawab ya:)

1. east.

2. north.

3. south.

4. east.

5. northwest and southwest.

6. northeast.

7. southwest.

Untuk menjawab soal tentang arah mata angin tersebut, kita harus memahami direction dan location pada kompas. Sebagai contoh pada soal nomor 1: North east is on the left side of? (Timur laut ada di sebelah kirinya apa?). Semua jawaban sudah tersedia pada point of compass yang dirimu gambar, hanya perlu pemahaman dalam membaca soalnya.


1. North east is on the left side of east. (Timur laut ada di sebelah kirinya timur)

2. North west is on the left side of north. (Barat laut berada di sebelah kirinya utara)

3. South west is on the right side of west. (Barat daya berada di sebelah kanannya barat)

4. South east is on the right side of south. (Tenggara berada di sebelah kanannya selatan)

5. West is between northwest and southwest. (Barat ada di antara barat laut dan barat daya)

6. North is on the left side of northeast. (Utara ada di sebelah kirinya timur laut)

7. West is on the right side of southwest. (Barat ada di sebelah kanannya barat daya)

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang point of compass:

_____________________________Detil jawaban:

Kelas: SD kelas VI

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Materi: Bab 10 - Earth and Planets

Kata kunci: Point of compass, Direction and location

Kode: 6.5.10

12. Delon studies at SD Merdeka His school has large field. It is located in the back sideThe field is usually for football. On the left side, there is a place for long jump Thegrasses grow well on the field. The school gardener always mows the grass regularly. Sotheschool Students have ceremony and do exercise there.field always looks green1.Where does Delon study?Answer:.......2. is the field located in the back side of school?Answer : ....3.What is the field for?Answer:......4. What is on the left side?Answer:..........5.Does the gardener take care of the field?Answer:..,.....​


1. Delon study at Sd Merdeka

2. Yes, the field is on the back side of school

3. The field is usually for football

4. There is a place for long jump

5. Yes, the gardener is always taking care the field

13. apa arti Tourist: … is the museum? Guide : It is on the left side. *​


where is the museum?


turis:..... musium?

penunjuk arah: musium ada di sebelah kiri


Tourist: … is the museum? Guide : It is on the left side. (where)

arti :

tourist : dimana museumnya?

guide : museumnya di sebelah kiri


14. my bedroom is on the left side of the living room artinya​


Bahasa Inggris :

my bedroom is on the left side of the living room

Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia :

kamar saya ada di sebelah kiri ruang tamu

15. arti dari match the expression of greetings on the left side with the responses on the right side​


cocokkan ungkapan salam di sisi kiri dengan tanggapan di sisi kanan


maaf jika salah


cocokkan ungkapan salam di sisi kiri dengan tanggapan di sisi kanan

maaf kalau salah

16. 8. on-is - school - the - West - my - side-office-the-post - of The correct sentence is ... a. My post office is on the west side of the school. b. On the west side of my school the post office is. c. My school is on the west side of the post office. d. The post office is on my school of the west side.​


the answer is..

c. My school is on the west side of the post office.

hope ths help thx

17. 1. the scool is on the.......side of jln. durian 2. the bank is on the.......side of jln.anggur.3. the dispensary is on the.......side and the cafe is on the ......side of jln.pepaya.4. the bookstore in on the.......side of jln.jeruk.5. the supermarket is on the...... side of jln . mangga.tolong jawab ya​




3(left) (right)



18. OroverbActivity 3: Meaning and Function of ProverbsNilaiIdentify the meaning and function of the following proverbs!PeriгiosMeaningFungsiNo. ProverbsFunctionAction speaks louder than words. The grass is always greener on the other side. Grasp all lose all34If it isn't broken, don't fix it. Look before you leap. East and west home is best. Belajar Praktis Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris SMA/MA Kelas X Semester 2​.

Meaning and function of some proverbs

Action speaks louder than words. Meaning: Doing is better than just talking. Function: to educate people to act more than just talking. The grass is always greener on the other side. Meaning: someone else properties are always attractive than ours. Function: to educate people to love their own properties instead of others. Grasp all lose all. Meaning: if you try to take all things altogether, nothing can be taken. Function: do it one at a time.If it isn't broken, don't fix it. Meaning: don't change something that works fine. Functon: to educate people to preserve the good things. Look before you leap. Meaning: always make a plan before doing anything. Function: to educate people the importance of planning. East and west home is best. Meaning: there's no place like home. Function: to inform people to love your home. Pembahasan

Makna proverbs di atas adalah:

Berbuat lebih baik daripada sekedar bicara. Milik orang lain selalu lebih menarik. Jangan mengambil atau melakukan sesuatu sekaligus. Jangan merusak hal yang sudah berjalan dengan mapan. Rencanakan sebelum melakukan sesuatu. Rumah sendiri adalah yang terbaik. Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang proverbs:


19. 1. A : Where is the hotel? B : ________. The hotel is on the left side.2. A : Where is the hospital? B : ________. The hospital is on the left side.3. A : Where is the bank? B : ________. The bank is on the left side.4. A : Where is the zoo? B : ________. The zoo is on the right side.5. A : Where is the bookstore? B : ________. The bookstore on the right side.6. A : Where is the restaurant? B : ________. The restaurant on the left side. B :​


1. A : Where is the hotel?

B : _From the Zoo, turn right to the hospital_. The hotel is on the left side.

2. A : Where is the hospital?

B : _Go straight ahead_. The hospital is on the left side.

3. A : Where is the bank?

B : _After the restaurant, go straight ahead_. The bank is on the left side.

4. A : Where is the zoo?

B : __Go straight ahead and turn left_. The zoo is on the right side.

5. A : Where is the bookstore?

B : _Go straight ahead and turn right_. The bookstore on the right side.


6. A : Where is the restaurant?

B : __After the book store, go straight and turn right_. The restaurant on the left side.


20. Arrange the following words into a correct proverb!1. Romans-in-as-rome-do-when-the2. The-favors-bold-fortune3. Close-friends-your-enemies-closer-keep-your-and4. Eggs-can't-omelet-breaking-a few-an-you-make-without5. Always-of-greener-is-on the other side-hill-grass-the-the​


1. When in Rome, do as the Romans do

2. fortune favors the bold

3. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer

4. you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs

5. the grass is always greener on the other side of the hill

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