Contoh Dialog Expression Of Embarrassment

Contoh Dialog Expression Of Embarrassment

tolong dong 2 contoh dialog expression of embarrassment

1. tolong dong 2 contoh dialog expression of embarrassment

Dialogue 1 
Dina : Hello,how are you?
Danur : Fine,what are you doing in here?
Dina : Nothing,just waiting for my mom.
Danur : Why you look so upset today?
Dina : Huh,because i fell down in front of the class and everyone was laughed at me.
          What a shame!
Danur : But are you okay?feel sorry to hear that
Dina : I'm okay..

Dialogue 2
Fina : ris,what happen to your face?
Farris : uhm,i got a little accident.When i was walk on the street yesterday,suddenly i
           get slipped by the banana peel.everyone was looking at me and it was so                      embarrased.
Fina :Oh my!but how's your leg right now?
Farris  : it's okay..

2. contoh dialog expression of anger embarrassment dan annoyence apa aja nih?

Expressing Embarrassment Dialogue
Dialog 1
Diana : Today is my bad day
Arkan : Why? What’s wrong?
Diana : I feel down from motorcycle in front of Campus
Arkan : Really? Are you Ok?
Diana : I am fine, but I feel so embarrassed because my shoes were flying over me and my skirt was torn.
Arkan : You must be very ashamed.
Diana : You right. I felt so ashamed to know that. I don’t feel convenient because there were some boys hanging out.

Expressing Annoyance Dialogue
Yola : You know George didn’t come last Saturday night
Fina : Really? I saw him with a girl in Lembayung cafe. I thought they were dating there.
Yola : But he said that he accompanied his mother to hospital
Fina : You were lied by him.
Yola : Yes, I know. I am annoyed. I can’t bear it any longer. It’s over

Yola : Kamu tahu bahwa George tidak datang kemarin Sabut malam
Fina : Sunggu? Saya liahat dia dengan seorang gadis di cafe ABC
Yola : Tapi dia bilng mau mengantar ibunya
Fina : Kamu dibohongi oleh dia
Yola : Iya saya tahu. Saya tidak tahan lagi. Cukup sudah

3. contoh teks dialog bahasa inggris expression of love/sadness/embarrassment untuk 3 orang

Expression of Love

A: My older sister gave birth last night. Her firstborn is a boy!
B: Aw, really? I'm so happy for her!
C: A son as a firstborn? She must be very lucky! Please tell her that we are happy to hear the news!
A: Of course!

Expression of Sadness

A: You look sad today. What happened?
B: It's Bunny. Remember? My pet. She died last night.
C: Bunny the cat? I'm sorry to hear that.
A: Yeah. I'm sorry to hear that, too. But what happened to her?
B: She gave birth to three kittens, and she died.
C: Poor Bunny.

Expression of Embarrassment

A: Are you trying to look hot or what?
B: Hot? What are you talking about?
C: She didn't realized it, A. Tell her.
A: Well, look down at your skirt. It's too baggy until it fell to the floor.
B: Oh My Allah! Why don't you tell me earlier?
C: We've tried, but you didn't want to listen.

4. buatlah sebuah dialog b.inggris dengan menggunakan expression of feeling love, sadness, embarrassment, anger dan annoyance

A: Ugh, where is that guy? (Annoyance)
B: *rushes in* OMG. I'm so sorry. You must've been waiting for a long time. I accidentally pooped in my pants and-- Wait. Did I say pooped? I meant, uh. *scratches head* (Embarrassment)
A: Ew! You pooped in your pants? Get out of here! You stink! (Anger)
B: I didn't mean to.. Really.. I'm so sorry.. *teary eyes* (Sadness)
A: *sighs* You're only lucky I'm in love with you (Love)

5. contoh dialog expression of stance

Anna tells Jennifer that she's very upset with her boyfriend. She wants to break their relationship. Observe their conversation. Pay attention to the expression of saying stance.

Anna: I think I have to leave Andrew. Our relationship is running worse day after day.

Jennifer: It's surprising me. What happen?

Anna: I found him with somebody else.

Jennifer: What? Who the hell is the girl?

Anna: Helena.

Jennifer: What? Helena. The girl from next class?

Anna: Yea. She was.

Jennifer: Oh my God. I strongly believed that she's pervert.

Anna: I think so. That's why I told Andrew to choose me or her.

Jennifer: That's good idea

6. Contoh dialog tentang expression of hasitation

A: "I'm so scared of our English test."
B: "Why?"
A: "I don't think I can do it. I'm so bad at it."
B: "But you've studied right?"
A: "Yes, but still. I'm so bad."

semoga membantu! :D

7. contoh dialog expression of stance

Khansa and Nadina are in the annual meeting, they are talking and discussing about our president of Indonesia.

Khansa: What do you think about our new president?

Nadina: I absolutely agree with him because he is so wise when facing many people.

Khansa: I disagree with you, he has ever related with a problem with other people.

Nadina: Everyone has a past. we must realize that everyone can change to be better?

Khansa: But he has had bad attitude.

Nadina: Let look his resolution in this year whether our county would be better or worse

Khansa: Let us see

8. contoh dialog expression of certainty

via: dyana do you want to buy some fruit to ms.jeje?
dyana: of course! we must buy some fruit when will visit someone who's sick.
via: okay,what's your choice?
dyana: i will buy aple,orange,and grape.
via: good idea! let's buy this fruit!

itu jawaban saya ^_^ maaf kalo ada kata kata yang salah :'3

9. contoh dialog expression of planning dan dialog expression of care

dialogue 1
Dina : Hello,how are you?
Danur : Fine,what are you doing in here?
Dina : Nothing,just waiting for my mom.
Danur : Why you look so upset today?
Dina : Huh,because i fell down in front of the class and everyone was laughed at me.
          What a shame!
Danur : But are you okay?feel sorry to hear that
Dina : I'm okay..

Dialogue 2
Fina : ris,what happen to your face?
Farris : uhm,i got a little accident.When i was walk on the street yesterday,suddenly i
           get slipped by the banana peel.everyone was looking at me and it was so                      embarrased.
Fina :Oh my!but how's your leg right now?
Farris  : it's okay..

10. contoh dialog expressing of embarrassment

Sarah  : Today is my bad day Dita    : Why? What's wrong?
Sarah  : I feel down from motorcycle in front of Course
Dita    : Really? Are you Ok? Sarah  : I am fine, but I feel so embarrassed because my shoes were flying over me and my skirt was torn.
Dita    : You must be very ashamed.
Sarah  : You bet. I felt so ashamed to know that. I don't feel convenient because there were some boys hanging out. Dita     : Yes, I know that what you feel. You should be more careful again. Sarah  : Yeah, Thanks a lot Dita     : You're Welcome   

B: Hey, A! How are you?
A: Hey! Um.. I'm fine..
B: Really? You look rather shocked about something. What's up, huh?
A: Ugh, well,you know what?
B: What?
A: Your behind, it's, um, showing.
B: HUH? Wh-what do you mean?
A: I mean exactly what I said. There's a hole on your pants. Seriously.
B: OMG. I.. this is too embarrassing...
A: Well, cover it with some paper then tape it up, maybe?
B: Y-yeah..I'll do that.

11. contoh dialog tentang expression of care

A : Hey ma'am. I think there are some trouble with Marinka.
B : What problem actually.
A : Her mom was sick for 2 weeks but she didn't have any money left,so today until tomorrow,She will absent because she has to work.
B : Omg, Why don't you tell me faster ?
A : Sorry ma'am.
B: It's okay, I will come to her house and give some money to help her. She is a kind person and also smart, I have to help her.

12. dialog expression embarrassment untuk 6 orang

Saya bantu jawab ya.

Ali : Hey buddy, we're going to go to the cafeteria. Care to join us?

David : Oh! Um.. I.. I'm fine reading here. I'm not quite interested.

Maxwell : Are you sure? You could bring the book along if you like.

David : N-n, I mean, uh-huh. It's okay, I'm fine enjoying it here.

Will : Hey pal, is it something we did? We're truly sorry if we did hurt you. We didn't mean anything, we promise.

David : No, no, it's not! You guys are absolutely great, just take it easy with me.

Mark : My dearest friend.. to be truthful, this is very unusual of you. We are always here by your side regardless what happens, remember? You should share your feelings and problems with us, so you can feel better and we can know about you better. That's what we're supposed to do to each other as friends, right?

Nick : Yeah, that's what makes life meaningful. If you have something to tell, just tell us! I can already tell it by looking at your suspicious face.

Will : I agree, we are all your close friends, you can't just hide everything from us.

David : All right, all right, you guys are very caring. It's just... I..

Ali : That's okay, just tell us.

David : I.. I don't want to go to the cafeteria because I felt... embarrassed. About something unpleasant, several days ago. I accidentally fell on the wet slippery floor, with a tray on my hand. It kind of hurts, to be honest. There was not even a sign to warn me, and I was very annoyed. My drink was spilled with countless people watched me on the floor. Several people helped me to get up and clean myself, though. There were also the ones who laughed at me. I'm just afraid that there will be more people laughing at me and making fun of me later on.

Nick : I'm so sorry.. Why weren't we in the cafeteria to help you out when you were in need? That's normal, dude. Don't dwell over it. It's not even your fault! Besides, you did help to mop the spilled drink up, right?

David : I did..

Maxwell : That means you're highly responsible and stronger to make things up! That's not even your fault, that's the staffs' and they should've been sorry for their negligence!

Mark: Yeah! You should also face the people who tried to make fun of you. People who made fun of you forgot who you truly are and how natural it is to fall on the floor. I'll be the one to defend you if there are any!

David : Thank you so much guys, you mean a lot to me.

Ali : I'm just simply happy to see you smile again. Well, problem has been resolved. Let's go to the cafeteria together!

Will : Come on, let's go guys!

13. dialog percakapan bhs.inggris 4 orang, tentang expression sadness,anger,love&embarrassment

A : "I know what I've done is very terrible, but i just don't know why I said those things"
B : "what you did cannot be undone. you broke her heart"
C : "I can't believe you'd say such things to your mother! aren't you supposed to be ashamed of yourself?"
D : "if you really love your mother, ask her for forgiveness before it's too late"
C : "yeah you should say sorry now, A. she's your mother for God's sake"
A : "but I'm embarrassed, what should I say? I don't even know if she still wants to see me"
D : "as a man you should know what to do, you mother is sick. go grab some strength and say sorry to her"
B : "go on A, say sorry now"
A : "I will, but what if she rejects me?"
D : "at least she knows that you're sorry. if you keep on going like this then it'll hurt her more"
A : "okay fine, I'll go now. wish me luck guys"
C : "don't mess up, remember that she's the only one who's always there even when you're at your worst. just show her some sincerity, okay?"
A : "okay, thanks guys, I'll see you tomorrow"

sorry ya namanya pake abcd soalnya ngga tau mau namain apa lagi...

14. contoh dialog expression of dream


Elsa: "I have dreamed of becoming a queen.
Do you know what it means?

Helen: "I don't understand what the meaning of your dreams is.

Elsa: "I see, Helen.
I hope my dream will come true someday.

Helen: "I hope so.


15. contoh dialog expression of attitudes?

Andi : What are doing, Sarkan?
Sarkan : I am catching bugs. Why?
Andi : Can you stop it??? It disturbs me. I am studying mathematic now.
Sarkan : But, it will beet you later if i am not catching it.
Andi : Hey, I say "stop" so do it!!!
Sarkan : Oh,  ok. Be careful.
Andi : Ok!!!

semoga bisa membantu 
jika jawaban saya di atas kurang jelas, silahkan ditanyakan

kalau bisa jadiin solusi terbaik yaaDIALOG OF DISCUSSION
Tiffany                : Our earth  is getting hotter. It’s because a lot of illegal logging, greenhouse effects, air pollution by carbon dioxide, and much more. Haaah…. What should we do? Any idea?
 Afrida                 : Hmm I think we must do prohibition to use the vehicles.
 Tiffany                : Umm I’m not sure. Your idea is too excessive. It’s impossible. What do you think?
Nuzul                  : I think we must stop factory activities that damage the rivers for a while?
 Khairunnisa     : I don’t agree. I think me must do reboisation along way. We must cooperate with many people.
 Afrida                 : Ah! That’s right ! I know what you mean.
 Khairunnisa     : But, we have a problem here.
 Tiffany                : What’s that?
Khairunnisa     : Where we can get the plants?
 Nuzul                  : My grandma sell a lot of plants. So, we can buy it.
 Afrida                 : That’s good idea!  

16. contoh dialog expression of care?

menurut saya : are you okay?

17. contoh dialog expressing embarrassment dan soal + jawaban dong...????

A : B! Look at in your right, She is a famous actress, right?
B : Yeah! She is cool. Very awesome person.
A : She is Bunga Citra Lestari, right?
B : No, she not. She is Cinta Laura.
A : Really? Hmmm, The face just like same.
B : Oh, please, they both of them have a very different face.
A : Really? How fool I am!

18. contoh dialog expression of planning?

A:what we can do today ?
B:today we are going to have fun,that's our plan today

19. contoh dialog expression of necessity

A: "Do you have a new dress?"
B: "For what?"
A: "I really need a new dress for tomorrow's wedding."

20. contoh dialog expression of annoyed

Expressing Annoyance Dialogue

Yola : You know George didn’t come last Saturday night
Fina : Really? I saw him with a girl in Lembayung cafe. I thought they were dating there.
Yola : But he said that he accompanied his mother to hospital
Fina : You were lied by him.
Yola : Yes, I know. I am annoyed. I can’t bear it any longer. It’s over

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