Soal Because Dan Because Of

Soal Because Dan Because Of

contoh soal menggunakan because dan because of

Daftar Isi

1. contoh soal menggunakan because dan because of

Because of what did she failed the test?
Because who we can't win?-Why do you never clean your jacket?
ans = Because im lazy to do so.

-Why did the the fox bite the mouse?
ans = Because of the mouse stole the fox's food.

2. latihan soal membedakan because dengan because of​


becausebecause ofbecause ofbecausebecausebecausebecausebecausebecause ofbecausebecausebecausebecausebecause ofbecause




3. contoh soal menggunakan because dan because of

Because of what did she failed the test?
Becuase who's fault is it that we lost?Because You Have No Money, Then You Need to Steal Money From Someone?

Because Of You Dont Do Homework.Thats Not Mean You Dont Need to attach School

4. tolong bantuin soal ini dongmenggunakan kata because and becausr of menggunakan kata - kata

1. we didnt arrive until 7 oclock because of the traffic was terrible
2. the cnocked the door because he was late.
3. we had to hurry indoors because it was raining

5. ayoo jawab soal b inggrissss yang bisaa 15. The word "experienced" in "You are getting an experienced professional" means ….A. having skill or knowledge because of doing something many timesB. showing a lot of knowledge because of learning from booksC. expressing high standard of confidence because of its skilljawab jangan ngasal.​

A. Having skill or knowledge because of doing something many times.


A. Having Skill or Knowledge because of doing something many times


Gambar yang ditunjukan merupakan iklan untuk sebuah jasa perbaikan rumah. Dari kalimat "You are getting an experienced professional", maksudnya adalah jika kita memanggil jasa tersebut, kita akan didatangkan seseorang yang sudah berpengalaman di bidang perbaikan rumah tersebut.

6. soal no 3 nanda looks so cute because of her

nanda looks so cute because of her face

7. maksud soal ini apa? instead of : 1.i'm study english because english is international languange we can say : because of : __________________ tolong penjelasannya yang mudah . trims

daripada mengatakan : i'm study english because english is international language
kita bisa mengatakan : i study english because english is international language
karena : am dalam ( i'm ) tidak diperlukan karena kalimat ini tidak bermaksud subyek sedang melakukan sesuatu, tetapi subyek melakukan sesuatu. Am digunakan hanya jika diikuti oleh verb-ing dalam konteks kalimat aktif ini, yang mana akan berarti saya sedang belajar bahasa inggris ...
( "am" is not necessary because this sentence doesn't mean Subject is doing (I + am + Ving), but Subject does (I + V1). Am could only be used if it's followed by Verb-ing in this sentence, which it would mean Subject is doing : i'm studying english because english is international language)

mungkin maksudnya begitu? masih belum yakin.

8. Bantu menjawab soal ini dong kak, materi because and because of ;)


maaf ya aku gk bisa jawab soalnya susah oh iya kmu ikuti akun aku ya

9. Bacaan yang Harvesting or Vegetables. Soal : 1. Why are skilled pickers needed for harvesting peas? a. Because they have good scores on biology b. Because they are very good c. Because the peas have soft and fragile items d. Because the pods of the peas may ripen at different time - Kalau bacaannya gk jelas bisa tanya aja - - Tolong bantu saya yah,soalnya bsok mau dikumpulin -

jawabannya D, Because the pods of the peas may ripen at different timeJawabannya adalah D

10. reno's illness is....his feverA. becauseB. because ofC. due toD. consequentlyTolong bantu jawab soal diatas

reno's illness is due to his fever

jawabannya c

semoga membantu




11. happy mother day!your,beloved son Riosoal1.what kind of text is it? a.announcement b.greeting card c.short message d.latter2.why did no send the card? a. because his mother had birthday b. because it's mother's day c. because Rio missed his mother d. because his mother was sick


B. greeting cardB because it's mother's day


1. B. greeting card

2. D. because his mother was sick


Maaf kalau salah ya :)

12. soal bahasa inggris tentang because of dan because

i didn't come to school today because I was sick.

Today I was late because of my brother.

13. Berikutnya mohon jawaban soal bahasa inggris Gan.. Isi soal : dirga is (strong) .... raju because he can carry 50 kilogram of rice, raju can only carry thirty kilograms of rice, raju is (weak) .... because he is (skinny) ... dirga


1. Stronger than


3. Skinnier than

Maaf kalau salah :/


Stronger than, weakest, skinnier than

14. a. 1. Why does Anto ieel proud of Febriana? Because she enjoyed the contest b. Because she has won the competition Because she promoted her talent d. Because she joined the competition C.tolong bantu saya jawab soal ini ya​


B.Because she has won the competition.

15. 1. Dayu loves her Mom because 2. Edo is proud of his english teacher because 3. Benny thinks that her aunt. Dina, is a good example because 4.Siti loves his cat, Manis, because Tolong kak minta bantuan nya.. Butuh cepet soalnya..

1 ) ... Because she is very patient and never caomplains
2 ) ... Because he is smart ad very friendly.
3 ) ... Because  she goes to work on foot for 2 km far
4 ) ... Beacuse she make her happy

16. contoh soal reading text tentang because of 1-5 tolongin dongg

1. Because of you I'm Tired
2. Because of you He's Died
3. Because of him I'm Lose
4. Because of you She's Gone
5. Because of You I'm Tired
Semoga Bermanfaat
Jadikan jawaban yang terbaik ya 1.I am hungry because I didn't eat breakfast
2.I am tired because i climbing A mountain
3.I am cry because you
4.I am honest because him
5.I am smart because My parents
Semoga Bermanfaat
Jadikan Jawaban yang terbaik ya
Sorry kalau salah

17. Mapel: B. InggrisKelas: XI SMATentang: Because of YouTolong bantu dijawab ya, Lihat soal di atas gambar ya ^_^​

Tolong jadikan brainliest answer. Maaf kalau salah

18. Tolong bantu buat hari ini.. Dibikin 4 jawaban dan divariasikan seperti contoh dibawah..Soal nya digambar ya ka ^^contoh : 1. Sandy missed the bus and wa late for school :Jawab .. - Because she missed the bus, she was late- because of the bus, sandy was late- sandy was late because of the bus- sandy was late because sandy missed the bus​


Because missed the bus ,sandi was lated

19. Bantu dong kak soal bahasa inggris tentang membedakan because dengan because of​


Jika “because” adalah sebuah conjunction (kata hubung), maka “because of” adalah preposition. ... Because of merupakan kata alternatif dari “as a result of”, atau dalam bahasa Indonesia-nya “dikarenakan/gara-gara”.


Maaf klo salah

20. 1. Dayu loves her Mom because 2. Edo is proud of his english teacher because 3. Benny thinks that her aunt. Dina, is a good example because 4.Siti loves his cat, Manis, because Tolong kak minta bantuan nya.. Butuh cepet soalnya..

1. She takes care of him
2. The english teacher is very good at pronouncing words and fully undertsands them
3. She's a passionate person
4. Manis is cute1. because her mom is the one who care about her
2. because his english teacher can speak english well
3. because his aunt can take care of her daughter and husband
4. because manis is a cute cat

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