My Father Would Buy Me A New Motorcycle

My Father Would Buy Me A New Motorcycle

4. My father would buy me a newmotorcycle ..............​

Daftar Isi

1. 4. My father would buy me a newmotorcycle ..............​


for me


kalo salah maaf ya



My father would buy me a new

motorcycle ..............​

=>Ayah saya akan membelikan saya sepeda motor yang baru..............


Because I get the best grade in the class

=> karena saya mendapatkan nilai terbaik di kelas

maaf jika salah

2. My father would buy me a new motorcycle. The synonym present is....

The synonym of present is gift.


My father would buy me a new motorcycle. The synonym present is a new motorcycle.


Dalam kalimat di atas, persamaan kata present / gift atau yang berarti hadiah adalah a new motorcycle yang mungkin saja akan diberikan oleh ayahnya sebagai sebuah hadiah.

Semoga membantu ya.

3. 8. My father would buy me anew motorcycle .............(Conditional Sentence Type 2) *​


8. My father would buy me a

new motorcycle ............. (Conditional Sentence Type 2) *


The type 2 conditional refers to an unlikely or hypothetical condition and its probable result. These sentences are not based on the actual situation. In type 2 conditional sentences, the time is now or any time and the situation is hypothetical.

Kondisional tipe 2 mengacu pada kondisi yang tidak mungkin atau hipotetis dan kemungkinan hasilnya. Kalimat-kalimat ini tidak didasarkan pada situasi aktual. Dalam kalimat kondisional tipe 2, waktunya sekarang atau kapan saja dan situasinya hipotetis.

FormulaIf clause (condition) = Main clause (result)If + simple past  = present conditional or present continuous conditionalIf this thing happened = that thing would happen

Examples If it rained, you would get wet.You would get wet if it rained.If you went to bed earlier you wouldn't be so tired.


My father would buy me a new motorcycle if I go up to class

that means :

Ayah saya akan membelikan saya sepeda motor baru jika saya naik kelas

I hope this helpful :)

4. a new motorcycle a week agoa.buysb.buyc.buyingd.bought​


D. Bought

Hope this helps


Father bought​ me a new motorcycle a week ago

d. bought​


Semoga membantu

5. my father gives me a new motorcycle as my birthday presen.The synonym present is....

The anwser is "Gift"
Menurut saya, Gift. Karena, presentjuga memiliki arti sebagai hadiah dan bahasa inggris hadiah yang umum digunakan adalah gift.

maaf kalo salah

6. My father would permit me to ride the motorcycle....

jika hanya mencari artinya maka artinya :
Ayahku mengizinkanku untuk mengendarai sepeda motorAnswer:
My father would permit me to ride the motorcycle if I had grown up
(Ayahku akan mengijinkanku mengendarai motor jika Aku sudah dewasa)

Kalimat di atas adalah conditional sentence type 2.
fact : I have not grown up, so my father will not permit me to ride the motorcycle.


7. a new car last year(buy)​


father bought me a new car last year


kata kerja bentuk ke-2 dari buy=bought

8. My father would buy me a new motorcycle if If I passed the state university entrance test.type 1 dan 3​


Type 1: My father will buy me a new motorcycle if I pass the state university entrance.

Type 3: My father would have bought me a new motorcycle if I had passed the state university entrance.


Rumus conditional sentences:

Type 1: Subject + will + verb 1, if subject + verb 1.

Type 2: Subject + would + verb 1, if subject + verb 2.

Type 3: Subject + would have + verb 3, if subject + had + verb 3.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai conditional sentences pada



Type 1: My father will buy me a new motorcycle if I pass the state university entrance.

Type 3: My father would have bought me a new motorcycle if I had passed the state university entrance.


Conditional sentence type 1: kalimat pengandaian dimana kondisi dan hasilnya memiliki kemungkinan terjadi di masa depan.


If Simple present + Simple future

Conditional sentence type 2 --> merujuk ke kondisi yang tidak mungkin terjadi (hampir/sangat sulit terjadi) atau pengandaian dan kemungkinan hasilnya. Waktu terjadinya adalah sekarang atau kapan pun dan situasinya tidak nyata atau pengandaian.


If Simple past + Past future tense

Conditional sentence type 3: merujuk ke kondisi yang tidak mungkin terjadi di masa lampau dan hasilnya di masa lampau. Kalimat pengandaian ini sama sekali tidak memiliki kemungkinan terjadi karena sudah terlalu terlambat untuk diwujudkan/hasilnya terjadi.


If Past perfect + Past future perfect

Semoga membantu^^

9. buat kalimat (+) my father buy a car new​


my father buy a new car


ini tense nya apa? kalo simple present tense, jawabannya itu ya

My Father Buy A new car

sorry kalau salah

10. 9.My father would buy me a new motorcycle, if I passed the state university entrance test. Question What is the fact of the sentence?


faktanya: ayahnya akan membelikan motor baru,jika beliau lulus ujian masuk universitas negri.


maaf ya klo salah

11. "if i passed the state university entrance test, my father would buy me a new motorcycle." it means that … *


my father would buy me a new motorcycle if i passed the state university entrance test


semoga membantu dan jadikan jawaban terbaik ya


artinya jika aku lulus tes masuk universitas, papa/ayahku akan membelikan motor baru.

12. (+)my father is going to buy a new bicycle(-).....?(?).....?

(-)My father is not going to buy a new bicycle

(?)is my father going to buy a new bicycle?

sorry kalo salah

13. If my father ,…me a new car,I would ,…happy *​


give me a new car I would very happy


Bought / So

Maaf banget kalo salah

14. My nephew will buy a new motorcycle if


a mey as you nom mau tif beativul

15. father said to my brother that ... a new motorcycle next sunday.

Father said to my brother that he would buy him a new motorcycle next Sunday (E)

16. Ubahlah kalimat My father promised to buy me a new motorcycle menjadi kalimat pasif


my father isn't promised to buy me a motorcycle

17. my father bought a new motorcycle last monthIni tuh diapain yah°-°​


ayah memiliki motor baru

18. Last month, my father promised to buy a motorcycle for me. This sentence use the tenses of… *​


simple past tense


ada ket.waktu last month dan jg verb nya ditambah -ed

19. past time : my father (buy) a new ball for me now​


Jawabannya Adalah: Bought


Kalau Ada Kesalahan Silahkan Dikomentari, Terima Kasih.

20. buat kalimat positif dari my father buy a car new​


bahasa English nya adalah silet mu buooosok amin amin


(+) My Father is buy a new car.

(-) My Father is not buy a new car.

(?) Is your Father buy a new car?


Semoga kamu terbantu dengan jawaban ini ;)

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