Dialog Perkenalan Bahasa Inggris Siswa Singkat

Dialog Perkenalan Bahasa Inggris Siswa Singkat

dialog bahasa inggris 3 orang yang singkat tentang perkenalan di sekolah

1. dialog bahasa inggris 3 orang yang singkat tentang perkenalan di sekolah

Tia : Good afternoon Roy.

Roy : Oh, hi Tia. Are you going to eat gudeg too?

Tia : Yes I am. My cousin just come from Jakarta, and She want to try gudeg from jogja. Let me introduce her to you. Her name is Ina. And Ina He is my friend Roy.

Ina : Nice to meet you Roy.

Roy : Nice to meet you too Ina. So you live in Jakarta?

Ina : Yes. I will be at Jogjakarta for this holiday. Tia and me are planning to go all around Jogja. Right Tia?

Tia : Yes. Tomorrow we will start by visiting Jogjakarta Palace. We have a week to visit interesting places in jogja.

Roy : Wow. So it will be a busy week for you two.

Tia : Yes, it will be.

Ina : But it will be fun.

Roy : Yes, sure it is fun to have a holiday at Jogja. OK. Nice to meet you Ina. Enjoy your time at Jogja.

Ina : Thank you. See you next time.

Roy : By Tia.

Tia : By.

2. contoh dialog singkat bahasa inggris memperkenalkan diri anda dan teman anda ke guru ​


Teacher: George please com and introduce your self please

George: ok ms. Gissele

George:hi all i am george, i was born in japan, and i am originally from japan, i am 15 years old and in 9th grade junior high school. i live at los angeles. thank you

3. Tuliskan contoh dialog bahasa inggris singkat tentang siswa yang berprestasi menggunakan bahasa inggris


A:Wow, you are so good at being able to win math

B: Yes thanks because I tried

4. dialog singkat dalam bahasa Inggris​


sisi : hi,how are you ?

lani : IM fine thanks

5. buatlah sebuah dialog singkat dalam bahasa inggris dengan menggunakan: ucapan salam, memperkenalkan diri sendiri, memperkenalkan orang lain, menanyakan kabar, salam pisah.

my name –––
this is my friend she/he named..........
how are?
thank you A:hello,how are you?
B:hello,i'm fine.
A:my name is A
B:my name is B
A:let me intruduce my new friend,her name is C
B:nice to meet you
C:nice to meet  you too
A:sorry i have to go to now,bye

6. buat dialog bahasa inggris tentang perkenalan

Kina: Hi,good morning
leo:Hi,good morning
kina:what is your name?
leo:My name is agustian abileo,and you?
kina:My name is shakina aura ayudistia
leo:How are you?
kina: I,m fine thank you
leo:see you tomorrowAzka : hello
Fino : hai
Azka : talk me about yourself
Fino : oke
Azka : What is your name ?
Fino : my name is fino. You ?
Azka : my name is azka. Where are you from ?
Fino : i'm from bali
Azka : nice to meet you , fino
Fino : nice to meet you to .

7. buat dialog memperkenalkan teman dalam bahasa inggris

Hi! I'll introduce my friend.
My friens named ... She/He was born on ...... She/he live at ...
(nama teman)'s hobby is ...
She/he have a ... in house (jika dia punya peliharaan dirumah) Named ....
(nama teman)'a favorite artist is ....

boleh ditambah yang lain kok..
semoga membantu :)
Hi ! I want to introduce my friend, her name is Angel, she was born in Jember on May, 23th 1997. She lives at Tegal Besar street No. 89. She likes listening music, reading and joging. She always goes to library every Sunday

8. contoh dialog memperkenalkan diri dalam bahasa inggris

contoh :
hello,my name is ardel (ganti namamu sendiri)
i'm thirteen years old (ganti umur sendiri)
i born at jakarta,May thirty first two thousan and one (ganti kota,tanggal,bulan,tahun lahirmu)
i'm a Muslim (ganti agamamu sendiri)
i lived at (tempat tinggalmu)
My hobby is (hobimu sendiri)A : "Hey. Seems you're new student here. I am Rick. You are?"
B: " You can call me Daisy. Glad to meet you, Rick."
A:"Glad to meet you too. Are you from this town?"
B:" Nope. I come from the downtown country. It's a far away island."
A:"Wow. Really? What about your previous school?"
B:"It was around here. I just moved here because people say this school is just the best."
A:"Well, I guess so. Anyway, i was born on 1997. I am 97 liner. 17 years old this year."
B:" Yep, we're at the same age. We can be friends."
A:"Of course. Let's be friends."

9. Buatlah dialog singkat tentang apa yang dilakukan siswa setiap pagi setiap pagi di kelas dalam bahasa Inggris​




English to Indonesian

Indonesian to English

English to English










Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris di Sekolah

Setelah sebelumnya membahas tentang percakapan atau kalimat bahasa Inggris sehari-hari di rumah, kini yang tak kalah menarik dibahas adalah contoh kalimat saat di kelas atau lingkungan sekolah.

Interaksi bisa terjadi antara siapa saja, mulai dari sesama murid, guru ke murid, anak baru ke teman mereka, dan masih banyak lagi.

Sekolah adalah lingkungan yang dinamis dengan begitu banyak orang dengan karakter mereka masing-masing. Di sekolah pulalah kamu dituntut untuk bisa berkomunikasi dengan baik dan mengembangkan kemampuan soft skill.

Tentu harus tahu pula bagaimana berkomunikasi yang sopan saat berbicara dengan yang lebih muda, sepantaran, hingga lebih tua. Semuanya berbeda dan harus sesuai dengan konteks.

Kita mulai yuk melihat beberapa contoh kalimat bahasa Inggris yang biasa terjadi di lingkungan sekolah. Beberapa kalimat kami rangkum dalam bentuk percakapan yang berbeda-beda, lengkap dengan artinya berikut ini.

Percakapan Hari Pertama Sekolah

Belum lama ini tahun ajaran baru telah dimulai setelah libur panjang selama beberapa bulan.

Bagi anak-anak yang baru pertama kali sekolah, tentu ada percakapan yang menarik saat mereka menjajal rasanya sekolah sebagai pengalaman baru.

Di bawah ini adalah contoh percakapan antara seorang guru dengan murid TK yang bernama Gaby.

A: “Come along Gaby, we don’t want to be late. Look, here is your teacher.”

B: “Hello Gaby, lovely to see you. Come this way and I will show you where you should put your bag.”

A: “Gaby is a bit nervous as it’s her first day at school.”

B: “Yes, I understand. A lot of children find the classroom situation a bit overwhelming at first.”

(Gaby crying)

A: “Oh, there’s no need to cry, Gaby!”

B: “Follow me and I will introduce you to the teacher of the reception class.”

A: “Look Gaby, there is your friend Timothy.”

B: “I think it’s a good idea for you to slip away now and leave her with her friends.”

A: “What time can I come and pick her up?”

B: “For five year old student, they only attend the morning class. You can come back at 12 noon.”

A: “I think she will settle down now that she has seen Timothy, her childhood friend. They have met at the play group which is run for children under five.”

B: “She will be full of smiles when you see her at lunch time. Don’t worry.”

A: “Thank you, you’re the best.”


Maaf kl salah

A : hello good morning what are you doing?

B : morning i duty class today

A : are just you alone sweep the floor today?

B : yes because my friend got sick

A : oh its terrible let me help you

B : oh thank you so much

A : never mind


A :halo selamat pagi apa yang kamu lakukan

B : pagi saya piket kelas hari ini

A : Apakah Anda sendiri menyapu lantai hari ini?

B : ya karena temen saya sakit

A : oh, sangat buruk biarkan saya membantumu

B : oh terima kasih banyak

A : sudahlah

10. contoh dialog percakapan 3 orang yang melibatkan perkenalan dan perpisahan secara singkat dalam bahasa Inggris​

Vara: hey Gerry!

Gerry: Hey Vara

Vara: I want to introduce my friend, she is Clara

Clara: hey Gerry, my name is clara

Gery: hey Clara, I'm Gerry. you look so good

Clara: thanks

Gerry: umm I want to talk with you girls, but I have to take my sister. so see you next time

Vara: see you Gerry

Clara: see you too


(A Walked in the park and see a B)

A: Hi bro, what is your name?

B: Hi, My name is Basil, hmm and what is your name bro?

A: My name is Adisil

B: Can we sit in here?

A: Ok

(He they both told each other about the day)

(And B see a C, and he call a C)

B: Hey bro come here

C: Hmm? Me

B: Yes

C: Oh, (Me again Cry)

A and B: Hi bro, what is your name?

C: My name is Cines, and what is your name?

A: My name is Adisil

B: And my name is Basil

C: Oh ok

A and B: Come on sit

C: Oh ok

(He they both told each other about the day)

(A wants to leave that place)

A: Can i leave this place?

B And C: Can

A: Ok, Bye Guys

B And C: Bye

(And C want to back home)

C: Hmm bro i want to back home

B: Ok

C: Bye bro

B: Bye

                                                 THE END

Semoga membantu ya kak

11. buat lah dialog singkat bahasa inggris

Dona : Good morning, Nita? How are you ?
Nita : I'm not fine dona.
Dona : Why ? What Happen with you ?
Nita : I'm hungry dona.
Dona : Hahaha(laugh) Are you hungry ? oke, follow me! I going to restaurant with you. Dont be sad..
Nita : Thank you Donaa, Love you !

12. buatlah percakapan /dialog bahasa inggris tentang perkenalan dan singkat artinya juga???mksh untuk yng sdh jawab

A : hai
B : hello
A : what's your name?
B : my name is....... and you?
A : my name is..... what are you doing?
B : i just............A : Hello,..
B : Hii..
A : My name is Jean. And you?
B : I am Hearth
A : Nice to see you Hearth
B : Nice to see you too..
A : Are you a transfer student?
B : Yeah..
A : Wow.. It's your first time to study in here, isn't it?
B : Right..
A : How about I show you around the school?
B : Great idea. Thanks, Jean.
A : No problem.

(*mungkin begitu. Semoga membantu)

13. dialog memperkenalkan diri dalam bahasa inggris

Hello my friends!! :)
My name is blablabla
I'm from blank
I'm live at street blank ;)Hello friends, let me introduce myself. My name is Atahilah Restu you can call me restu. I live in kharisma 2, Magelang. my mother's name is Tanti and my father's name is Roy. I have one sister, she's name is rina. Thats all from me thank you

14. contoh naskah dialog inggris yg singkat tentang perkenalan?

A:'Hi,i'm Alfian.Whats your name?' B:'My name is Oktiana.You can call me,Nana' A:'Where do you ,Nana?' B:'I live in Gemolong' A:'How old are you?' B:'I am 12 years old' A:'Where are you from?' B:'I am from Peleman' A:'Oh,nice to meet you.' B:'Nice to meet you too'Two girls were in a cafe. They accidentally met each other because there was only two seats left, and they sat next to each other.

Angela : Hello, what's your name?
Eunice : Hi, I'm Eunice.
Angela : My name's Angela. How do you do?
Eunice: How do you do.
Angela : Where are you from?
Eunice : I'm from America. How about you?
Angela : I'm also from America, in the state of North Dakota.
Eunice : Whoa, I'm from South Dakota! We live next to each other!
Angela : Haha! It's nice to have a friend who lives interstate, especially the one who live near the state that I do!
Eunice : How if we go to each other's house? Summer is waiting!
Angela : Yeah, that's a good idea! In what street do you live at?
Eunice : I live at 217th St. And you?
Angela : I'm in 18th St NW.
Eunice : May I have your phone number? So that we can still keep in touch of each other. Here's my number.
Angela : Such a cool number! And here's mine.
Eunice : Thank you.

*Eunice's phone rang*

Eunice : I'm sorry, Angela. I've got to go now.
Angela : No problem, Eunice! It's been my pleasure to meet you.
Eunice : It's also been my pleasure to have a friend like you. You're such a friendly girl!
Angela : Thank you, Eunice! That means so much to me.
Eunice : No problem! Goodbye, Angela. See you this summer!
Angela : Yeah, see you!

15. dialog singkat bahasa inggris

anne : "hey bud!"
budi : "hey anne!"

16. dialog perkenalan dalam bahasa inggris yang lengkap

at school library

dila: "hi! what is your name?"
ana: "my name is ana, and you?"
dila: "oh, nice to meet you ana! my name is dila"
ana: "nice to meet you too, dila. how old are you?"
dila: "i'm 15 years old."
ana: "hmm, where do you live?"
dila: "i live at Soreang, and you?"
ana: "wow, it so distace from jakarta."
dila: "yes, thats true. Mmm sorry ana, i'm get going to canteen."
ana: "sure, see you dila!"
dila: "see you!"a: Hai
B: hai
A: what your name?
b: (name) , and what your name too?
A : (name)
b: nice to meet you
B: where do you live?
a (bla bla) and you?
b: (bla bla) sorry gotta go. bye
a: bye

17. bahasa inggris dialog tentang perkenalan

Tito : hi, buddy, what is your name ?
Mary : my name is Mary Mare, you can call me Mary. What is your name, buddy ?
Tito : my name is Tito, i am thirteen years old. How about you ?
Mary : i am twelve years old
Tito : oh, and what are you ?
Mary : i am a student in SMP 1 (namanya smp nya karang sendiri)
Tito : and i am a student in SMP 1 (karang namanya lagi)
Mary : where do you live, Tito ?
Tito : i live in Jakarta, what about you, Mary ?
Mary : well, i just moved from Tokyo to Java
Tito : by the way, nice to meet you, Mary
Mary : nice to meet you too, Tito. Excuse me i have to go, see you later
Tito : see you too
Wilcy : "Hello Crella"

Crella : "Hello, Wilcy"

Wilcy : "Huh, i'am sorry. i'am late"

Crella : "That's ok. No problem"

Wilcy : "Thanks you"

Crella : "Wilcy, now you have a new friend. This is Sasha"

Sasha : "Hi, i'am Sasha. I come from Jakarta" ( bikin sendiri kota asalnya )

Wilcy : I'am Wilcy, nice to meet you, Sasha"

Sasha : "Nice to meet you too, Crella"



18. Dialog Bahasa inggris singkat

Lira:good morning Miss
Miss Susi:good morning,are you new student?what is your name?
Lira:yes,i'am a new students my name is lira
Miss Susi:nice to meet you lira
Lira:nice to meet you to miss
Miss Susi:i have to go to office see you on the class
Lira:ok,see u Miss
Semoga bermanfaat,- maaf kalo kurang tepat

19. dialog bahasa inggris tentang perkenalan

kiki : hi
umi : hello 
kiki : how are you ? 
umi : fine , how about you ?
kiki : glad to hear it , im fine too
umi : whats your name ? 
kiki : my name is kiki , and you ?
umi : my name is umi 
kiki : nice to meet you !!
umi : thank you
kiki : where do you live ?
umi : im live in lampung , what about you ?
kiki : i live in jakarta 
umi : can we be a friends ?
kiki : yes of course 
umi : thanks ^_^ !!Abel : Good morning, Ms.Rika
Ms.Rika : Good morning Abel, can i help you?
Abel : My teacher need some paper. Do you have any?
Ms.Rika : Sure. Here you are^^
Abel : Thank you..
Ms.Rika : You're welcome..

20. dialog bahasa inggris perkenalan​


I hope it helps, sorry if I'm wrong

make it the best answer :)


Hi, Berikut contoh perkenalan dalam bhs Inggris


Untuk memperkenalkan dirimu kehadapan orang banyak, Bagus jika kamu menggunakan kata kata ini

Hi everyone, Let me introduce my self, My name is .... and i am from ....., I like a (Terserah isi Hobby atau makanan favorit), Nice to meet you all

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